Lenovo Global Technology ThinkSystem SR650 ssj_ops@100% = 91,276
Test Sponsor: Lenovo Global Technology SPEC License #: 9017 Test Method: Single Node
Tested By: Lenovo Global Technology Test Location: Taipei, Taiwan Test Date: Sep 18, 2017
Hardware Availability: Aug-2017 Software Availability: Sep-2017 Publication: Oct 25, 2017
System Source: Single Supplier System Designation: Server Power Provisioning: Line-powered
Benchmark Results Summary
Target Load Actual Load ssj_ops
Target Actual
Calibration 1     91,812
Calibration 2     91,456
Calibration 3     91,242
100% 99.9% 91,349 91,276
90% 90.2% 82,214 82,396
80% 81.2% 73,079 74,141
70% 70.2% 63,944 64,092
60% 60.7% 54,809 55,461
50% 50.3% 45,675 45,942
40% 40.7% 36,540 37,158
30% 29.7% 27,405 27,093
20% 20.1% 18,270 18,374
10% 10.3% 9,135 9,454
Active Idle   0 0
Graph of results
System Under Test
Set: 'sut'
Set Identifier: sut
Set Description: System Under Test
# of Identical Nodes: 1
Comment: The machine type of the SUT is 7X05.
Hardware Vendor: Lenovo Global Technology
Model: ThinkSystem SR650
Form Factor: 2U
CPU Name: Intel Xeon Platinum 8176 CPU 2.10 GHz (Intel Turbo Boost Technology up to 2.80 GHz)
CPU Characteristics: 28 core, 2.10GHz, 38.5MB L3 Cache
CPU Frequency (MHz): 2100
CPU(s) Enabled: 28 cores, 1 chip, 28 cores/chip
Hardware Threads: 56 (2 / core)
CPU(s) Orderable: 1,2 chips
Primary Cache: 32 KB I + 32 KB D on chip per core
Secondary Cache: 1 MB I+D on chip per core
Tertiary Cache: 39424 MB I+D on chip per chip
Other Cache: None
Memory Amount (GB): 96
# and size of DIMM: 6 x 16384 MB
Memory Details: 6 x 16GB 2Rx8 PC4-2666V-R; Slots 1, 3, 5, 8, 10 and 12 populated.
Power Supply Quantity and Rating (W): 1 x 750
Power Supply Details: Lenovo P/N:7N67A00884
Disk Drive: 1 x 32 GB M.2 SSD (Lenovo P/N: 7N47A00129)
Disk Controller: Integrated SATA controller
# and type of Network Interface Cards (NICs) Installed: 1 x ThinkSystem 1Gb 2-Port RJ45 LOM (Lenovo P/N: 7ZT7A00544)
NICs Enabled in Firmware / OS / Connected: 1/1/1
Network Speed (Mbit): 1000
Keyboard: None
Mouse: None
Monitor: None
Optical Drives: No
Other Hardware: None
Power Management: Lenovo Power Plan V1.0 for Windows Server 2012 R2 in OS
Operating System (OS): Microsoft Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard
OS Version: Version 6.3.9600 Build 9600
Filesystem: NTFS
JVM Vendor: Oracle Corporation
JVM Version: Oracle Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 24.80-b11, mixed mode), version 1.7.0_80
JVM Command-line Options: -server -Xmn1300m -Xms1550m -Xmx1550m -XX:SurvivorRatio=1 -XX:TargetSurvivorRatio=99 -XX:AllocatePrefetchDistance=256 -XX:AllocatePrefetchLines=4 -XX:LoopUnrollLimit=45 -XX:InitialTenuringThreshold=12 -XX:MaxTenuringThreshold=15 -XX:ParallelGCThreads=2 -XX:InlineSmallCode=3900 -XX:MaxInlineSize=270 -XX:FreqInlineSize=2500 -XX:+AggressiveOpts -XX:+UseLargePages -XX:+UseParallelOldGC
JVM Affinity: start /NODE [0] /AFFINITY [3, C, 30, C0, C000, 30000, C0000, 30000000, C0000000, 300000000, C00000000, C0000000000, 300000000000, C00000000000]; start /NODE [1] /AFFINITY [3, C, 30, 3000, C000, 30000, C0000, 30000000, C0000000, 300000000, 30000000000, C0000000000, 300000000000, C00000000000]
JVM Instances: 28
JVM Initial Heap (MB): 1550
JVM Maximum Heap (MB): 1550
JVM Address Bits: 64
Boot Firmware Version: IVE111C
Management Firmware Version: CDI305Q
Workload Version: SSJ 1.2.10
Director Location: Controller
Other Software: None
Boot Firmware Settings
Management Firmware Settings
System Under Test Notes
SPECpower_ssj.props input.load_level.number_warehouses set to 56 due to a known inconsistency in processor reporting with this Java version.
Performance Details
Target Load Actual Load Transaction Type Count Total Heap (MB)
Calibration 1 New Order 6,677,602 1,545
Payment 6,677,592
Order Status 667,759
Delivery 667,760
Stock Level 667,760
Customer Report 6,677,597
Calibration 2 New Order 6,651,743 1,545
Payment 6,651,747
Order Status 665,175
Delivery 665,172
Stock Level 665,174
Customer Report 6,651,744
Calibration 3 New Order 6,636,148 1,545
Payment 6,636,152
Order Status 663,615
Delivery 663,615
Stock Level 663,616
Customer Report 6,636,145
100% 99.9% New Order 6,638,631 1,545
Payment 6,638,634
Order Status 663,864
Delivery 663,863
Stock Level 663,864
Customer Report 6,638,628
90% 90.2% New Order 5,992,801 1,545
Payment 5,992,800
Order Status 599,279
Delivery 599,281
Stock Level 599,280
Customer Report 5,992,802
80% 81.2% New Order 5,392,369 1,545
Payment 5,392,371
Order Status 539,237
Delivery 539,237
Stock Level 539,237
Customer Report 5,392,371
70% 70.2% New Order 4,661,495 1,545
Payment 4,661,489
Order Status 466,151
Delivery 466,149
Stock Level 466,149
Customer Report 4,661,487
60% 60.7% New Order 4,033,732 1,545
Payment 4,033,731
Order Status 403,373
Delivery 403,374
Stock Level 403,373
Customer Report 4,033,734
50% 50.3% New Order 3,341,392 1,545
Payment 3,341,387
Order Status 334,139
Delivery 334,139
Stock Level 334,139
Customer Report 3,341,396
40% 40.7% New Order 2,702,534 1,545
Payment 2,702,535
Order Status 270,252
Delivery 270,254
Stock Level 270,254
Customer Report 2,702,538
30% 29.7% New Order 1,970,473 1,545
Payment 1,970,473
Order Status 197,047
Delivery 197,047
Stock Level 197,047
Customer Report 1,970,475
20% 20.1% New Order 1,336,357 1,545
Payment 1,336,358
Order Status 133,635
Delivery 133,636
Stock Level 133,637
Customer Report 1,336,357
10% 10.3% New Order 687,577 1,545
Payment 687,575
Order Status 68,757
Delivery 68,757
Stock Level 68,757
Customer Report 687,577
Active Idle New Order 0 1,545
Payment 0
Order Status 0
Delivery 0
Stock Level 0
Customer Report 0