Medical viewset (medical-03)
The medical-03 viewset demonstrates the performance of several medical visualization volume rendering techniques. The first is slice rendering, where many 2D slices are projected through the volume and composited on the screen. The second is raycasting, where rays are projected through the volume accumulating the final pixel color.
Two different transfer functions are used: 1D, where the density is used to look up each voxel color, and 2D, where density and gradient magnitude are used to look up each voxel color. A clipping plane is used in several tests. The Tuvok visualization library is used for rendering.
Viewset tests
- Beating heart, 256x256x32, 1D transfer, slice rendering
- Beating heart, 256x256x32, 1D transfer, raycasting
- Stag beetle, 832x832x494, 1D transfer, slice rendering
- Stag beetle, 832x832x494, 1D transfer, raycasting
- Brain, 232x256x192, 2D transfer, raycasting
- Brain, 232x256x192, 2D transfer, raycasting, clipping plane
- Broken arm, 512x512x102, 2D transfer, raycasting
- Broken arm, 512x512x102, 2D transfer, raycasting, clipping plane
- Alligator, 737x511x1536, 2D transfer, raycasting
- Alligator, 737x511x1536, 2D transfer, raycasting, clipping plane
The Tuvok rendering core is licensed under the MIT open-source license; see Tuvok includes a Hilbert Curve implementation, which is copyright 1998, Rice University. Tuvok also includes LZ4, which is licensed under the BSD 2-Clause license.