SPECweb99_SSL 1.00 User's Guide
1 Introduction
2 Installing SPECweb99_SSL
2.1 Pre-Installation Checklist
2.2 Client Setup
2.2.1 Installing and running the UNIX client
2.2.2 Compiling UNIX client software (if
2.2.3 Windows Client Setup
2.2.4 Compiling Windows client software (if
2.3 Server Setup
3 Running SPECweb99_SSL
3.1 Customizing the rc file
3.1.1 Changeable benchmark parameters
3.1.2 Configuration description
3.1.3 Benchmark Constants
3.2 Running the benchmark
4 Understanding the benchmark screen display
4.1 Test setup summary
4.2 Operational validation
4.3 Test Warnings
4.4 Results from each iteration
4.5 Screen display of ASCII output file
5 SPECweb99_SSL Result Pages and Raw File
5.1 Result pages
5.2 Raw file
6 Troubleshooting
6.1 Server system
6.2 Client system
7 Performance Tuning
8 Submitting results
1 Introduction
SPECweb99_SSL is a client/server benchmark for measuring the maximum number
of simultaneous connections that a secure web server is able to support. The benchmark
load is generated by client software on client machines networked
to server machines running secure HTTP (HTTPS) server software.
This document is a practical guide for setting up and running a SPECweb99_SSL
test. This user's guide covers some, but not all of the rules and restrictions
pertaining to SPECweb99_SSL. Before running a test, you should read the complete
"Run and Reporting Rules" contained in the kit. For an overview
of the benchmark architecture, see the SPECweb99_SSL Whitepaper also contained
in the kit.
2 Installing SPECweb99_SSL
2.1 Pre-Installation Checklist
Here is a checklist of steps to complete before installing the SPECweb99_SSL
benchmark software.
- Decide on the hardware configuration to use for the benchmark. You need to
decide on both server and client systems. There are no requirements on your
choice of clients. For optimal performance, you will need enough clients and
networks to saturate the server. (The client and server software can run on the
same system, however this will cause poor performance)
- Choose HTTP server software that supports SSL; specifically HTTP over SSLv3
or TLS. The user is responsible for obtaining the HTTPS server software;
the SPECweb99_SSL benchmark CD does not include one. Apache with mod_ssl and Apache-SSL
are free HTTPS daemons that could be used for this benchmark. Your HTTPS
server may require additional steps to enable SSL; please consult the HTTPS
server documentation.
- Make sure you have enough disk space on all the machines.
- Client machines. The kit takes about 150MB to install. In addition,
you'll need some space for various output files.
- Server machine(s). You will need space for the SPECweb99_SSL file set,
space for the POST data log, and space for the web server log.
Peak file size formulas for SPECweb99_SSL server (in Mbytes)
Files |
Size formula (approximate) |
file_set |
(25 + ( simultaneous_connections * .66)) * 4.88 Mbytes |
post log |
simultaneous_connections * 0.06 Mbytes |
web server log |
consult server documentation |
The equations given are based on a speed of 400K bits/second and an
average request size of 122K bits (based on the file sizes and the Zipf
distribution used to select files). Using these values, a single connection
can process a maximum of about 3.3 HTTPS operations per second.
The post log formula assumes the default run time of 20 minutes warmup,
20 minutes run-time and 5 minutes rampdown. The post log gets zeroed out
between iterations. When calculating space requirements for the web server
logs, remember that the server logs do not get truncated between the 3
Note: Logs must be written to stable storage for a valid SPECweb99_SSL
benchmark run. Stable storage refers to non-volatile storage media. In
the case of solid state disks, they should have battery back-up.
2.2 Client Setup
This section describes the steps necessary to setup SPECweb99_SSL clients.
Detailed instructions are provided for the two major operating system types:
UNIX and Windows. The setup instructions for most of the hardware platforms
are very similar to the generic setup instructions for the two operating
system versions. The SPEC
website may contain additional instructions for particular
Note: You may use a mix of Windows and UNIX-based clients in your
setup, although this is not recommended.
Designate one of your client machines as the prime client machine.
The prime client will control the entire test and the other clients,
so it needs to be able to establish network connections to all the other clients
and to the server. The prime client can be used just as the test controller
or can serve as both controller and client. The following instructions
assume it does both functions.
2.2.1 Installing and running the UNIX
On all clients, do the following:
- Log in as a user with the appropriate permissions to install
SPECweb99_SSL. Consult your operating system's documentation for
- Insert the SPECweb99_SSL CD into a CD-ROM drive and mount the drive.
You may need to become a superuser to mount the CD; consult your operating
system's documentation for instructions. After mounting the CD, do an ls
to make sure the CD is readable.
- Install the software UNIX users have three choices of how to
install SPECweb99_SSL:
- install.sh shell script To invoke this method, change
to the directory the CD is mounted under and run ./install.sh.
After accepting the license agreement, the installer will attempt to determine
what binaries (if any) are best suited for your OS. A list of suitable
operating systems will be listed; type in the architecture that best matches
If your architecture is not on the list, type none. The client
source code and the source code for the prime client tools will be installed
in the directory you specified, and you are also given the option to try and
compile the tools automatically using the buildtools script. For
more information, see compiling UNIX client software.
- InstallShield Java-based setup First, you need to have a version of the Java
Virtual Machine (1.1 or above) and an X server running. To install, change to
the directory the CD is mounted under and run java setup.
After accepting the license agreement, setup will ask you to
"Select your architecture" followed by a list containing those
operating systems and architectures for which the CD contains pre-compiled
versions the SPECweb99_SSL software. The list has 2 additional choices, none
for installing client sources and toolsource for selecting SPEC
tools sources.
