SPECjbb2005 bops = 5091540, SPECjbb2005 bops/JVM = 636443
NEC Corporation Express5800/A1080a-E
Oracle Corporation Oracle Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM on Windows, version 1.6.0_25
SPEC license # 9006, Tested by: NEC Corporation, Test date: May 29, 2011
Multi JVM Mode
JVM run JVM Scores
1 635245
2 632627
3 637826
4 639956
5 633535
6 632147
7 642091
8 638113
SPECjbb2005 bops=5091540, SPECjbb2005 bops/JVM=636443
Vendor NEC Corporation | Vendor Oracle Corporation
Vendor URL http://www.nec.com | Vendor URL http://www.oracle.co
Model Express5800/A1080a-E | m
Processor Intel Xeon processor | JVM Version Oracle Java
E7-8870 (Intel Turbo | HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit
Boost Technology up | Server VM on
to 2.8 GHz) | Windows, version
MHz 2400 | 1.6.0_25
# of Chips 8 | Command Line start /HIGH /NODE
# of Cores 80 | [0-7] /AFFINITY
# of Cores/Chip 10 | FFFFF java
HW Threads Yes | -Xmx26624m
Procs avail to 160 | -Xms26624m
Java | -Xmn25088m
Memory (MB) 1048576 | -XX:+AggressiveOpts
Memory Details 64 x 16GB DDR3L-1066 | -XX:+UseCompressedSt
RDIMMs | rings
L1 Cache 32KB(I) + 32KB(D) on | -XX:+UseParallelOldG
chip per core | C
L2 Cache 256KB(I+D) on chip | -XX:ParallelGCThread
per core | s=20
Other Cache 30MB(I+D) on chip | -XX:+UseLargePages
per chip | -XX:+UseCompressedOo
Filesystem NTFS | ps
Disks 1 x 300GB 10krpm SAS | -XX:AllocatePrefetch
Other H/W | Distance=256
| -XX:AllocatePrefetch
| Lines=4
| -XX:SurvivorRatio=60
| -XX:TargetSurvivorRa
| tio=90
| -XX:InlineSmallCode=
| 3900
| -XX:MaxInlineSize=27
| 0
| -XX:FreqInlineSize=2
| 500
| -XX:LoopUnrollLimit=
| 45
| -XX:InitialTenuringT
| hreshold=12
| -XX:MaxTenuringThres
| hold=15
| -XX:-UseAdaptiveSize
| Policy
| spec.jbb.JBBmain
| -propfile
| SPECjbb.props -id
| $JVM_id
| Initial Heap Mem 26624
| (MB)
| Max Heap Mem 26624
| (MB)
| JVM addressing 64
| bits
| JVM CLASSPATH .\jbb.jar;.\check.ja
| r;
| JVM C:\Windows\system32;
| BOOTCLASSPATH .;C:\Windows\Sun\Jav
| a\bin;C:\Windows\sys
| tem32;C:\Windows;C:\
| Windows\system32;C:\
| Windows;C:\Windows\S
| ystem32\Wbem;C:\Wind
| ows\System32\Windows
| PowerShell\v1.0\;C:\
| Program
| Files\Intel\DMIX
| OS Version Microsoft Windows
| Server 2008 R2
| Enterprise with SP1
| Other S/W
| AOT Compilation Details
- Using the local security
| settings console, "lock pages in
| memory" was enabled for the user
| running the
| benchmark.
- Hardware
| Prefetcher was disabled in
- Adj Cache Line Prefet
| was disabled in BIOS.
- Power
| Technology was set to Custom in
- CPU C6 Report was
| disabled in BIOS.
- Patrol
| Scrubbing was disabled in Server Web
| Console.
| - input.expected_peak_warehouse
| was set to 20, because
| Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcess
| ors() doesn't return the number of
| processors in the system but return
| that in the processor group which JVM
| process belongs to on systems with
| Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2 and
| more than 64 processor
| threads.
- Command line options
| are described under
| http://download.oracle.com/docs/cd/E1
| 7409_01/javase/6/docs/index.html and
| at
| http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/jav
| a/javase/tech/vmoptions-jsp-140102.ht
| ml.
Tested by NEC Corporation
SPEC License 9006
Test Location Fuchu, Tokyo,
Test Date May 29, 2011
JVM available Apr-2011
H/w available Jun-2011
OS available Feb-2011
Other s/w
JVM 1 Scores
No errors. Valid run.
SPEC scores
Warehouses Thrput
1 52869
2 106036
3 164894
4 215473
5 264053
6 312026
7 358487
8 407177
9 457827
10 502804
11 516937
12 534126
13 547615
14 561097
15 573975
16 585230
17 596174
18 606769
19 613874
* 20 642073
* 21 643571
* 22 636554
* 23 640091
* 24 636412
* 25 644499
* 26 635713
* 27 637000
* 28 635635
* 29 633170
* 30 625748
* 31 621501
* 32 636957
* 33 632777
* 34 636170
* 35 631747
* 36 627912
* 37 631632
* 38 634491
* 39 639368
* 40 637119
Throughput 635245
JVM 2 Scores
No errors. Valid run.
