Alex Shows

In May 2021, Alex Shows was nominated as the inaugural Chair of the Board Communications (Comms) Committee, and he took on this role with his typical gusto, charm and tenacity. His leadership has been instrumental in progressing the Committee's goal of shining a clearer light on the work SPEC does to further state-of-the-art performance benchmarking. This includes working closely with SPEC's PR/Marketing representative and the Comms committee members, launching the SPEC blog, supporting the launch of the new SPEC newsletter, and ensuring Comms services are available to all Committees. Alex also participated in endless meetings to get the new SPEC logo designed and approved, including writing the first draft of a comprehensive brand guide. A dedicated and tireless member of SPEC, Alex has also taken on a range of projects, including coordinating with SPEC Groups on external communications procedures and activities, reviewing and updating the SPEC publicity policy, updating the SPEC website FAQ, updating the leadership section of the website, creating a Wiki to house Comms Committee collateral and updates, and so much more.