If your architecture is not on the list, install none for regular
clients or toolsource on the prime client. Follow the instructions
for compiling UNIX client software before
- Rebuild from source code (only if
binaries are not available for your architecture)
The CD also has several tar-and-gzipped precompiled kits that
you can unpack to get the client software and tools. The precompiled kits
have the suffix .tar.gz. The source files have the suffix .tgz
(in order to make them acceptable to Windows).
Once you have installed the pre-built software or built it
from sources you will have the following compiled executables on your client:
Client executable
Server software that is built with the client executables
- Cadgen99/cadgen99
- Upfgen99/upfgen99
- Wafgen99/wafgen99
prime client tools
- bin/specperl
- bin/specssldump (for troubleshooting)
- Set Maximum Segment Size (MSS) of your network: Make sure that
the TCP MSS is set to 1460 bytes (or less) on your system and the Maximum
Transmission Unit (MTU) is 1500 bytes. This needs to be accomplished by
platform-specific means outside the benchmark code itself. On many platforms,
setting the MTU to 1500 automatically sets the MSS to 1460, which is (MTU
- 40) bytes.
Note: For a result to be valid the connections between a SPECweb99_SSL
load generating machine and the System Under Test (SUT) must not use a
TCP MSS greater than 1460 bytes. An MTU of 1500 bytes is the standard packet-size
for IP over Ethernet.
- Start the client daemon: You will need to start the client daemon
on all the clients:
Usage: ./client_ssl [options]
-h # this help screen
-D # debugging level
-g # logical IP address to listen to (test traffic)
-C # logical IP address to listen to (control port)
-p # control port to listen on
-i use to indicate client is being run out of inetd
-t # daemon idle timeout (set larger than anticipated run)
-c start a control session on stdin
-d start in background as a daemon
-m # size of shared memory segment
-w dir work directory
-s # Deck size
-S # Deck cache size
2.2.2 Compiling UNIX client software
(if necessary)
The SPECweb99_SSL kit includes sources for all the tools and software needed
to run SPECweb99_SSL. It also includes precompiled executables for many
platforms. Occasionally, however, you may need to build or rebuild the client
tools or client_ssl executable. You will need your own C compiler
to build the SPECweb99_SSL tools and executables.
First, install the source code from the SPECweb99_SSL CD. If the
install.sh has trouble extracting the .tgz archives, you must either
use GNU tar/gzip to manually extract the two archives in the root of the CD, or
use the Java-based installer.
To build the prime client tools, follow the instructions in the
<installation-directory>/tools/src/README file.
To build the client executables, you must first run ./configure (and
any architecture-specific options if necessary)
to build the Makefiles, then make to build the executables.
SPECweb99_SSL has been written to run on multiple platforms. You need to
use the configure script to create Makefiles for your specific
platform. For the most part, the configure script is smart enough to make
the right decisions. But there are cases when the script cannot make the
right decisions or the user may want to disable the use of certain features
used in the code and instead choose an alternative method.
The following features are available in SPECweb99_SSL and can be used as
arguments to the configure script to enable or disable the feature.
Enabling or disabling these features affects the way the client_ssl
program is built.
Type './configure --help' to see the generic options supported by configure.
Note: It should not be assumed that all these options are available
or not available on a particular platform. Please check your product documentation
before using these features.
- --enable-rlimit
- Enable the functions getrlimit() and setrlimit() to view/limit/control
the consumption of a variety of system resources by a process and its children.
In the case of SPECweb99_SSL, if this feature is enabled, it will allow the
client_ssl program to have more open files and or sockets in a single
process. The default behavior is to not use these functions
- --enable-posix-threads
- If a platform supports POSIX threads, the client program will
be built using POSIX threads semantics. This will result in having a multi-threaded
version of client instead of a multi-process version.
- --enable-pthread_scope_system
- When using POSIX threads, enabling or disabling this feature affects
the contention-scope of the thread. Enabling this flag will enable a property
of a thread (when the thread gets created) by which it will contend among
system-wide resources. The default behavior is to not use this feature.
Only use with --enable_posix_threads.
- --enable-safe-gethostbyname
- Enabling this feature means that gethostbyname() is thread-safe
and can safely be used if the client is multi-threaded. Enabling this feature
will not require enabling the next feature. The default behavior is to
not assume the thread safe version of gethostbyname() is available.
- --enable-gethostbyname_r
- Enabling this feature means the reentrant/thread-safe version of gethostbyname()
function, gethostbyname_r() is available on a particular platform
and can be used instead of using gethostbyname() . The default behavior
is to assume the existence of gethostbyname_r() .
Note: It makes sense to choose only one of safe-gethostbyname
or gethostbyname_r depending on your platform.
- --enable-safe-usleep
- This feature needs to be considered if a platform does not support
nanosleep() . In such a situation if usleep() is available
on a platform and is thread-safe, it can be used in combination with sleep()
. Otherwise the client program will use select() to emulate the
sleep-feature. If nanosleep() is not present on a particular platform
and if this argument is not passed to the configure script then
the source code will use usleep() / sleep() regardless of
whether it is thread-safe or not.
- --disable-nanosleep
- This feature is needed to disable the use of nanosleep() explicitly
in order to override the default behavior.
Compile the benchmark software by typing the following command.
make all
This will build the following executables:
2.2.3 Windows Client Setup
On all clients, do the following steps:
- Insert the SPECweb99_SSL CD into the CD-ROM drive.
- Run SPECweb99_SSL.exe. This is a GUI-based installer.
- Accept the license agreement.
- Select either 'Prime Client' or 'Client' as your installation type. It is okay to select 'Prime
Client' for all, since it is a superset of 'Client', containing the SPEC
tools in addition to the client_ssl.exe executable.
- Select an installation directory. You should select the same directory
on all clients.
