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SPEC/GWPG Benchmark Downloads

User Survey
Before downloading any of the benchmarks, you will be asked to fill out a user survey. Any information you submit will be kept confidential and will be used only to improve SPEC/GWPG's benchmarking efforts.

SPECgpc Benchmarks
By downloading any of the following benchmarks, you acknowledge that you have read, understand, and agree to abide by the terms of the SPECgpc License Agreement.

Please note that our FTP sites are very busy, which may result in errors initiating the download. If you encounter an error, please try one of the mirrors. If errors are still encountered, please try again in a few minutes. There have been reports of file corruption when using download accelerators/managers; please check the file size of your download on disk against the file sizes posted here, or use the MD5 checksums.

The SPECviewperf benchmark download is more than 600 MB in size, which could take considerable time to download. As an alternative, it can be ordered on CD.

SPECviewperf® 10

 SPECviewperf 10
  Download for Microsoft Windows .exe file
615,885,705 bytes

This is the full distribution of SPECviewperf® 10 for Windows.

 SPECviewperf 10
  Download for Linux/Unix .tgz file
613,587,625 bytes

This is the full distribution of SPECviewperf® 10 for Linux/Unix.

Previous SPECgpcSM Benchmarks

SPECapc Benchmarks
By downloading any of the following benchmarks, you acknowledge that you have read, understand, and agree to abide by the terms of the SPECapc License Agreement.

SPECapcSM for 3ds Max 9

 Download for Microsoft Windows .zip file 218,587,302 bytes

SPECapcSM for Lightwave 3D 9.6

 Download for Microsoft Windows .exe file 103,495,623 bytes

Updated 06/18/2009. This version of the installer (1.4) for the SPECapc Lightwave 3D 9.6 benchmark includes minor changes from the initial posting, such as the addition of a convenient BAT script for running the benchmark. The benchmark itself is unchanged, and results from both this version and the intial release are comparable to each other.

SPECapcSM for Maya® 6.5

 Download for Microsoft Windows .zip file 130,471,179 bytes

SPECapcSM for Pro/ENGINEER™ Wildfire 2.0

 Download for Microsoft Windows .exe file 303,174,706 bytes

SPECapcSM for Solid Edge V19

 Download for Microsoft Windows .zip file 543,151,826 bytes

SPECapcSM for SolidWorks 2007™

 Download for Microsoft Windows .msi file 92,499,456 bytes

SPECapcSM for UGS NX 4™ (V1.0.1)

 Download for Microsoft Windows .exe file 413,480,962 bytes

The UGS NX4 (v1.0.1) update was intended to correct a very minor directory issue and a substantial issue with the subtest composite scoring located only in the scoring spreadsheet. Download the spreadsheet containing the updated scoring formulae separately here. The spreadsheet should replace "nx4_result.xls" located in the "result" and "submission" folder of an existing NX4 benchmark installation.

Previous SPECapcSM Benchmarks