SPECjbb2005 bops = 1660529, SPECjbb2005 bops/JVM = 103783
Hewlett-Packard Company ProLiant DL385p Gen8
IBM Corporation IBM J9 VM (build 2.6, JRE 1.7.0 Windows Server 2008 amd64-64 20120322_106209 (JIT enabled, AOT enabled))
SPEC license # 3, Tested by: Hewlett-Packard Company, Test date: Nov 8, 2012
Multi JVM Mode
JVM run JVM Scores
1 103555
2 104621
3 103674
4 105370
5 104088
6 102944
7 104444
8 102541
9 104219
10 105285
11 105217
12 104012
13 103355
14 103951
15 99199
16 104054
SPECjbb2005 bops=1660529, SPECjbb2005 bops/JVM=103783
Vendor Hewlett-Packard | Vendor IBM Corporation
Company | Vendor URL http://www.ibm.com
Vendor URL http://www.hp.com | JVM Version IBM J9 VM (build
Model ProLiant DL385p Gen8 | 2.6, JRE 1.7.0
Processor AMD Opteron 6386 SE | Windows Server 2008
(AMD Turbo CORE | amd64-64
Technology up to | 20120322_106209 (JIT
3.50 GHz) | enabled, AOT
MHz 2800 | enabled))
# of Chips 2 | Command Line java -Xaggressive
# of Cores 32 | -Xcompressedrefs
# of Cores/Chip 16 | -Xgcpolicy:gencon
HW Threads No | -Xmn1400m -Xms1875m
Procs avail to 32 | -Xmx1875m
Java | -XlockReservation
Memory (MB) 131072 | -Xnoloa -Xlp
Memory Details 8 of 12 DIMMs per | -Xconcurrentlevel0
socket filled with 8 | -Xthr:minimizeUserCP
GB 2Rx4 | U -Xgcthreads2
PC3-12800R-11, ECC | Initial Heap Mem 1875
memory | (MB)
L1 Cache 512 KB I + 256 KB D | Max Heap Mem 1875
on chip per chip | (MB)
L2 Cache 16 MB I+D on chip | JVM addressing 64
per chip, 2 MB | bits
shared / 2 cores | JVM CLASSPATH .\jbb.jar;.\check.ja
Other Cache 16 MB I+D on chip | r;
per chip, 8 MB | JVM C:\Java\ibm\J9_v1.7\
shared / 8 cores | BOOTCLASSPATH ibm_sdk70\jre\bin\co
Filesystem NTFS | mpressedrefs;C:\Java
Disks 1 x 100 GB SSD SATA | \ibm\J9_v1.7\ibm_sdk
Other H/W None | 70\jre\bin;C:\Window
| s\system32;C:\Window
| s;C:\Windows\system3
| 2;C:\Windows;C:\Wind
| ows\System32\Wbem;C:
| \Windows\System32\Wi
| ndowsPowerShell\v1.0
| \;C:\Java\ibm\J9_v1.
| 7\ibm_sdk70\jre\bin;
| .
| OS Version Microsoft Windows
| Server 2008
| Enterprise Edition
| x64, R2, SP1
| Other S/W IBM Websphere
| Application Server
| V8.5 for Windows on
| x86-64-bit
| AOT Compilation Details
| None
Using the local security settings
| console, "Lock pages in memory" was
| enabled for the user running the
| benchmark.Used "start /node
| [0,1,2,3] /AFFINITY [0x3, 0xC, 0x30,
| 0xc0]"Power Option set to
| High Performance in OS.
| - Command line options are
| described at:
| http://publib.boulder.ibm.com/infocen
| ter/javasdk/v6r0/index.jsp
| Configuration:
- HP Power
| Profile - Maximum
| Peroformance
- Dynamic Power
| Savings Mode Response -
| Slow
- Collaborative Power
| Control - Disabled
- Thermal
| Configuration - Maximum
| Cooling
- Hardware Prefetch
| training on Software Prefetch -
| Disabled
- CPU Core Hardware
| Prefetcher - Disabled
| Cache Stride Prefetcher -
| Disabled
Tested by Hewlett-Packard
SPEC License 3
Test Location Houston, TX
Test Date Nov 8, 2012
JVM available Aug-2012
H/w available Dec-2012
OS available Feb-2011
Other s/w Jun-2012
JVM 1 Scores
No errors. Valid run.