- Select from the two options:
- Set MaxUserPort registry entry Sets the registry parameter HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Parameters\MaxUserPort
to 0xfffe so that the client will not run out of ports under heavy load. It is
recommended that you leave this box checked.
- Run client at startup Starts the client_ssl.exe program when you
log on to the machine by placing a shortcut in the Startup folder. If you don't select this, you will
have to start the program by hand on each client machine.
- Alternative installation method: The CD contains 2 .tgz files
with sources. web99_ssl-v100.tgz contains the client code and web99_ssl-v100-toolsource.tgz
contains the SPEC tools. The files are tarred and gzipped, so you will need an
archiving utility such as WinZip to extract them. You'd then need to
rebuild the files using the workspaces in the Win32 subdirectory.
- Set Maximum Segment Size (MSS) of your network: Make sure that
the TCP MSS is set to 1460 bytes (or less) on your system and the Maximum
Transmission Unit (MTU) is 1500 bytes. The default MTU size for Ethernet
on Windows is 1500 bytes, and this must not be changed. Certain gigabit
network adapters may have an option for "jumbo frames" (non-standard Ethernet
frames above 1500 bytes), but this must be explicitly disabled for a compliant
SPECweb99_SSL run.
- Start the client daemon.
If you chose not to run the client on upon logon, start the client via
Start/Programs/SPECweb99_SSL/SPECweb99_SSL Client. You could also type client_ssl -Z
from a command prompt.
2.2.4 Compiling Windows client software (if
The SPECweb99_SSL kit includes sources for all the tools and software needed
to run SPECweb99_SSL. It also includes precompiled executables for many platforms.
Occasionally, however, you may need to build or rebuild the client tools or
SPECweb99_SSL client_ssl.exe executable. You will need Microsoft Visual C++
to build the SPECweb99_SSL executables and tools.
Note: in the following directions, %SPEC% refers to the installation
To build the tools, such as specperl, get the tools sources from
the SPECweb99_SSL CD (see alternative installation methods, above) then follow
the directions in the README file in the %SPEC%\tools\src directory.
To rebuild the client software, run the SPECweb99_SSL.exe from the CD and check 'Source Code' during the GUI
installer on the CD. The installation
directory will be hereafter referred to %SPEC%. This is one of the environment
variables you get after running shrc.bat.
The kit contains 4 separate executables that can be rebuilt. The 4 workspace
files are in:
Note: Executables generated from the last 4 workspaces,
dyn_get_script.exe, Cadgen99.exe, Upfgen99.exe, and Wafgen99.exe are
server-side utilities. It is highly unlikely that
you will ever need to rebuild these.
To rebuild, open the workspace file. Select the "Win32 Release" project
under "Build/Set Active Configuration". To build the client, select
"Build/Build" or "Build/Rebuild All". Developer Studio will place the resulting
executable into a subdirectory named "Release". Make
sure you move the new executable to the correct place before proceeding.
The kit is shipped with the executables in the following places:
2.3 Server Setup (UNIX and Windows)
On the server, the setup involves installing the HTTPS daemon, creating and
installing a certificate for SSL, creating
the workload file set that will be accessed by the benchmark, and setting
up the binaries for dynamic content.
The following instructions tell you how to run using the provided sample
Perl implementation for the dynamic content. You may use your own API implementation
in place of the sample Perl implementation. Please refer to the vendor's
instructions for installation of the API binaries. The API implementation
needs to conform to the specification in the "SPECweb99_SSL Run and Reporting
Rules". The API implementation must be submitted with your results
and will be reviewed by the SPEC web committee.
- Install the HTTPS daemon. Take note of the document root directory
location. You will need this information for proper installation of other
files on the server.
- Copy the server utilities to the HTTPS server's document
root directory. The utilities come with the SPECweb99_SSL client kit and
were either installed or built by you when you set up the clients. The
following paths are with respect to the SPECweb99_SSL installation directory:
NOTE: wafgen99 builds the file_set. The other two utilities are
called by the dynamic code during a Reset.
- Create the file set. Use the wafgen99 utility provided
with the SPECweb99_SSL kit to create the workload file_set on the server.
Usage: wafgen99 [options] [ [startload] targetload ]
-C dir Change to 'dir' before creating files
-h this usage message
-n conns Set targetload for # simultaneous_connections
-v Increase verbosity (currently 2 levels)
-s If directory exists skip it
-t Test Mode, no random characters in files
-r If directory exists remove it
-V validate files, -V again to validate all
-f load Start directory load (# simultaneous_connections)
-F num Start directory number
This will create a file_set directory tree. The SPECweb99_SSL wafgen99
utility is identical to SPECweb99, so if a SPECweb99 file set exists, it is not necessary to rerun wafgen99.
- Configure the sample Perl implementation and place it under the document
root directory
The sample Perl script specweb99-cgi.pl (found in the server-docs
subdirectory) implements the dynamic (GET
and POST) portion of the workload.
- Windows: the easiest way to get the Perl script running is to install
ActiveState Perl from www.activestate.com.
Be sure to check the "Create IIS script mappings" checkboxes.
- UNIX: Change the first line of specweb99-cgi.pl to reflect
where your perl binary is installed.
- Copy specweb99-cgi.pl to a directory under the document root that has
read, write, and execute permissions (cgi-bin is a good choice)
- Edit the my $topdir = ''; line of
specweb99-cgi.pl to reflect the directory above where your
file_set is.
- Windows: use the following syntax:
my $topdir = 'C:\\Inetpub\\wwwroot';
(note the double backslashes!)
- UNIX: use the following syntax: my
$topdir = '/var/www/html';
Compile the dynamic CGI GET (Unix only) and copy the executable under the
document root
- If the SUT is running UNIX, you need to compile the sample
specweb99_dyn_get_script.c CGI script found in the server-docs subdirectory.
