SPECjbb2005 bops = 5130786, SPECjbb2005 bops/JVM = 106891
IBM Corporation IBM Power 770 (4.2 GHz, 48 core)
IBM Corporation JRE 1.7.0 (32-bit) IBM J9 2.6 AIX [build pap3270sr3-20120319_01(SR3)]
SPEC license # 11, Tested by: IBM Corporation, Test date: Sep 26, 2012
Multi JVM Mode
JVM run JVM Scores
1 107176
2 107099
3 107237
4 107914
5 107569
6 107188
7 107505
8 107636
9 106698
10 107105
11 107112
12 107776
13 106018
14 105713
15 107507
16 106779
17 106478
18 107021
19 106619
20 105607
21 105381
22 106571
23 105829
24 107917
25 108934
26 108058
27 106580
28 108129
29 106601
30 107835
31 107194
32 106900
33 106569
34 106056
35 107709
36 107112
37 106885
38 105020
39 106910
40 107268
41 106139
42 105483
43 107705
44 107616
45 106073
46 107148
47 105039
48 106368
SPECjbb2005 bops=5130786, SPECjbb2005 bops/JVM=106891
Vendor IBM Corporation | Vendor IBM Corporation
Vendor URL http://www.ibm.com | Vendor URL http://www.ibm.com
Model IBM Power 770 (4.2 | JVM Version JRE 1.7.0 (32-bit)
GHz, 48 core) | IBM J9 2.6 AIX
Processor POWER7+ (Intelligent | [build
Energy Optimization | pap3270sr3-20120319_
enabled, up to 4396 | 01(SR3)]
MHz) | Command Line execrset -c
MHz 4228 | processor_set_number
# of Chips 16 | -e java -Xlp
# of Cores 48 | -Xgcpolicy:gencon
# of Cores/Chip 3 | -Xms2560m -Xmx2560m
HW Threads Yes | -Xmn2048m
Procs avail to 192 | -Xaggressive
Java | -XtlhPrefetch
Memory (MB) 524288 | -XlockReservation
Memory Details 64 x 8 GB DDR3 1066 | -Xgcthreads4
MHz | spec.jbb.JBBmain
L1 Cache 32 KBI + 32 KBD on | -propfile
chip per core | SPECjbb.props
L2 Cache 256 KB I+D on chip | Initial Heap Mem 2560
per core | (MB)
Other Cache 10 MB I+D on chip | Max Heap Mem 2560
per core | (MB)
Filesystem AIX/JFS2 | JVM addressing 32
Disks 1 x 146.8 GB 15K RPM | bits
SFF SAS | JVM CLASSPATH jbb.jar:check.jar
Other H/W | JVM /speclocal/sdk/jre/l
| BOOTCLASSPATH ib/ppc/default:/spec
| local/sdk/jre/lib/pp
| c:/speclocal/sdk/jre
| /lib/ppc:/speclocal/
| sdk/jre/lib/ppc/defa
| ult:/speclocal/sdk/j
| re/lib/ppc/j9vm:/spe
| clocal/sdk/jre/lib/p
| pc:/speclocal/sdk/jr
| e/../lib/ppc:/usr/li
| b:/usr/lib
| OS Version IBM AIX V7.1 TL 2
| Other S/W
| AOT Compilation Details
| Operating system
| tunings
- dscrctl -n -s
| 1
| - 19200 16 MB large pages
| defined with vmo command
- 48
| JVMs were run in processor sets each
| containing 1 core
- Service
| Processor memory mirroring property
| disabled
Tested by IBM Corporation
SPEC License 11
Test Location Austin, TX
Test Date Sep 26, 2012
JVM available Nov-2012
H/w available Oct-2012
OS available Oct-2012
Other s/w
JVM 1 Scores
No errors. Valid run.
SPEC scores
Warehouses Thrput
1 40094
2 84458
3 99238
* 4 109192
* 5 108335
* 6 107689
* 7 105764
* 8 104899
Throughput 107176
JVM 2 Scores
No errors. Valid run.
SPEC scores
Warehouses Thrput
1 37765
2 78585
3 97284
* 4 108920
* 5 108350
* 6 107421
* 7 105884
* 8 104921
Throughput 107099
JVM 3 Scores
No errors. Valid run.
SPEC scores
Warehouses Thrput
1 32837
2 82155
3 97163
* 4 109085
* 5 108307
* 6 107446
* 7 106267
* 8 105081
Throughput 107237
JVM 4 Scores
No errors. Valid run.
SPEC scores
Warehouses Thrput
1 34673
2 80628
3 99262
* 4 110155
* 5 109116
* 6 108081
* 7 106423
* 8 105793
Throughput 107914
JVM 5 Scores
No errors. Valid run.
SPEC scores
Warehouses Thrput
1 34458
2 80270
3 96333
* 4 109992
* 5 108692
* 6 107688
* 7 106399
* 8 105074
Throughput 107569
JVM 6 Scores
No errors. Valid run.
SPEC scores
Warehouses Thrput
1 35438
2 82278
3 94845
* 4 109358
* 5 108641
* 6 107229
* 7 105954
* 8 104759
Throughput 107188
JVM 7 Scores
No errors. Valid run.
