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Standard Performance Evaluation Corporation

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Klaus-Dieter Lange
SPEC Director

Klaus-Dieter Lange has served on the SPEC board of directors since 2007. During this time, he has driven the acceptance of the SERT® suite into many government regulations, for example, the U.S. EPA Energy Star for Enterprise Server regulations, the Commission Regulation (EU) 2019/424 (aka Lot9), Japan METI Top Runner for Servers, and the ISO/IEC JTC1 SC39 21836:2020 International Standard. He is the founding chair of SPECpower Committee, which developed and maintains the SPECpower_ssj® 2008 benchmark, the SPEC PTDaemon® interface, the Chauffeur® Worklet Development Kit, and the SERT® suite. Klaus is a founding member of the International Conference on Performance Engineering (ICPE), SPEC Research Group (RG), SPEC International Standards Group (ISG) and has served on their steering committees since their inception in 2009, 2011, and 2020.

Prior SPEC Roles

Klaus is an award-winning author, publishing 30+ research papers and three books based on his work with SPEC benchmarks and server efficiency. He has served on the program committees of many conferences, and workshops over the years, and drives the industry view on the selection committee for the prestige SPEC Kaivalya Dixit Distinguished Dissertation Award. Klaus also served as the General co-chair for the ICPE'14 in Dublin, as well as the SPEC Symposium 2016 Asia Summit in Beijing.

Industry Role

Klaus is the performance strategist for Hewlett Packard Enterprise, where he focuses on workload optimization, compute performance, server efficiency, and the design of secure enterprise solutions since 1998. Klaus is the HPE primary SPEC representative to the Internation Standards Group (ISG), Open Systems Group (OSG), High Performance Group (HPG) and Research Group (RG).