An example command to compile it using the gcc compiler would be
gcc -O2 -static -o
dyn_get_script.cgi specweb99_dyn_get_script.c
Copy dyn_get_script.cgi to a place that you allow CGI scripts to run
(normally <documentroot/cgi-bin>)
- If the SUT is running Windows, a precompiled dyn_get_script.exe is
provided and should be copied to a directory under your document root.
- Set read and execute permissions on the directory where the dynamic CGI GET
- Configure your HTTPS daemon to handle Perl and CGI requests Make
sure that your HTTPS daemon is configured properly to run Perl and CGI code.
This may consist of associating the .pl extension with your Perl binary, enabling
CGI operations, and placing the specweb99-cgi.pl and dyn_get_script
in a particular
place. Consult the documentation for your web server for instructions.
- Start the HTTPS daemon Start the HTTPS server daemon. Consult
your HTTPS server documentation for instructions.
- Make sure your setup works using a web browser. Try some GETs to make sure that your HTTPS server is working, that your
clients can access your server and that your Perl or API implementations run
properly. The following examples show some tests to ensure proper
functionality. They assume that the SPECweb99_SSL file_set created by wafgen99
resides directly under the HTTPS server document root.
To test a static
GET: From a client browser such as Netscape or Internet Explorer, specify
as the URL and hit Enter (where <servername>
is the name or IP address of your server).
Note: You may get a warning about the validity of the SSL certificate; click
"Yes" to accept it.
To test a dynamic GET: From a client browser, specify
as the URL and hit Enter (where <servername>
is the name or IP address of your server).
Note: for the second example to work, the following must be true: the web
server must have perl installed and configured correctly; the sample Perl script must be in the cgi-bin
subdirectory of the document root; the cgi-bin directory must have read and execute permissions, etc.
In both instances you should see the class0_0 file from the web server in the
Note: This is not the complete set of operations in the test.
The manager will execute one of each kind of transaction prior to
launching a test. The manager will halt if it finds any errors, and you
can check the appropriate .out files for error messages.
3 Running SPECweb99_SSL
SPECweb99_SSL is controlled by the manager script on the prime client.
It reads a resource configuration (rc) input file. To run SPECweb99_SSL,
customize the rc file to reflect your benchmark setup, then run the test
from the prime client with the manager script.
3.1 Customizing the rc file
Modify the rc file on the prime client. The rc file in the SPECweb99_SSL
kit is a template, containing every variable to describe a test. You may
name the rc file anything you wish (and create as many as you like). The
rc file has 3 main sections:
- Tunable Benchmark parameters - Variables that describe the load
to put on the server and how to talk to the various parts of the system
such as machine names and script names
- Configuration description - Details about the system that are necessary
for the final report, such as CPU types, memory sizes, etc.
- Benchmark constants - Required settings for producing a valid result.
While tuning the system you might want to change some of these, however
they must be set to their correct values for any results you might want
to submit.
3.1.1 Changeable Benchmark parameters
- Sets the number of load generators for the tests to be run. You may
specify one value or a list of values. manager will run a separate
test for each value in the list. During each test, N measurements will
be taken, where N is the value assigned to ITERATIONS. If you use a list,
each value results in a separate test with its own output files, unless
get reported in a single set of output files. This is for testing and tuning
purposes only. For reporting purposes ITERATIONS must be set to 3. The
form <first>-<last>x<increment> can be used to run a
series of tests starting at <first>, ending at <last> and incrementing
by <increment>.
- Clients: client-name(port)[speed]{servername}
Server: server-name as seen by the prime client
You may use multiple network adapters in a client by specifying that client
multiple times with different {servername} settings and using the @@SERVER@@
form of URL_ROOT. For example:
CLIENTS=box1{sut-fddi1} box1{sut-fddi2}
The speed setting gives relative speed of each client and the port setting
is the port through which the prime client communicates with that client.
For example:
CLIENTS=client1[2] client2(2223)
client1 is twice as fast as client2, client2 will open port 2223 to receive
its messages from the prime client.
- URL for the directory that contains "file_set". For example,
if your file_set directory is in the web server root then use "URL_ROOT=https://server1"
(where server1 is the name of your web server). If you built the file_set
in a directory named "specweb99_ssl" then use "URL_ROOT=https://server1/specweb99_ssl".
To use multi-adapter clients use: URL_ROOT=https://@@SERVER@@/specweb99_ssl
- Or
- The URL of the dynamic program(s) (e.g. CGI executable, ISAPI module,
NSAPI module, etc). If your file_set directory is not in the web-server
root then add a question mark and the URL to the directory that contains
For example, if file_set is in a subdirectory named "specweb99_ssl" then use
You may also use separate URLs for each class of DYNAMIC operation
supported: POST, standard dynamic GET, custom ad rotation (CAD) GET and
Commands (fetch, reset). You may set any or all of the 4 separate variables.
The unset variables will default to DYNAMIC_ROOT.
- You must specify the URL for DYN_CGI_SCRIPT that is a CGI-based implementation
of the standard dynamic GET. This will not default to DYNAMIC_ROOT.
- Used to specify HTTP version 1.0 or 1.1. If you leave this commented
out then manager makes a connection to your web server to determine what
version of the protocol to use. You can set the HTTP_PROTOCOL variable
in order to force SPECweb99_SSL to use a particular version of HTTP as the
primary protocol. The primary protocol is used for 70% of requests (either
HTTP 1.0 Keep-Alive or 1.1 Persistent connection request. The remaining
30% are HTTP 1.0 non-Keep-Alive requests. The valid settings are "HTTP/1.0"
or "HTTP/1.1".
