SPEC Delivers a Major Update to the SPECapc for Creo 9 Performance Benchmark
By Jessica Heerboth, SPECapc Committee Chair
I’m pleased to announce the availability of the new SPECapc for Creo 9 benchmark, with updated models to support computing systems running the PTC Creo 9 3D CAD solution, now featuring generative design, real-time simulation, advanced manufacturing, industrial IoT and augmented reality. This major update to the benchmark also includes new and updated CPU and GPU test cases.
The benchmark has undergone a significant transformation with three major upgrades since it first released for Creo 3, and we are particularly gratified with being able to work directly with PTC on this update. In addition to new test cases that exercise features added to Creo over the last few releases, we have significantly enhanced the benchmark’s interface to make it far more user-friendly.
The SPECapc for Creo 9 benchmark enables users to better understand how modern computing systems will perform when running the latest version of PTC Creo and is particularly useful for product designers who use Creo 9 for mechanical design. The new workflows, models and test cases reflect today’s increased performance demands and will be especially helpful when trying to determine future system requirements. The benchmark is also used by vendors to assess how their workstations perform when running Creo.
Updates in the SPECapc for PTC Creo 9 Benchmark
The SPECapc for PTC Creo 9 benchmark provides eight workflows (three CPU and five GPU) that exercise all aspects of system performance when running PTC Creo 9. The benchmark generates composite scores for graphics, CPU and I/O performance. GPU scores are also generated for specific graphics display modes used in PTC Creo 9.
PTC and the SPEC Application Performance Characterization committee collaborated to update and test the benchmark to make maximum use of new functionality in PTC Creo 9. Updates implemented in the SPECapc for PTC Creo 9 benchmark include:
- Updated models to support the latest version of PTC Creo, including a new submarine model and an updated world car model.
- Updated and new CPU test cases, including updated clipping & mass properties tests and a new render studio CPU test case, which focuses on a new feature in Creo 9.
- Updated GPU test cases, including model rotations in different graphic views, exploded and cross section views, with complex lighting, background and more. The eight workflows included in the updated benchmark are:
CPU Tests (explode & section models, regeneration, retessellation, mass properties analysis)
- Render Studio (CPU Rendering)
- CPU Convert: Export to IGES format
- Shaded Graphics
- Shaded Edge Graphics
- Shaded Reflection Graphics
- No Hidden Graphics
- Hidden Graphic
The SPECapc for PTC Creo 9 benchmark is immediately available as a free download to everyone except vendors of computers and related products and services. For these vendors, membership in the SPEC Graphics and Workstation Performance Group (SPEC GWPG) includes a vendor license for all SPEC GWPG benchmarks. Non-member computer product and service vendors can purchase the benchmark for $2,500. SPEC GWPG members currently include AMD, Dell, HP, Intel, Lenovo and Nvidia.