Hansfried Block

Hansfried Block has been a key contributor to the SPECpower and the ISG Server Efficiency Committees since their inception. Despite retiring in 2016, Hansfried continues to contribute to the committees, focusing primarily on the development of the SERT suite and the PTDaemon interface. He contributed to the development of the SERT suite as a release manager and developer, then in 2022 shifted his focus to the next SPECpower benchmark. Still, he diligently trained the new SERT suite release manager and helped guide the SERT 2.0.7 suite release from the background. His contributions to the SPEC PTDaemon interface, including adding a variety of European-based power analyzers, enabled SPEC, TPC, VMWware, and MLCommons to focus on improving performance-per-watt, and he enabled much of the compute server ecosystem to tackle energy efficiency (e.g., via US Energy Star, EU Lot9, Japan Meti).