- Amount of time in seconds to run to get to steady state prior to the
1st measurement in the test. This time is intended to warm up any caches
before taking a measurement. The minimum legal value is 1200 seconds.
- Time after each iteration of the test to allow current connections and
sessions to close. The minimum legal value is 300 seconds; however it may be set
higher if the HTTPS server caches sessions for more than 300 seconds.
- Time to sleep in seconds before starting each iteration. This delay
is taken after the prime client tells the clients about the workload and
before telling them to start working. If test startup isn't synchronizing
properly, this might need to be increased.
- All outputs get put in ./results/<OUTPUT_NAME>.nnn.xxx where
nnn is an ascending test number and xxx is the output format type (i.e.
raw, ps, asc, html).
- Optional parameters used to control removal of SPECweb99_SSL client work
files from client directories before the benchmark starts. The use of this
function is OPTIONAL and will not affect the validity of the run or the
results. The SPECweb99_SSL client leaves work files in a work directory
after each run, and these files can accumulate and interfere with
normal operation. By configuring this option, you can reduce or
eliminate any such problems. There are usage examples in the sample
RC file
3.1.2 Configuration description
The Configuration description section should contain a full description
of the testbed. It should have enough information to repeat the test results,
including all necessary hardware, software and tuning parameters. All parameters
with non-default values must be reported in the Notes section of the description.
The configuration description has 8 categories.
- Server Hardware
- Availability Dates
- HTTPS Software - Note: The HTTPS software is the software that
listens on port 443
- Other Software
- Test Sponsor
- Network
- Clients (i.e. Load Generators)
- Notes
Each category contains variables for describing it. For example, Hardware
contains variables for CPUs, caches, controllers, etc. If a variable doesn't
apply, leave it blank. If no variable exists for a part you need to describe,
add some text to the notes section. The notes sections can contain multiple
lines by adding a 3-digit suffix to the variable. For example, the notes_http
variable can become notes_http001, notes_http002, etc.
The rc file included in the kit contains examples for filling out these
3.1.3 Benchmark Constants
Any changes to the benchmark constants will invalidate the run. However,
changing these constants can be useful for tuning the system. Once you are
ready for a compliant run, you can invoke manager with the -C
switch; this sets the parameters to the values below to avoid setting the
benchmark constants manually in the rc file.
Test timing parameters
- "warmup" time before 2nd through nth iteration of the test
(default = 300)
- measurement time for each iteration (default = 1200)
- time to wait after each iteration for connections and sessions to close (default = 300)
- number of times to repeat the measurement (default = 3)
Mix parameters - control the percentage of requests of each type. Set
to values between 0 and 1.
- Percent of overall dynamic requests (default = 0.3 for 30% dynamic
- Percent of dynamic requests that are posts (default = 0.16).
- Percent of dynamic requests that are Custom Ad Rotation GETS (default
= .42)
- Percent of dynamic requests that are GETs calling the CGI code (default
= .005)
transaction mix
Request type |
Percentage of mix |
Static GET |
70.00% |
Standard Dynamic GET |
12.45% |
Dynamic GET with Custom Ad Rotation |
12.60% |
Dynamic POST |
4.80% |
Dynamic GET calling CGI code |
0.15% |
Other parameters
- Number of files in each class. (default = 8)
- Target line speed to emulate in bits/second (default = 400000)
- Speed in bits/second below which a connection is deemed too slow. For
a valid test, 95% of the connections must operate faster than the USER_SPEED_LIMIT
(default = 320000)
- Average number of requests to do per "keep-alive" HTTPS connection. For example, if a connection randomly selects 5 requests to
keep alive it will open a connection to the web server, establish an SSL
session, request a page,
read the server response, request a different page and read the response 4 more times
before shutting down the SSL session and closing
the socket connection. Over the span of the KA connection, the client will
attempt to use SSL session resumption so SSL session IDs will not have to be
renegotiated. (default = 10)
- Percentage of GETs that to retrieve via "keep-alive" connections.
Note that this is NOT the percentage of connections that will have the
keep-alive header. (default = 0.7)
- Set to 0 or 1 to indicate whether or not to use abortive closes. (default
= 0)
3.2 Running the benchmark
Before running the benchmark check that the following are true:
- client_ssl is installed and running on all clients
- The HTTPS server is running and able to run the dynamic code (whether
the perl CGI provided or your own code written to the specification in
the run-rules)
- You have customized an rc file on the prime client.
- The prime client can communicate with all the other clients, using
the names specified in the rc file
Before running the benchmark, you must set up the SPEC environment
by running the shrc file on the prime client. You only need to do
this once per login session.
On Windows:
- From the prime client, launch Start/Programs/SPECweb99_SSL/SPECweb99_SSL
Command Prompt
- Invoke a command window on the prime client.
- cd to your installation directory.
- Type 'shrc'.
- Login to the prime client.
- cd to your installation directory.
- If you are not in an sh variant already, type 'sh'.
- Type '. ./shrc' to "source" the file.
- Don't exit the shell until you are through running the benchmark, because
shrc sets SPEC environment variables!
From the session you set up with shrc start the benchmark by
executing the manager script with specperl:
specperl manager [options]
manager tests all the operations on the server, tells all the
clients what to run, tells them to run it, waits until the clients finish,
then collects the results and creates the results summary in various output
Usage: specperl manager [options] [option=val...] [rc file...]
-h this help message
-v # verbosity level
-o types Produce output in the specified types
-I Do not abort on certain classes of errors
-R files are reformatted and not used as config files
-l Turn off client logging in log-client.nnn file
-C set all parameters need for a compliant run
-D turn on details in the ASCII output
The default input rc file is rc. You may specify your own rc
file or files on the command line. If multiple rc files are used, they
are run one after another, producing separate output files for each.
