SPECmail2001 is a standardized mail server benchmark designed to measure a system's ability to act as a mail server servicing email requests, based on the Internet standard protocols SMTP and POP3. The benchmark characterizes throughput and response time of a mailserver system under test with realistic network connections, disk storage, and client workloads. The benchmark focuses on the ISP as opposed to Enterprise class of mail servers, with an overall user count in the range of approximately 10,000 to 1,000,000 users. The goal is to enable objective comparisons of mail server products.
08/09/2011: SPECmail2001 will be retired effective October 31, 2011. Technical support and result publication will end as of that date. Please see the retirement notice for details regarding independent result publication.
- Submitted Results
- Summary and detailed HTML outputs for the SPECmail2001 metric; includes all of the results submitted to SPEC from the SPEC member companies and other licensees of the benchmark.
Note: SPECmail2009, an updated mailserver benchmark utilizing IMAP is also available.
- SPEC MAIL2001 Benchmark Press Release
- Benchmark announcement day press release materials:
- SPEC MAIL2001 Benchmark Documentation
SPEC MAIL2001 support and technical documents:
- SPEC MAIL2001 FAQ (01/16/2001)
- SPEC MAIL2001 User's Guide (03/21/2001)
- SPEC MAIL2001 Support FAQ (04/18/2001)
- SPEC MAIL2001 Run and Reporting Rules (12/28/2000)
- SPEC MAIL2001 Result Submission Guidelines (07/22/2002)
- SPEC MAIL2001 Design Document (01/16/2001)
- Issues Installing/Running SPEC MAIL2001
- Installation/runtime issues raised by users of SPEC MAIL2001.