Dell Inc. PowerEdge R7725 941295 SPECjbb2015-MultiJVM max-jOPS
390043 SPECjbb2015-MultiJVM critical-jOPS
Tested by: Dell Inc. Test Sponsor: Dell Inc. Test location: Round Rock, TX Test date: Sep 17,2024
SPEC license #: 6573 Hardware Availability: Nov-2024 Software Availability: Jul-2024 Publication: Thu Oct 10 13:03:35 EDT 2024
Benchmark Results Summary
Overall Throughput RT curve
Overall SUT (System Under Test) Description
VendorDell Inc.
Vendor URL
System SourceSingle Supplier
System DesignationServer Rack
Total Systems1
All SUT Systems IdenticalYES
Total Nodes1
All Nodes IdenticalYES
Nodes Per System1
Total Chips2
Total Cores384
Total Threads768
Total Memory Amount (GB)1536
Total OS Images1
SW EnvironmentNon-Virtual
Hardware hw_1
NameDell Inc. PowerEdge R7725
VendorDell Inc.
Vendor URL
ModelPowerEdge R7725
Form Factor2U Rack
CPU Characteristics192 core, 2.25 GHz, 384 MB L3 Cache (Max. Boost Clock up to 3.70GHz)
Number of Systems1
Nodes Per System1
Chips Per System2
Cores Per System384
Cores Per Chip192
Threads Per System768
Threads Per Core2
CPU Frequency (MHz)2250
Primary Cache32 KB (I) + 48 KB (D) per core
Secondary Cache1 MB (I+D) per core
Tertiary Cache384 MB (I+D) on chip per chip
Other CacheNone
Disk1 x M.2 SSD 480GB (Boss card)
File Systemntfs
Memory Amount (GB)1536
# and size of DIMM(s)24 x 64 GB
Memory Details64 GB 2Rx4 PC5-6400B-R (slots A1-12, B1-12 populated), running at 6000 MT/s
# and type of Network Interface Cards (NICs)1 x Broadcom BCM57504 NetXtreme-E Ethernet 25Gbit/s Quad Port
Power Supply Quantity and Rating (W)1 x 1500
Other HardwareNone
Shared DescriptionNone
Shared CommentNone
  • NA: The test sponsor attests, as of date of publication, that CVE-2017-5754 (Meltdown) is mitigated in the system as tested and documented.
  • Yes: The test sponsor attests, as of date of publication, that CVE-2017-5753 (Spectre variant 1) is mitigated in the system as tested and documented.
  • Yes: The test sponsor attests, as of date of publication, that CVE-2017-5715 (Spectre variant 2) is mitigated in the system as tested and documented.
Other Hardware network_1
Vendor URLNone
Operating System os_1
NameWindows Server 2022 Standard
Vendor URL
VersionVersion 21H2(OS Build 20348.1251)
Java Virtual Machine jvm_1
NameOracle JAVA SE 22.0.2
Vendor URL
VersionJava HotSpot 64-bit Server VM, version 22.0.2
Other Software other_1
Vendor URLNone
OS Images os_Image_1(1)
Hardware Description hw_1
Number of Systems 1
SW Environment Non-Virtual
  • Dram Refresh Delay - Performance
  • DIMM Self Healing (Post Package Repair) on Uncorrectable Memory Error - Disabled
  • Correctable Error Logging - Disabled
  • Virtualization Technology - Disabled
  • L2 Stream HW Prefetcher - Disabled
  • NUMA Nodes Per Socket - 4
  • L3 cache as NUMA Domain- Disabled
  • TDP Control- Manual
  • Customized cTDP - 500
  • Customized PPT - 500
  • System Profile - Custom
  • CPU Power Management - Maximum Performance
  • C-States - Disabled
  • Determinism Control- Manual
  • Determinism Slider - Power Determinism
Notes None
OS Image os_Image_1
JVM Instances jvm_Ctr_1(1), jvm_Backend_1(8), jvm_TxInjector_1(8)
OS Image Description os_1
  • Add DWORD registry HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Parameters\MaxUserPort=65534
  • Power Options is set to High performance
  • Lock Pages in Memory is Enabled
  • Processor scheduling is set to Programs
Notes None
JVM Instance jvm_Ctr_1
Parts of Benchmark Controller
JVM Instance Description jvm_1
Command Line -Xms2g -Xmx2g -Xmn1536m -XX:+UseParallelGC -XX:ParallelGCThreads=2 -XX:CICompilerCount=4
Tuning None
Notes None
JVM Instance jvm_Backend_1
Parts of Benchmark Backend
JVM Instance Description jvm_1
Command Line -Xms120g -Xmx120g -Xmn118g -server -XX:MetaspaceSize=256m -XX:AllocatePrefetchInstr=2 -XX:LargePageSizeInBytes=2m -XX:-UsePerfData -XX:-UseAdaptiveSizePolicy -XX:+AlwaysPreTouch -XX:+UseLargePages -XX:+UseParallelGC -XX:SurvivorRatio=100 -XX:TargetSurvivorRatio=90 -XX:ParallelGCThreads=96 -XX:MaxTenuringThreshold=15 -XX:InitialCodeCacheSize=25m -XX:InlineSmallCode=10k -XX:MaxGCPauseMillis=200 -XX:+UseCompressedOops -XX:ObjectAlignmentInBytes=32 -XX:ThreadStackSize=512 -XX:CompileThresholdScaling=120 -XX:CICompilerCount=4 -Xnoclassgc