The output types available are: asc, html, ps, screen and raw.
Results submitted to SPEC will appear on the
SPEC website in the asc, html, ps and pdf formats. The manager script
produces all output formats by default. It puts them into the results directory.
In addition, the test details that appear on the screen get written to
a res.<nnn> in the results directory. The 'detailed ASCII' output
generated by the -D switch contains these same details. The 'detailed
ASCII' format is for review, only, not publication.
4 Understanding the benchmark screen display
The manager script outputs data to the screen as it runs. This
output also appears in the results/res.nnn file. The manager
script writes the same data summarized on a per-client basis into the results/log-client.nnn
file. The following is an annotated res file.
4.1 Test setup summary
The test preamble section gives information about the whole run, including:
- Output file names for res and log-client files.
- Warnings if manager will be unable to create a certain output type
- List of clients and their settings
The following is an example of the output from manager at the start of a run.
Opened logfile results/res.248
Opened client logfile results/log-client.248
Client 1: name=localhost, port=, speed=1, host=
Client 2: name=csg161, port=, speed=1, host=
4.2 Operational validation
Next, manager validates all the types of operations. When all
the tests pass, you know that:
- The web server is up.
- The prime client can get to it.
Note: only the prime client does this test; other clients might
still have connection problems.
- The different dynamic scripts are reachable and executable.
- Aspects of the dynamic scripts conform to the specification and operate
- The file_set created with wafgen99 is large enough.
If any of these tests fail, manager will abort and let you correct
the errors. For debugging purposes, you can set a failing operation type
to 0% in the rc file to skip both the test and issuing of this operation.
For example, if you haven't yet implemented the dynamic POST, set 'DYNAMIC_POST=0'
in the rc file to run without it. In the following example, the CGI GET
call fails because the CGI doesn't exist (HTTP 404, file not found).
Validating all paths for rc.short
Checking Reset command with 'https://bbb116/isapi/newz-xmit.so?command/Reset
Checking static GET with 'https://bbb116/file_set/dir00089/class3_6'
Checking dynamic GET with 'https://bbb116/isapi/newz-xmit.so?/file_set/dir00089/class1_6'
Checking dynamic CGI GET with 'https://bbb116/wrongcgi/specweb99.cgi?/file_set/dir00089/class1_6'
**ERROR**: Can't fetch file https://bbb116/wrongcgi/specweb99.cgi?/file_set/dir00089/class1_6 with
a dynamic CGI GET request
Is DYNAMIC_ROOT (or DYN_xxx_SCRIPT) configured correctly?
Error: 404 Not found
Checking dynamic custom ad (CAD) GET with 'https://bbb116/isapi/newz-xmit.so?/file_set/dir00089/class1_6'
Checking dynamic POST with 'https://bbb116/isapi/newz-xmit.so?/file_set/dir00089/class1_6'
****** FATAL ERRORS FOUND *******
4.3 Test Warnings
The manager script warns you if you have reset any of the benchmark
constants. For example:
Invalid test: RUN_TIME is 30, must be 1200
Invalid test: RAMPUP_TIME is 30, must be 300
Invalid test: RAMPDOWN_TIME is 10, must be 300
Invalid test: WARMUP_TIME is 30, must be greater than 1200
Tip: To have manager set all the benchmark constant to valid values
automatically, append a -C immediately after manager, i.e.
specperl manager -C rc.short
4.4 Results from each iteration
The results from each iteration contains the following sections:
Iteration 1 of 3 with load of 50 connections
Thu Feb 21 16:01:39 2002
Number of clients = 2
Simultaneous Connections = 50
Warm-up time (seconds) = 30
Run time (seconds) = 30
Operations by class
This section includes mix information, operation success and error counts
and some statistical data. An operation is a single GET or POST during
the measurement period.
The Error column in the OP COUNT portion shows operations where the
client did not get the expected response. For example, the server returned
an incomplete page. The client records all errors in the "work/log.cs<xx>.gen<yy>"
files in the work subdirectory, where <xx> represents an
unique ascending sequence number and <yy> represents the thread number. To
find the correct logs, sort the files by date. An error rate greater than 1% in any class will invalidate
an iteration.
Note: The error count column only records errors during the actual
measurement period of the iteration. Because the client logs all
errors, the counts will generally not match.
Class Target Actual | Success Error | Mean StdDev 95% CI | Time
class0 0.350 0.350 | 1738 3 | 16.01 6.68 0.17 | 1.9%
class1 0.500 0.502 | 2490 0 | 105.33 36.22 0.34 | 17.5%
class2 0.140 0.139 | 688 0 | 996.55 384.48 2.10 | 45.8%
class3 0.010 0.010 | 48 10 | 10843.02 3456.81 23.82 | 34.8%
| 4964 0 | 301.41 1150.59 1.35 |
Aggregate bitrate information by class
The bitrates in the report are aggregated per class per connection.
|Individual OP Bit Rate(bits/sec)| Aggregate Bit | Weighted ABR
Class | Mean StdDev 95% CI | Rate (bits/sec) | (%)
class0 | 393977.03 28417.23 11.35 | 386470.65 | 7186.22(1.80)
class1 | 399464.10 6925.93 4.68 | 399403.09 | 70015.32(17.52)
class2 | 399817.66 2650.34 5.51 | 399842.13 | 183226.37(45.86)
class3 | 399991.49 38.46 2.51 | 399991.52 | 139140.58(34.82)
| | | 399568.50(100.00)
Overall results
The overall results give the SPECweb99_SSL rating with some operational details,
such as operations/second and milliseconds/operation, a breakdown of how
the requested simultaneous connections fared and aggregate bitrate information.
