Inspur Corporation Inspur NF5280M5 SPECpower_ssj2008 = 12,385 overall ssj_ops/watt
Test Sponsor: Inspur Corporation SPEC License #: 3358 Test Method: Single Node
Tested By: Inspur Corporation Test Location: JINAN, CHINA Test Date: Sep 16, 2019
Hardware Availability: Jun-2019 Software Availability: Sep-2019 Publication: Oct 9, 2019
System Source: Single Supplier System Designation: Server Power Provisioning: Line-powered
Benchmark Results Summary
Target Load Average Active Power (W) Minimum Ambient Temperature (°C)
Calibration 1 346 21.5
Calibration 2 348 20.9
Calibration 3 348 20.6
100% 347 20.7
90% 312 20.9
80% 278 20.9
70% 241 21.0
60% 212 21.0
50% 183 21.2
40% 160 21.1
30% 141 21.1
20% 128 21.2
10% 115 21.3
Active Idle 48.3 21.2
Graph of power and temperature
Measurement Devices
Power Analyzer pwr1
Hardware Vendor: Yokogawa Meters and Instruments Corporation
Model: WT310
Serial Number: C2QK23023V
Connectivity: RS-232
Input Connection: Default
Metrology Institute: China National Accreditation Service for Conformity Assessment (CNAS)
Accredited by: Calibration and Testing Center of CEPREI
Calibration Label: NT1823338060Z-01
Date of Calibration: 24-Oct-2018
PTDaemon Host System: same as CCS
PTDaemon Host OS: same as CCS
PTDaemon Version: 1.9.0-ee285d08-20190201
Setup Description: Connected to PSU 0
Temperature Sensor temp1
Hardware Vendor: Digi
Model: Watchport/H
Driver Version:
Connectivity: USB
PTDaemon Host System: same as CCS
PTDaemon Host OS: same as CCS
Setup Description: placed in front the main airflow inlet of the SUT less than 50mm.
SPECpower_ssj.props input.load_level.number_warehouses set to 112 due to a known inconsistency in processor reporting with this Java version
Power Details for Device pwr1
Target Load Voltage (V) Current (A) Avg Power Factor Avg Active Power (W) Power Measurement Uncertainty (%)
Avg Range Avg Range
Calibration 1 227 300.0 1.61 5.0 0.948 346 0.4%
Calibration 2 227 300.0 1.62 5.0 0.949 348 0.4%
Calibration 3 227 300.0 1.62 5.0 0.948 348 0.4%
100% 226 300.0 1.62 5.0 0.948 347 0.4%
90% 227 300.0 1.47 5.0 0.936 312 0.4%
80% 226 300.0 1.24 5.0 0.988 278 0.4%
70% 227 300.0 1.08 5.0 0.983 241 0.4%
60% 227 300.0 0.954 5.0 0.980 212 0.5%
50% 227 300.0 0.827 5.0 0.974 183 0.6%
40% 227 300.0 0.727 5.0 0.966 160 0.6%
30% 228 300.0 0.636 5.0 0.976 141 0.7%
20% 228 300.0 0.576 5.0 0.971 128 0.7%
10% 228 300.0 0.525 2.0 0.965 115 0.4%
Active Idle 229 300.0 0.245 2.0 0.861 48.3 0.8%
Power details for pwr1