SPEC scores
Warehouses Thrput
1 33285
2 83208
3 98381
* 4 109561
* 5 108811
* 6 107660
* 7 106196
* 8 105299
Throughput 107505
JVM 8 Scores
No errors. Valid run.
SPEC scores
Warehouses Thrput
1 35623
2 81966
3 95281
* 4 108730
* 5 108814
* 6 108029
* 7 107007
* 8 105598
Throughput 107636
JVM 9 Scores
No errors. Valid run.
SPEC scores
Warehouses Thrput
1 33110
2 80542
3 98379
* 4 108382
* 5 108198
* 6 107021
* 7 105244
* 8 104643
Throughput 106698
JVM 10 Scores
No errors. Valid run.
SPEC scores
Warehouses Thrput
1 36054
2 81562
3 99107
* 4 108816
* 5 108605
* 6 107127
* 7 106060
* 8 104917
Throughput 107105
JVM 11 Scores
No errors. Valid run.
SPEC scores
Warehouses Thrput
1 34155
2 81178
3 98004
* 4 109572
* 5 108239
* 6 107365
* 7 105750
* 8 104635
Throughput 107112
JVM 12 Scores
No errors. Valid run.
SPEC scores
Warehouses Thrput
1 37416
2 79448
3 97934
* 4 109583
* 5 109111
* 6 107804
* 7 106842
* 8 105539
Throughput 107776
JVM 13 Scores
No errors. Valid run.
SPEC scores
Warehouses Thrput
1 44429
2 84467
3 95352
* 4 108194
* 5 107263
* 6 105962
* 7 104867
* 8 103804
Throughput 106018
JVM 14 Scores
No errors. Valid run.
SPEC scores
Warehouses Thrput
1 35266
2 80968
3 94815
* 4 107163
* 5 107242
* 6 105918
* 7 104625
* 8 103619
Throughput 105713
JVM 15 Scores
No errors. Valid run.
SPEC scores
Warehouses Thrput
1 34594
2 78868
3 95864
* 4 110039
* 5 108519
* 6 107635
* 7 105997
* 8 105343
Throughput 107507
JVM 16 Scores
No errors. Valid run.
SPEC scores
Warehouses Thrput
1 37624
2 78501
3 94952
* 4 108559
* 5 107903
* 6 107004
* 7 106028
* 8 104403
Throughput 106779
JVM 17 Scores
No errors. Valid run.
SPEC scores
Warehouses Thrput
1 40685
2 83713
3 97394
* 4 108753
* 5 107784
* 6 106554
* 7 105254
* 8 104046
Throughput 106478
JVM 18 Scores
No errors. Valid run.
SPEC scores
Warehouses Thrput
1 39391
2 89261
3 97384
* 4 109036
* 5 108745
* 6 107104
* 7 105503
* 8 104716
Throughput 107021
JVM 19 Scores
No errors. Valid run.
SPEC scores
Warehouses Thrput
1 38328
2 81566
3 96669
* 4 108739
* 5 107425
* 6 106775
* 7 105419
* 8 104736
Throughput 106619
JVM 20 Scores
No errors. Valid run.
SPEC scores
Warehouses Thrput
1 36656
2 82800
3 93317
* 4 107589
* 5 106754
* 6 105698
* 7 104585
* 8 103409
Throughput 105607
JVM 21 Scores
No errors. Valid run.
SPEC scores
Warehouses Thrput
1 36876
2 78958
3 96177
* 4 107167
* 5 106608
* 6 105551
* 7 104301
* 8 103276
Throughput 105381
JVM 22 Scores
No errors. Valid run.
SPEC scores
Warehouses Thrput
1 34895
2 83014
3 95580
* 4 108007
* 5 107704
* 6 106817
* 7 105614
* 8 104712
Throughput 106571
JVM 23 Scores
No errors. Valid run.
SPEC scores
Warehouses Thrput
1 36298
2 84186
3 95475
* 4 108001
* 5 106765
* 6 106092
* 7 104781
* 8 103506
Throughput 105829
JVM 24 Scores
No errors. Valid run.
SPEC scores
Warehouses Thrput
1 38262
2 83398
3 95877
* 4 110456
* 5 108771
* 6 108039
* 7 106625
* 8 105691
Throughput 107917
JVM 25 Scores
No errors. Valid run.
SPEC scores
Warehouses Thrput
1 35188
2 84191
3 99920
* 4 111185
* 5 110411
* 6 109126
* 7 107384
* 8 106562
Throughput 108934
JVM 26 Scores
No errors. Valid run.
SPEC scores
Warehouses Thrput
1 36763
2 78938
3 97478
* 4 110362
* 5 109263
* 6 108116
* 7 106853
* 8 105696
Throughput 108058
JVM 27 Scores
No errors. Valid run.
SPEC scores
Warehouses Thrput
1 33984
2 83317
3 96012
* 4 107660
* 5 107883
* 6 107218
* 7 105435
* 8 104704
Throughput 106580
JVM 28 Scores
No errors. Valid run.