SPEC scores
Warehouses Thrput
1 34882
* 2 101750
* 3 104857
* 4 104058
5 103285
6 102816
7 102031
8 101339
Throughput 103555
JVM 2 Scores
No errors. Valid run.
SPEC scores
Warehouses Thrput
1 41168
* 2 103867
* 3 105357
* 4 104639
5 103973
6 103310
7 99734
8 99504
Throughput 104621
JVM 3 Scores
No errors. Valid run.
SPEC scores
Warehouses Thrput
1 37099
* 2 102744
* 3 104593
* 4 103684
5 102759
6 102250
7 101789
8 100938
Throughput 103674
JVM 4 Scores
No errors. Valid run.
SPEC scores
Warehouses Thrput
1 40678
* 2 104884
* 3 106260
* 4 104967
5 104622
6 103968
7 103273
8 102709
Throughput 105370
JVM 5 Scores
No errors. Valid run.
SPEC scores
Warehouses Thrput
1 37586
* 2 101952
* 3 105276
* 4 105035
5 104291
6 103269
7 102833
8 102284
Throughput 104088
JVM 6 Scores
No errors. Valid run.
SPEC scores
Warehouses Thrput
1 39036
* 2 101926
* 3 103880
* 4 103026
5 102626
6 102304
7 102239
8 101658
Throughput 102944
JVM 7 Scores
No errors. Valid run.
SPEC scores
Warehouses Thrput
1 35476
* 2 102993
* 3 105681
* 4 104659
5 103942
6 103138
7 102372
8 101992
Throughput 104444
JVM 8 Scores
No errors. Valid run.
SPEC scores
Warehouses Thrput
1 39283
* 2 101157
* 3 103635
* 4 102830
5 102177
6 101305
7 100748
8 100221
Throughput 102541
JVM 9 Scores
No errors. Valid run.
SPEC scores
Warehouses Thrput
1 39690
* 2 103738
* 3 104797
* 4 104122
5 103435
6 102322
7 102710
8 102183
Throughput 104219
JVM 10 Scores
No errors. Valid run.
SPEC scores
Warehouses Thrput
1 37450
* 2 104403
* 3 106249
* 4 105204
5 105075
6 103571
7 103187
8 102896
Throughput 105285
JVM 11 Scores
No errors. Valid run.
SPEC scores
Warehouses Thrput
1 37944
* 2 104818
* 3 105788
* 4 105046
5 103787
6 103541
7 102706
8 101899
Throughput 105217
JVM 12 Scores
No errors. Valid run.
SPEC scores
Warehouses Thrput
1 38393
* 2 102818
* 3 104687
* 4 104533
5 103646
6 103415
7 102679
8 102028
Throughput 104012
JVM 13 Scores
No errors. Valid run.
SPEC scores
Warehouses Thrput
1 38145
* 2 101958
* 3 104640
* 4 103466
5 102786
6 101806
7 101313
8 100663
Throughput 103355
JVM 14 Scores
No errors. Valid run.
SPEC scores
Warehouses Thrput
1 40626
* 2 103163
* 3 105124
* 4 103566
5 102997
6 101893
7 101304
8 100981
Throughput 103951
JVM 15 Scores
No errors. Valid run.
SPEC scores
Warehouses Thrput
1 36422
* 2 98454
* 3 99833
* 4 99308
5 98606
6 97925
7 97494
8 97009
Throughput 99199
JVM 16 Scores
No errors. Valid run.
SPEC scores
Warehouses Thrput
1 37026
* 2 103154
* 3 104521
* 4 104486
5 103293
6 102692
7 102135
8 101578
Throughput 104054
SPECjbb2005 Version: [SPECjbb2005 1.07, March 15, 2006]
Reporting page (C) Copyright SPEC, 2005-2007. All rights reserved