| | total | ops/sec/|
|SPECweb99_SSL| ops/sec | loadgen | msec/op
RESULTS | 37 | 165 | 3.31 | 301.4
| | | | conforming*
| requested | valid | invalid | (conf %)
SIMULTANEOUS | 50 | 37 | 13 | 37 ( 74.00%)
* a conforming connection is one that operates faster than 320K bit/sec
| mean | min | max
BITRATES | 399568 | 397823 | 399986
(bits/sec) | | |
Cumulative conformance chart
The conformance chart indicates the percentage of requested connections
that conformed at successive speed limits. A valid iteration must have
95% of its connections get at least 320000 bits/second throughput. In the
following example, most of the connections (90%) make the required speed
limit of 320000 bits/second, but not enough for a valid test. A valid test
must have 95% percent of the requested simultaneous connections running
above 320000 bits/second.
Percentage of simultaneous connections conforming at various speed limits
Successive Speed Limits : | 380000 360000 340000 320000 300000 280000
Cumulative Conformance %: | 0.00 5.00 10.00 90.00 100.00 100.00
Overall Fatal Errors (if any were found)
These are errors that invalidate an iteration (thus invalidating the entire
Iteration 1: 13 invalid connections found
12 from load generators with 0 requests in a class or classes
1 from load generators with > 1.0% errors in a class or classes
Iteration 1: % conforming connections is 74.0% must be >= 95.0%
4.5 Screen display of ASCII output file
Lastly, you will see ASCII output format on the screen and in the res
file. This is one of the formats available on the SPECweb99_SSL result pages
website. See the next section on Result Pages for
a description of this page.
5 SPECweb99_SSL Result Pages and Raw File
The manager script can generate the output in several formats: ASCII,
HTML, and PostScript. They get written to the results directory with
the names output.<nn>.[asc | html | ps]. In addition it creates
an output.<nn>.raw file. Only the .raw file is needed to submit a
result to SPEC, so errors in the creation of other output formats can generally
be ignored.
5.1 Result pages
The result pages contain the following elements.
- Hardware and Software information
- The hardware vendor and model name and the HTTP Software vendor and
software name/version.
- SPECweb99_SSL Metric
- The median value from the three iterations. The metric for the benchmark
is SPECweb99_SSL. It represents the number of simultaneous connections that
a server can sustain at a given bitrate.
- Performance of the 3 iterations (HTML and ASCII formats only)
- The result from the 3 iterations of the run.
- Availability and Configuration information
- All the information from the
Configuration description entries in the rc file.
- Notes and Tuning Information
- The Notes entries from the configuration description. This section
contains detailed information about every component that used to generate
the results. It includes information of both the software and hardware
components. All system configuration information required to duplicate
the performance results must be reported. This section also includes availability
dates for the different components used.
- Errors (if any)
- Any errors encountered in the test inputs or results. To be valid,
the test must have no errors reported in this section. Any errors will
cause the phrase 'Invalid Test' to appear either next to the SPECweb99_SSL
result number (ASCII and HTML formats) or as a "watermark" across
the page (PS format).
- Performance Details of the 3 iterations (ASCII detailed output only)
- manager will produce a more detailed summary of the 3 iterations
if you use the -D switch. This level of detail is for review purposes
only and will not appear on the output pages displayed on the SPEC web
Sample output pages are included with the kit ( ASCII,
ASCII-detailed, HTML, PS).
5.2 Raw file
The raw file contains all the inputs from the rc file
and results from the test. You can make any of the other formats from the
raw file by specifying manager -o <output-formats> -R <rawfile>.
To create PS output from the output.399.raw file, use
specperl manager -o ps -R
To recreate all formats from the output.250.raw file, use
specperl manager -o all -R
Once a valid run is obtained and the notes are satisfactory, the raw file may then be submitted
to SPEC for review (see Submitting results).
6 Troubleshooting
If problems are encountered, the following checklists may help identify
the cause:
6.1 Server System
General troubleshooting:
- Is the HTTPS daemon up and running on your system? If not, then all
requests to the server will fail. From each client, request a secure web page
(see section 2.3). If you get a "Connection Refused"
message, then the web server is not turned on.
- Is the workload file set in the HTTPS server document root directory?
- Is the dynamic content script in the HTTPS server document root directory?
- Have you configured the HTTPS daemon to handle dynamic content requests?
- Have you created and installed a SSL certificate in the HTTPS server?
- Does your HTTPS server support SSLv3 and the SSL_RSA_WITH_RC4_128_SHA
cipher? If not, you will need to acquire secure web server software that
- Can the server see all the client systems on the network?
- Are all the network interfaces on the SUT up? The manager script
only tests the path from the prime client. The test can run to completion
with another client having connection problems. These will show up as errors
on that client.
- When running the SPECweb99_SSL workload, does it appear that the server is
doing little or no SSL session reuse, or that the server performance has
decreased when additional HTTPS daemons are started? The benchmark is
designed so that when a new session is negotiated, several subsequent requests
will specify that the current session can be resumed. The HTTPS software
may or may not resume the session based on how the software is configured with
regards to numbers of daemons and session caching parameters that may be
supported; refer to your HTTPS software documentation.
6.2 Client system
- Are the binaries compiled properly for all the client systems?
SPECweb99_SSL is shipped with pre-compiled binaries for most common
configurations, but you may need to recompile from source code if your operating
system doesn't contain binaries.
- Did you set up your environment correctly by issuing '. ./shrc' from
an sh variant or 'shrc.bat' on Windows? Without this, your path to specperl
might be incorrect.
- Is the path to specperl correctly set in the manager
script for UNIX?
- Does your dynamic implementation work correctly? During the validation
phase before the test the data received from the manager is available in
*.out files.
