# Invocation command line: # /raid/elken/mpi2007-1.1/bin/runspec --define hosts=/raid/elken/mpi2007-1.1/hostnperf --ranks=64 --extension=i7-intel-infinipath --reportable --action run -c qlogic-linux-i7-intel-truescale -i mref -n 3 -T base -o asc,cfg medium # output_root was not used for this run ############################################################################ ##################################################################### # This is a sample config file. It was tested with: # # Compiler name/version: Intel 10.1.015 compilers # Communications software: QLogic InfiniPath software stack 2.2 # versions 2.0 and 2.1 # Operating system version: SLES 10 (x86-64) # Node Hardware: AMD Opteron and Intel Xeon 64-bit servers # Interconnect adapters: QLogic InfiniPath InfiniBand # PCI Express adapters # ##################################################################### # A runspec line something like the following will supply # the information needed in the submit command below: # runspec --config qlogic-linux-core-intel-infinipath \ # --ext core-intel-infinipath \ # --define hosts=$SPEC/hostfile --ranks=32 ... ###################################################################### flagsurl000 =http://www.spec.org/mpi2007/flags/QLogic_Core_Intel111_flags.xml makeflags = -j 4 env_vars = yes use_submit_for_speed = yes ext = i7ipo-intel-infinipath # ext = i7-intel-infinipath mean_anyway = yes #MPI_HOME = /usr ICC_HOME = /net/files/tools/intel/11.1/038/bin/intel64 I_ENV_HOME = /net/files/tools/intel/11.1/038/bin CC = mpicc -cc=icc FC = mpif90 -f90=ifort CXX = mpicxx -CC=icpc submit = <