SPEC CINT2006 Benchmarks  

CINT2006 (Integer Component of SPEC CPU2006):

Benchmark Language Application Area Brief Description
400.perlbench C Programming Language Derived from Perl V5.8.7. The workload includes SpamAssassin, MHonArc (an email indexer), and specdiff (SPEC's tool that checks benchmark outputs).
401.bzip2 C Compression Julian Seward's bzip2 version 1.0.3, modified to do most work in memory, rather than doing I/O.
403.gcc C C Compiler Based on gcc Version 3.2, generates code for Opteron.
429.mcf C Combinatorial Optimization Vehicle scheduling. Uses a network simplex algorithm (which is also used in commercial products) to schedule public transport.
445.gobmk C Artificial Intelligence: Go Plays the game of Go, a simply described but deeply complex game.
456.hmmer C Search Gene Sequence Protein sequence analysis using profile hidden Markov models (profile HMMs)
458.sjeng C Artificial Intelligence: chess A highly-ranked chess program that also plays several chess variants.
462.libquantum C Physics / Quantum Computing Simulates a quantum computer, running Shor's polynomial-time factorization algorithm.
464.h264ref C Video Compression A reference implementation of H.264/AVC, encodes a videostream using 2 parameter sets. The H.264/AVC standard is expected to replace MPEG2
471.omnetpp C++ Discrete Event Simulation Uses the OMNet++ discrete event simulator to model a large Ethernet campus network.
473.astar C++ Path-finding Algorithms Pathfinding library for 2D maps, including the well known A* algorithm.
483.xalancbmk C++ XML Processing A modified version of Xalan-C++, which transforms XML documents to other document types.