- Does the 'command/Reset' dynamic function work correctly? This function
needs to run some other executables to reset some of the server files.
If any piece fails, it will cause other operations to get an error.
- If the benchmark output page says 'Invalid Test', then look in the
results/res.* files on the prime client. All fatal error messages
during a run are logged here. Individual operation errors as seen by clients
during the benchmark run can be found in the
work/log-* files on each UNIX client. There is one file for each
thread/process in the client.
Note: clean up the contents of the work directory periodically,
since these files multiply rapidly.
- The message
Iteration n: client reported x Kbps, actual bitrate y Kbps
Observed bitrate must be within 1% of client-reported rate.
could have several causes. First, if you are not running full
1200 second runs, there is enough error in the measurement due to
begin and end boundary conditions that the bitrate may not be accurate. If you
see the problem with full-length runs, your client(s) may be overloaded and/or
your operating system may have problems with scheduling and sleep(). If the
clients are utilizing more than 75% of their CPU you may need to increase the
number of clients or switch to more powerful clients. If adding additional
client power does not allievate the problem, contact the SPECweb99_SSL support
- You can set the DEBUG parameter in the rc file to non-zero values.
Valid values are 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, and 20, with increasing amounts of
output as the values go up.
- For additional debug information from the client, you can start the
client daemon with the -D <bitmask> parameter. All the information
is written to the various log.* files on the prime client machine.
- To debug SSL problems, the ssldump tool is available as bin/specssldump.
This tool could be run on the prime client during the manager tests to help
pinpoint SSL negotiation problems. Compare the output to
Example.ssldump.txt (included with SPECweb99_SSL). For more information on
how to use ssldump, visit the ssldump web
7 Performance Tuning
The first steps to tuning any benchmark, is analyzing the workload and
look for possible bottlenecks in the configuration. There are a number
of factors or bottlenecks that could affect the performance of the benchmark
on your system.
These tuning tips are for configuring the system to generate the best
possible performance numbers for SPECweb99_SSL. Please note that these should
not necessarily be used to configure and size real world systems. Configuring
and sizing real world HTTP server systems is an extremely difficult exercise.
SPECweb99_SSL quantifies certain important aspects of web server performance.
However, other workload components may be involved in a given real world
web server, e.g. directory name service, ftp, mail, news, etc. Due to the
lack of accurate qualitative sizing guidelines, experience or even guesswork
often becomes the determining factor in arriving at a configuration. Even
experience of a similar environment can be misleading due to the huge variation
in user and workload profiles across different end user sites.
- Memory
- Memory is an important consideration for this benchmark. Since the
file set is read only (the dynamic code does not alter any of the files),
there is potential for gain in performance from caching more of the file
set in memory.
- Network
- SPECweb99_SSL is a network intensive benchmark and to ensure accurate evaluation
of your server, you may want to optimize the behavior of the network. The
type of network subsystem needed depends on the peak bandwidth.
- HTTPS is run over TCP/IP. Many TCP/IP implementations have tuning parameters
for setting various buffer sizes and protocol features.
- Disk I/O
- The only writes that occur on the system are the ones to the HTTPS server
log and the ones to the POST log. Since all accesses to the server need
to be logged as defined in the run rules, there is a potential for the
log disk to become the bottleneck. Consider striping the log disk (in hardware
or software) if the log disk utilization appears high.
- Dynamic Content Implementation
- The implementation used to handle the dynamic content portion of the
benchmark can have a major impact on the performance. The CGI request portion
of the benchmark must use CGI to form the reply, however the other dynamic
requests don't have to. Many HTTPS daemons support programming APIs that
have much lower overhead for calling and for argument passing.
Note: The SPECweb99_SSL kit supplies a sample implementation that
is operational and correct, but is not a good choice for high performance.
Alternative dynamic content implementations used for published SPECweb99 or
SPECweb99_SSL results are available on the
www.spec.org web site.
- HTTPS Server Software
- This is a critical component in determining the performance of the
system. This will vary with the different HTTPS daemons available. Please
refer to the tuning guide for your particular HTTPS daemon for guidance
on tuning for the SPECweb99_SSL workload.
Many HTTPS daemons have companion products to accelerate static pages.
These products typically use caching to return pages from memory, rather
than disk
- Client tuning
- You will need to monitor the client CPU utilization to make sure that
you have enough client power to saturate the server system. A rule of thumb
to begin with is to have client systems operate at the 50% CPU utilization
level. This will ensure that you are not bottlenecked on the client side.
8 Submitting results
Once you have a successful run, you can submit the result to the SPECweb
committee for review by mailing the output.<nn>.raw file to
When mailing the raw file, you may either attach it or inline it in
plain-text format. More than one result or raw file per mail message
is permitted as long as each one is included as an attachment.
Note: The raw file uses the configuration and parameter information
in the rc file. Please edit your rc file with the correct
information prior to running the benchmark for submission.
Additional result supporting documentation (source code for the dynamic content
implementation, for example) will be required by SPEC for reviewing a result. In
addition, save the HTTPS daemon log file from the benchmark run as you may be
asked to provide part of the log for review by the committee.
Every submission goes through a two-week review process. During the review,
members of the committee may ask for further information/clarifications on the
submission. Once the result has been reviewed and approved by the committee, it
is displayed on the SPEC web site at www.spec.org.
For more information on submitting results to SPEC, please
send mail to
This product includes software developed by the OpenSSL Project for use in
the OpenSSL Toolkit. (http://www.openssl.org/).
ssldump is a SSLv3/TLS protocol analyzer written by Eric Rescorla <ekr@rtfm.com>
and licensed by RTFM, Inc. © 1999-2001 RTFM, Inc.