SPECjAppServer2004 Vendor Specific Links
This page contains links to vendor specific information for building and deploying the SPECjAppServer2004 benchmark in different environments. This list includes only those vendors who have chosen to point to their vendor-specific configuration documentation on this page.
- IBM - WebSphere and DB2 - Set up a SPECjAppServer2004 application with DB2 Universal Database
- JBoss - JBoss SPECjAppServer2004 Setup Instructions
If the vendor-specific information you are seeking is not on this page, please contact the vendor directly. Detailed vendor-specific configuration and deployment information can also be found in the Full Disclosure Archive (FDA) files that are part of the submissions published by SPEC.
Please note that deploying and setting up the benchmark in a new environment (e.g., application server, database server, operating system) for the first time requires technical proficiency in the target environment, and may involve a considerable amount of customization effort.
For general information on building, deploying and running the benchmark please see the SPECjAppServer2004 User's Guide.