SPEC scores
Warehouses Thrput
1 35215
2 81304
3 99229
* 4 109918
* 5 109537
* 6 108625
* 7 106893
* 8 105675
Throughput 108129
JVM 29 Scores
No errors. Valid run.
SPEC scores
Warehouses Thrput
1 44151
2 81706
3 98450
* 4 108167
* 5 107604
* 6 107047
* 7 105426
* 8 104760
Throughput 106601
JVM 30 Scores
No errors. Valid run.
SPEC scores
Warehouses Thrput
1 37667
2 80535
3 97806
* 4 110245
* 5 109122
* 6 107859
* 7 106486
* 8 105460
Throughput 107835
JVM 31 Scores
No errors. Valid run.
SPEC scores
Warehouses Thrput
1 36144
2 88266
3 96158
* 4 109218
* 5 108389
* 6 107370
* 7 106116
* 8 104878
Throughput 107194
JVM 32 Scores
No errors. Valid run.
SPEC scores
Warehouses Thrput
1 35778
2 78228
3 97071
* 4 107390
* 5 108281
* 6 107371
* 7 106251
* 8 105208
Throughput 106900
JVM 33 Scores
No errors. Valid run.
SPEC scores
Warehouses Thrput
1 36288
2 81372
3 95034
* 4 108799
* 5 107565
* 6 106768
* 7 105184
* 8 104530
Throughput 106569
JVM 34 Scores
No errors. Valid run.
SPEC scores
Warehouses Thrput
1 37371
2 81271
3 95992
* 4 108366
* 5 106986
* 6 106092
* 7 104830
* 8 104004
Throughput 106056
JVM 35 Scores
No errors. Valid run.
SPEC scores
Warehouses Thrput
1 33919
2 80787
3 98759
* 4 109867
* 5 109355
* 6 107924
* 7 106015
* 8 105386
Throughput 107709
JVM 36 Scores
No errors. Valid run.
SPEC scores
Warehouses Thrput
1 31743
2 79110
3 97077
* 4 109555
* 5 108817
* 6 107645
* 7 105893
* 8 103653
Throughput 107112
JVM 37 Scores
No errors. Valid run.
SPEC scores
Warehouses Thrput
1 32603
2 82292
3 97213
* 4 109451
* 5 108154
* 6 106698
* 7 105653
* 8 104468
Throughput 106885
JVM 38 Scores
No errors. Valid run.
SPEC scores
Warehouses Thrput
1 37451
2 79935
3 96783
* 4 107027
* 5 106380
* 6 104974
* 7 103810
* 8 102911
Throughput 105020
JVM 39 Scores
No errors. Valid run.
SPEC scores
Warehouses Thrput
1 37591
2 85357
3 98781
* 4 109037
* 5 108397
* 6 106524
* 7 105939
* 8 104652
Throughput 106910
JVM 40 Scores
No errors. Valid run.
SPEC scores
Warehouses Thrput
1 33800
2 85212
3 96823
* 4 109257
* 5 108401
* 6 107427
* 7 106146
* 8 105107
Throughput 107268
JVM 41 Scores
No errors. Valid run.
SPEC scores
Warehouses Thrput
1 41993
2 80473
3 96442
* 4 108151
* 5 107348
* 6 106429
* 7 104824
* 8 103945
Throughput 106139
JVM 42 Scores
No errors. Valid run.
SPEC scores
Warehouses Thrput
1 36105
2 78224
3 94421
* 4 107895
* 5 106864
* 6 105677
* 7 103975
* 8 103003
Throughput 105483
JVM 43 Scores
No errors. Valid run.
SPEC scores
Warehouses Thrput
1 38206
2 81421
3 97180
* 4 109984
* 5 108704
* 6 107744
* 7 106707
* 8 105388
Throughput 107705
JVM 44 Scores
No errors. Valid run.
SPEC scores
Warehouses Thrput
1 32996
2 82105
3 97200
* 4 109474
* 5 108760
* 6 107703
* 7 106745
* 8 105400
Throughput 107616
JVM 45 Scores
No errors. Valid run.
SPEC scores
Warehouses Thrput
1 36834
2 80409
3 96886
* 4 107556
* 5 107341
* 6 106439
* 7 105076
* 8 103951
Throughput 106073
JVM 46 Scores
No errors. Valid run.
SPEC scores
Warehouses Thrput
1 36323
2 81405
3 96870
* 4 109857
* 5 108776
* 6 107293
* 7 105587
* 8 104226
Throughput 107148
JVM 47 Scores
No errors. Valid run.
SPEC scores
Warehouses Thrput
1 38254
2 84048
3 96875
* 4 106866
* 5 106143
* 6 105156
* 7 104179
* 8 102850
Throughput 105039
JVM 48 Scores
No errors. Valid run.
SPEC scores
Warehouses Thrput
1 35744
2 81509
3 94918
* 4 108233
* 5 107314
* 6 106705
* 7 105187
* 8 104398
Throughput 106368
SPECjbb2005 Version: [SPECjbb2005 1.07, March 15, 2006]
Reporting page (C) Copyright SPEC, 2005-2007. All rights reserved