SPEC scores
Warehouses Thrput
1 52467
2 105265
3 162964
4 215591
5 263702
6 314159
7 362321
8 410315
9 457517
10 506284
11 520295
12 535803
13 550490
14 562593
15 575694
16 588630
17 598127
18 609445
19 614816
* 20 640568
* 21 643001
* 22 638413
* 23 625269
* 24 626362
* 25 643100
* 26 625671
* 27 628177
* 28 635485
* 29 634761
* 30 624328
* 31 643031
* 32 622245
* 33 634615
* 34 636527
* 35 636116
* 36 635391
* 37 636495
* 38 635183
* 39 620154
* 40 620276
Throughput 632627
JVM 3 Scores
No errors. Valid run.
SPEC scores
Warehouses Thrput
1 52445
2 105141
3 164861
4 217295
5 265913
6 312475
7 361085
8 410730
9 459233
10 504594
11 520892
12 535986
13 549303
14 562455
15 577258
16 589219
17 597889
18 609795
19 616885
* 20 643797
* 21 646342
* 22 643052
* 23 643982
* 24 645363
* 25 647630
* 26 639631
* 27 630852
* 28 638247
* 29 637214
* 30 631672
* 31 641968
* 32 639933
* 33 638241
* 34 641846
* 35 642145
* 36 633241
* 37 623396
* 38 638852
* 39 625570
* 40 621375
Throughput 637826
JVM 4 Scores
No errors. Valid run.
SPEC scores
Warehouses Thrput
1 52770
2 107048
3 165526
4 216401
5 263036
6 312319
7 357712
8 406603
9 456517
10 502803
11 518994
12 533788
13 549319
14 561808
15 574577
16 587876
17 597875
18 609630
19 617499
* 20 645630
* 21 636565
* 22 647679
* 23 650514
* 24 637456
* 25 647252
* 26 641124
* 27 632067
* 28 639860
* 29 639163
* 30 628739
* 31 645428
* 32 641104
* 33 638473
* 34 641272
* 35 639696
* 36 634398
* 37 641569
* 38 660775
* 39 625417
* 40 624893
Throughput 639956
JVM 5 Scores
No errors. Valid run.
SPEC scores
Warehouses Thrput
1 52822
2 106198
3 164533
4 215952
5 263386
6 312540
7 356156
8 405317
9 455336
10 500213
11 516267
12 531401
13 543729
14 559498
15 573135
16 585766
17 595687
18 603236
19 612421
* 20 632702
* 21 640949
* 22 630156
* 23 645198
* 24 638960
* 25 641430
* 26 636343
* 27 631664
* 28 629394
* 29 633811
* 30 623547
* 31 640454
* 32 636686
* 33 633890
* 34 634690
* 35 636825
* 36 634228
* 37 631404
* 38 633356
* 39 619266
* 40 619278
Throughput 633535
JVM 6 Scores
No errors. Valid run.
SPEC scores
Warehouses Thrput
1 52476
2 104784
3 164279
4 214105
5 262219
6 310246
7 357043
8 404610
9 453058
10 498615
11 514200
12 530397
13 544464
14 557572
15 572401
16 584642
17 593982
18 603569
19 610205
* 20 638469
* 21 639778
* 22 635886
* 23 623935
* 24 633063
* 25 639947
* 26 633819
* 27 630446
* 28 634825
* 29 634011
* 30 633312
* 31 625791
* 32 632072
* 33 630934
* 34 634077
* 35 630161
* 36 632367
* 37 633968
* 38 634394
* 39 625963
* 40 617873
Throughput 632147
JVM 7 Scores
No errors. Valid run.
SPEC scores
Warehouses Thrput
1 52951
2 107045
3 165204
4 215534
5 266063
6 315157
7 361273
8 410115
9 460486
10 507686
11 521638
12 537461
13 553190
14 565374
15 574307
16 588989
17 600858
18 608981
19 615328
* 20 643052
* 21 641545
* 22 641556
* 23 645973
* 24 650784
* 25 646050
* 26 645646
* 27 630345
* 28 631818
* 29 652552
* 30 655733
* 31 644185
* 32 639945
* 33 635890
* 34 638569
* 35 638567
* 36 635099
* 37 634847
* 38 655637
* 39 637700
* 40 638418
Throughput 642091
JVM 8 Scores
No errors. Valid run.
SPEC scores
Warehouses Thrput
1 53029
2 107323
3 166453
4 215426
5 265843
6 310989
7 359030
8 408557
9 459913
10 503470
11 518568
12 534565
13 550480
14 562903
15 574981
16 588593
17 600544
18 610506
19 618254
* 20 644400
* 21 637482
* 22 642405
* 23 640997
* 24 644824
* 25 649295
* 26 641301
* 27 631115
* 28 629403
* 29 641967
* 30 630093
* 31 643986
* 32 641468
* 33 639054
* 34 641979
* 35 636555
* 36 634706
* 37 640701
* 38 640289
* 39 624663
* 40 623689
Throughput 638113
SPECjbb2005 Version: [SPECjbb2005 1.07, March 15, 2006]
Reporting page (C) Copyright SPEC, 2005-2007. All rights reserved