The alt.WIN32 directory contains the source changes required to build a client_ssl.exe for use on Windows based clients for a compliant SPECweb99_SSL test. This corrects problems created by the incomplete WIN32 port of the client_ssl application including allowing proper operation of OpenSSL library calls. The alt.WIN32 directory tree contains the following: alt.WIN32/README.alt.WIN32 alt.WIN32/manager alt.WIN32/README.install.alt.WIN32 alt.WIN32/parse.c alt.WIN32/client.c alt.WIN32/th-lock.c alt.WIN32/HTTP/HT.c alt.WIN32/Win32/client/CLIENT.DSP ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Source Changes include: Manager: Revise version id. If this doesn't match ProgramName in client.c then the test will terminate. #diff -w /SPECweb99_SSL/manager manager 229c229 < $version = "SPECweb99_SSL-v1.0"; --- > $version = "SPECweb99_SSL-v1.0.alt.WIN32"; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- client.c: Revise Program name for version matching check in manager. #diff -w /SPECweb99_SSL/client.c client.c 43c43,44 < char *ProgramName = "SPECweb99_SSL-v1.0"; --- > /*char *ProgramName = "SPECweb99_SSL-v1.0";*/ > char *ProgramName = "SPECweb99_SSL-v1.0.alt.WIN32"; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- parse.c: Revise so that https_thread_setup() is called for both WIN32 as well as USE_POSIX_THREADS. #diff -w /SPECweb99_SSL/parse.c parse.c 267c267 < #if defined( USE_POSIX_THREADS ) --- > #if defined( USE_POSIX_THREADS ) || defined ( WIN32 ) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- th-lock.c: New module contains the WIN32 code to set up locking callback routine needed by OpenSSL. Code was included in the OpenSSL distribution that is included in SPECweb99_SSL. Routine names were modified to match those already in use in the SPECweb99_SSL code. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- HTTP/HT.c: add check for that http->ssl was defined before calling SSL_shutdown (may not be defined if gethostbyname failed). diff /SPECweb99_SSL/HTTP/HT.c HTTP/HT.c 1033,1034c1033,1035 < for reuse */ < status = SSL_shutdown(http->ssl); --- > for reuse) -- if we successfully opened a session in the 1st place */ > if (http->ssl) > status = SSL_shutdown(http->ssl); ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Win32/client/CLIENT.DSP: added setting #defines for HTTPS_SESSION_CONTROL and USE_END_OF_KA_SESSION, also included th-lock.c to build process. This file is used with the MS Visual C++ tools to build the exe (see SPECweb99_SSL User Guide). diff -w /SPECweb99_SSL/Win32/client/CLIENT.DSP CLIENT.DSP WIN32/Win32/client 43c43 < # ADD CPP /MT /W3 /GX /O2 /I "../.." /D "NDEBUG" /D "WIN32" /D "_CONSOLE" /D " _WINDOWS" /D _WIN32_WINNT=0x400 /D "HTTPS_SUPPORT" /Fr /YX /FD /c --- > # ADD CPP /MT /W3 /GX /O2 /I "../.." /D "NDEBUG" /D "WIN32" /D "_CONSOLE" /D " _WINDOWS" /D _WIN32_WINNT=0x400 /D "HTTPS_SUPPORT" /D "HTTPS_SESSION_CONTROL" /D "USE_END_OF_KA_SESSION" /Fr /YX /FD /c 67c67 < # ADD CPP /MT /W3 /GX /ZI /Od /I "../.." /D "DEBUG" /D "_DEBUG" /D "WIN32" /D "_CONSOLE" /D "_WINDOWS" /D _WIN32_WINNT=0x400 /D "HTTPS_SUPPORT" /Fr /YX /FD /c --- > # ADD CPP /MT /W3 /GX /ZI /Od /I "../.." /D "DEBUG" /D "_DEBUG" /D "WIN32" /D "_CONSOLE" /D "_WINDOWS" /D _WIN32_WINNT=0x400 /D "HTTPS_SUPPORT" /D "HTTPS_SESS ION_CONTROL" /D "USE_END_OF_KA_SESSION" /Fr /YX /FD /c 334a335,338 > # End Source File > # Begin Source File > > SOURCE="..\..\th-lock.c" ----------------------------------------------------------------------------