Greg Darnell, SPECpower PTDaemon® Interface Release Manager
Greg is a SPEC PTDaemon® interface developer and release manager.
Prior SPEC Roles

Greg joined the SPECweb committee in 1997 and was involved in the development of SPECweb99 as a developer and subcommittee chair. He was one of the original members of the SPECpower committee, participating in the development of the SPECpower_ssj 2008 benchmark, the PTDaemon interface and the SERT Suite.
Industry Role
Greg is retired and serves as a supporting contributor to the SPECpower committee. He previously specialized in server performance and power efficiency for Intel, ARM, Dell and Hewlett Packard. Prior to that he worked for Amdahl Corporation as a designer for two generations of mainframes and then as a technologist reporting to the chief technical officer.