SPECjbb2005 bops = 2085368, SPECjbb2005 bops/JVM = 173781 IBM Corporation IBM System x3650 M4 IBM Corporation IBM J9 VM (build 2.6, JRE 1.7.0 Windows Server 2008 R2 amd64-64 20120204_101769 (JIT enabled, AOT enabled) SPEC license # 11, Tested by: IBM Corporation, Test date: Aug 28, 2013 Multi JVM Mode JVM run JVM Scores 1 171690 2 178562 3 171394 4 172394 5 173094 6 176278 7 176045 8 173351 9 174821 10 171238 11 173489 12 173012 SPECjbb2005 bops=2085368, SPECjbb2005 bops/JVM=173781 HARDWARE | SOFTWARE Vendor IBM Corporation | Vendor IBM Corporation Vendor URL http://www.ibm.com | Vendor URL http://www.ibm.com Model IBM System x3650 M4 | JVM Version IBM J9 VM (build Processor Intel Xeon E5-2697 | 2.6, JRE 1.7.0 v2 (Intel Turbo | Windows Server 2008 Boost Technology up | R2 amd64-64 to 3.5 GHz) | 20120204_101769 (JIT MHz 2700 | enabled, AOT # of Chips 2 | enabled) # of Cores 24 | Command Line set # of Cores/Chip 12 | JAVAOPTIONS=-Xaggres HW Threads Yes | sive Procs avail to 48 | -Xcompressedrefs Java | -Xmn1400m -Xms1875m Memory (MB) 262144 | -Xmx1875m Memory Details 16 x 16384MB, 2Rx4 | -XlockReservation PC3-14900R; slots 1, | -Xnoloa 2, 4, 5, 8, 9, 11, | -XtlhPrefetch -Xlp 12, 13, 14, 16, 17, | -Xconcurrentlevel0 20, 21, 23 and 24 | Initial Heap Mem 1400 populated | (MB) L1 Cache 32KBI+32KBD | Max Heap Mem 1875 L2 Cache 256 KB (I+D) on chip | (MB) per core | JVM addressing 64 Other Cache 30 MB per processor | bits Filesystem NTFS | JVM CLASSPATH .\jbb.jar;.\check.ja Disks 1 x 200GB 2.5" SATA | r; SSD | JVM C:\IBM\ibm_sdk70\jre Other H/W | BOOTCLASSPATH \bin\compressedrefs; | C:\IBM\ibm_sdk70\jre | \bin;C:\Windows\syst | em32;C:\Windows;C:\P | rogram Files | (x86)\Common | Files\Intel\Shared | Libraries\redist\int | el64\mpirt;C:\Progra | m Files (x86)\Common | Files\Intel\Shared | Libraries\redist\ia3 | 2\mpirt;C:\Program | Files | (x86)\Intel\MPI\4.1. | 0.023\em64t\bin;C:\P | rogram Files | (x86)\Intel\MPI\4.1. | 0.023\ia32\bin;C:\Pr | ogram Files | (x86)\Common | Files\Intel\Shared | Libraries\redist\int | el64\compiler;C:\Pro | gram Files | (x86)\Common | Files\Intel\Shared | Libraries\redist\ia3 | 2\compiler;C:\Progra | m Files | (x86)\Intel\Trace | Analyzer and | Collector\\ | bin;C:\Program Files | (x86)\Intel\icsxe\20 | 13.0.028\bin;C:\Prog | ram Files | (x86)\Common | Files\Microsoft | Shared\VSA\10.0\VsaE | nv;C:\Windows\system | 32;C:\Windows;C:\Win | dows\System32\Wbem;C | :\Windows\System32\W | indowsPowerShell\v1. | 0\;C:\Program Files | (x86)\Microsoft SQL | Server\80\Tools\Binn | \;c:\Program Files | (x86)\Microsoft SQL | Server\100\Tools\Bin | n\;c:\Program Files | (x86)\Microsoft SQL | Server\100\DTS\Binn\ | ;C:\Program Files | (x86)\Intel\Trace | Analyzer and | Collector\\ | dll\impi64;C:\IBM\Ja | va70\bin;. | OS Version Microsoft Windows | Server 2008 R2 | Enterprise x64 SP1 | Other S/W | | AOT Compilation Details | | | TUNING AND NOTES | | | TEST INFORMATION Tested by IBM Corporation SPEC License 11 Test Location Taipei, Taiwan Test Date Aug 28, 2013 JVM available Mar 2012 H/w available Dec 2013 OS available July 2008 Other s/w available JVM 1 Scores Validity No errors. Valid run. SPEC scores Warehouses Thrput 1 54701 2 138599 3 159436 * 4 174608 * 5 173536 * 6 172327 * 7 171755 * 8 166226 Throughput 171690 JVM 2 Scores Validity No errors. Valid run. SPEC scores Warehouses Thrput 1 57939 2 144063 3 163501 * 4 181701 * 5 179962 * 6 179492 * 7 178664 * 8 172991 Throughput 178562 JVM 3 Scores Validity No errors. Valid run. SPEC scores Warehouses Thrput 1 55511 2 140636 3 158555 * 4 174379 * 5 173231 * 6 172584 * 7 171134 * 8 165640 Throughput 171394 JVM 4 Scores Validity No errors. Valid run. SPEC scores Warehouses Thrput 1 53744 2 134903 3 152585 * 4 174013 * 5 173939 * 6 174217 * 7 172979 * 8 166820 Throughput 172394 JVM 5 Scores Validity No errors. Valid run. SPEC scores Warehouses Thrput 1 53482 2 135142 3 159719 * 4 176357 * 5 175241 * 6 173943 * 7 172976 * 8 166955 Throughput 173094 JVM 6 Scores Validity No errors. Valid run. SPEC scores Warehouses Thrput 1 56528 2 143434 3 160418 * 4 180006 * 5 178545 * 6 177407 * 7 176195 * 8 169236 Throughput 176278 JVM 7 Scores Validity No errors. Valid run. SPEC scores Warehouses Thrput 1 52297 2 136726 3 163781 * 4 179314 * 5 178407 * 6 177044 * 7 175988 * 8 169474 Throughput 176045 JVM 8 Scores Validity No errors. Valid run. SPEC scores Warehouses Thrput 1 53013 2 135832 3 153148 * 4 175528 * 5 175339 * 6 174438 * 7 173523 * 8 167930 Throughput 173351 JVM 9 Scores Validity No errors. Valid run. SPEC scores Warehouses Thrput 1 55440 2 144898 3 163475 * 4 177435 * 5 176675 * 6 176055 * 7 174814 * 8 169125 Throughput 174821 JVM 10 Scores Validity No errors. Valid run. SPEC scores Warehouses Thrput 1 59258 2 140567 3 159935 * 4 174243 * 5 173107 * 6 172500 * 7 171705 * 8 164635 Throughput 171238 JVM 11 Scores Validity No errors. Valid run. SPEC scores Warehouses Thrput 1 57095 2 140513 3 164065 * 4 177239 * 5 175403 * 6 174232 * 7 173007 * 8 167564 Throughput 173489 JVM 12 Scores Validity No errors. Valid run. SPEC scores Warehouses Thrput 1 54720 2 140872 3 161516 * 4 175969 * 5 174684 * 6 174125 * 7 172978 * 8 167304 Throughput 173012 SPECjbb2005 Version: [SPECjbb2005 1.07, March 15, 2006] Reporting page (C) Copyright SPEC, 2005-2007. All rights reserved