Tuning affinitized each Backend JVM to a single memory node:
  • Group1: start /b /NODE 0
  • Group2: start /b /NODE 1
  • Group3: start /b /NODE 2
  • Group4: start /b /NODE 3
  • Group5: start /b /NODE 4
  • Group6: start /b /NODE 5
  • Group7: start /b /NODE 6
  • Group8: start /b /NODE 7
Notes None
JVM Instance jvm_TxInjector_1
Parts of Benchmark TxInjector
JVM Instance Description jvm_1
Command Line -Xms2g -Xmx2g -Xmn1536m -XX:+UseParallelGC -XX:ParallelGCThreads=2 -XX:CICompilerCount=4
Tuning affinitized each TxInjector JVM to a single memory node:
  • Group1: start /b /NODE 0
  • Group2: start /b /NODE 1
  • Group3: start /b /NODE 2
  • Group4: start /b /NODE 3
  • Group5: start /b /NODE 4
  • Group6: start /b /NODE 5
  • Group7: start /b /NODE 6
  • Group8: start /b /NODE 7
Notes None
max-jOPS = jOPS passed before the First Failure
Pass/Fail Pass Pass Fail Fail Fail
jOPS 929529 941295 953061 964828 976594
critical-jOPS = Geomean ( jOPS @ 10000; 25000; 50000; 75000; 100000; SLAs )
Response time percentile is 99-th
SLA (us) 10000 25000 50000 75000 100000 Geomean
jOPS 205908 417700 441232 464764 511829 390043
  10-th 50-th 90-th 95-th 99-th 100-th
500us 105896 / 94130 11766 / 23532 - / 11766 - / 11766 - / 11766 - / 11766
1000us 352986 / 305921 47065 / 35299 - / 11766 - / 11766 - / 11766 - / 11766
5000us 705971 / 717738 423583 / 388284 282389 / 117662 258856 / 58831 258856 / 47065 11766 / 23532
10000us 870698 / 882464 564777 / 576543 423583 / 388284 364752 / 329453 282389 / 129428 35299 / 23532
25000us 917763 / 929529 741270 / 753036 576543 / 588309 517712 / 529479 411817 / 423583 35299 / 23532
50000us 941295 / - 800101 / 811867 658907 / 635374 576543 / 588309 435349 / 447115 35299 / 23532
75000us 941295 / - 847166 / 858932 670673 / 682439 600076 / 611842 458881 / 470648 282389 / 94130
100000us 941295 / - 858932 / 870698 694205 / 705971 647140 / 635374 505946 / 517712 329453 / 305921
200000us 941295 / - 894230 / 905997 776569 / 764802 729504 / 741270 647140 / 658907 458881 / 470648
500000us 941295 / - 941295 / - 882464 / 894230 858932 / 870698 811867 / 800101 658907 / 670673
1000000us 941295 / - 941295 / - 941295 / - 929529 / 917763 882464 / 894230 788335 / 800101
Probes jOPS / Total jOPS
Request Mix Accuracy
(Actual % in the Mix - Expected % in the Mix) must be within:
'Main Tx' limit of +/-5.0% for the requests whose expected % in the mix is >= 10.0%
'Minor Tx' limit of +/-1.0% for the requests whose expected % in the mix is < 10.0%
There were no non-critical failures in Response Time curve building
Delay between status pings
IR/PR Accuracy
This section lists properties only set by user
Property Name Default Controller Group1.Backend.beJVM Group1.TxInjector.txiJVM1 Group2.Backend.beJVM Group2.TxInjector.txiJVM1 Group3.Backend.beJVM Group3.TxInjector.txiJVM1 Group4.Backend.beJVM Group4.TxInjector.txiJVM1 Group5.Backend.beJVM Group5.TxInjector.txiJVM1 Group6.Backend.beJVM Group6.TxInjector.txiJVM1 Group7.Backend.beJVM Group7.TxInjector.txiJVM1 Group8.Backend.beJVM Group8.TxInjector.txiJVM1
specjbb.comm.connect.client.pool.size 256 256 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48
specjbb.comm.connect.selector.runner.count 0 16 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
specjbb.comm.connect.worker.pool.max 256 256 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40
specjbb.comm.connect.worker.pool.min 1 1 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40
specjbb.customerDriver.threads 64 {probe=130, saturate=300, service=160}
specjbb.forkjoin.workers 64 {Tier1=225, Tier2=18, Tier3=28} 1 8
specjbb.mapreducer.pool.size 64 12
specjbb.txi.pergroup.count 1 1
View table in csv format
Check Agent Result
Check properties on compliance All PASSED
Check Agent Result
Compare SM and HQ Inventory All PASSED
High-bound (max attempted) is 1176619 IR
High-bound (settled) is 1020026 IR