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Standard Performance Evaluation Corporation

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In Memoriam

André van Hoorn

André van Hoorn SPEC Research Group Vice Chair André van Hoorn, a longtime member of our community, passed away on Saturday, June 8, 2024. André has been an invaluable member of our community and contributor to both SPEC RG and ICPE since their inception back in 2010.

Julie Reilly

Julie ReillyThe SPEC community mourns the passing of Julie Reilly, a long-time member of the SPEC community and an invaluable contributor to the SPEC CPU Committee. Starting in 2004, she volunteered as a supporting contributor, handling beta testing and document review for the SPEC CPU 2006 and SPEC CPU 2017 benchmark suites.

Reinhold Weicker

Reinhold Weicker SPEC mourns the passing of Reinhold Weicker on March 23, 2018. The author of the Dhrystone benchmark, Reinhold added his software engineering and performance expertise to SPEC's benchmark projects. His participation brought European companies and universities into SPEC and helped begin our technical symposia, which grew into a separate research group and the ICPE joint conference with ACM.

Alan Adamson

Alan Adamson Alan Adamson passed away October 31, 2012. Alan served as chair of the Java and OSG Steering Committees. He helped establish and did much of the hard work to create the SPEC Research Group and the ICPE series of joint conferences with ACM. In addition, Alan served as the Board's inspector of elections and was a supporting contributor to the Power Committee.

Larry Gray

Larry Gray Larry Gray, longtime SPEC treasurer, passed away on January 30, 2011. Larry was involved from SPEC from its inception, and in addition to serving as treasurer he participated in the development of many of SPEC's benchmarks.

Tom Skornia

Tom Skornia Tom Skornia, legal counsel to SPEC for much of its history, succumbed to cancer Wednesday, April 27th, 2005. Tom was not necessarily a public person, but behind the scenes his bright mind and hard work on behalf of many companies and consortia in the industry was a key factor in our successes.

Kaivalya Dixit

Kaivalya Dixit Kaivalya Dixit, long-time SPEC president, passed away on 22 November, 2004. Kaivalya touched many across the computer performance community and will be missed by all. SPEC has established a page where visitors may read remembrances of Kaivalya or share their own.