SPEC Releases SPECapc for Solidworks 2022 BenchmarkBy Trey Morton, SPEC Application Performance Characterization Committee Chair.I'm excited that SPEC has released the SPECapc for Solidworks 2022 benchmark, which offers application performance measurement for workstations running Dassault Systèmes Solidworks 2022. An industry-leading portfolio of 3D design and engineering applications, Solidworks is used by millions of innovators worldwide, and the latest version delivers hundreds of enhancements that accelerate innovation and streamline and speed up the product development process. The SPECapc for Solidworks 2022 benchmark enables workstation vendors to measure the performance of their systems designed to run Solidworks 2022, while enabling users to make more informed decisions when purchasing and configuring their workstations. The updated benchmark was designed in collaboration with Dassault Systèmes and reflects our joint commitment to ensuring the benchmark keeps pace with the evolving needs of the industry and users. The benchmark includes 10 models and more than 50 tests exercising a full range of graphics and CPU functionality. Workstation model sizes range from 392 MB to 2.3 GB in memory. The key updates in the new SPECapc for Solidworks 2022 benchmark include:
I'm particularly excited that starting with this version of the SPECapc for Solidworks benchmark, SPEC is launching an initiative to provide a unified user experience across all our benchmarks to promote a standard, high-quality look and feel for our products. The SPECapc for Solidworks 2022 benchmark is available as a free download to everyone except vendors of computers and related products and services that are not members of the SPEC Graphics and Workstation Performance Group (SPEC/GWPG). Non-member computer product and service vendors can purchase the benchmark for $2,500. SPEC/GWPG members include AMD, Dell, Fujitsu, HP, Intel, Lenovo and Nvidia. |