SPECjbb2005 SPECjbb2005 bops = 24195, SPECjbb2005 bops/JVM = 24195
Fujitsu Limited Fujitsu SPARC Enterprise T5240
Sun Microsystems, Inc. Java HotSpot(TM) 32-Bit Server VM on Solaris, version 1.6.0_06 Performance Release
Warehouses SPECjbb2005 bops Incl. in metric
1 4105
2 9102
3 12670
4 15009
5 18392
6 20949
7 22535
8 24216 *
9 24239 *
10 24229 *
11 24095 *
12 24174 *
13 24227 *
14 24137 *
15 24329 *
16 24104 *
SPECjbb2005 (from 8 to 16) 24195 SPECjbb2005 bops
SPEC license # 19 Tested by: Sun Microsystems, Inc. Test date: Oct 4, 2008

Hardware Vendor Fujitsu Limited
Vendor URL http://www.fujitsu.com/
Model Fujitsu SPARC Enterprise T5240
Processor UltraSPARC T2 Plus
MHz 1415
# of Chips 2
# of Cores 16
# of Cores/Chip 8
HW Threading Enabled? Yes
Procs Avail to Java 128
Memory (MB) 65536
Memory Details 16 x 4GB DDR2 FBDIMMS
Primary cache 16KB(I)+8KB(D) per core
Secondary cache 4MB per chip
Other cache  
Filesystem UFS
Disks 2x 146GB SAS
Other hardware  
Software Vendor Sun Microsystems, Inc.
Vendor URL http://www.sun.com
JVM Version Java HotSpot(TM) 32-Bit Server VM on Solaris, version 1.6.0_06 Performance Release
JVM Command Line psrset -e processor set number priocntl -c FX -t 150 -e java -Xmx3350m -Xms3350m -Xmn2600m -XX:+UseParallelOldGC -XX:+AggressiveOpts -XX:ParallelGCThreads=11 -XX:LargePageSizeInBytes=256m -XX:AllocatePrefetchStyle=2 -XX:BiasedLockingStartupDelay=500 -classpath jbb.jar:check.jar spec.jbb.JBBmain -propfile SPECjbb.props -id JVM id
JVM Initial Heap Memory (MB) 3350
JVM Maximum Heap Memory (MB) 3350
JVM Address bits 32
JVM BOOTCLASSPATH /export/home/jdk1.6.0_06/jre/lib/resources.jar:
OS Version Solaris 10 10/08
Other software  
Test Information
Tested by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
SPEC license # 19
Test location Burlington, MA.
Test date Oct 4, 2008
H/w available Apr-2008
JVM available Jul-2008
OS available Oct-2008
Other s/w available  
AOT Compilation
Each JVM was placed in the FX priority class with the priocntl command.
15 JVMs were run in processor sets each containing one core.
1 JVM was run in the default set containing one core.
expected_peak_warehouse was set to 8.
Solaris swap space sized to fit the sum of the space needed by all executing JVMs.
This result was measured on the Sun SPARC Enterprise T5240
The Fujitsu SPARC Enterprise T5240 and Sun SPARC Enterprise T5240 are
electronically equivalent.

Details of Runs

Warehouses Thrput Total heap (MB) Thread spread % % > 120s transaction type Count Time (in seconds)
SizeUsed totalmax
1 4105 3232 1733 <0.01% <0.01 new_order 54078 10.2 .429
payment 37330 4.99 <0.01
order_status 3733 .635 <0.01
delivery 3733 6.83 <0.01
stock_level 3732 .879 <0.01
cust_report 20581 4.99 <0.01
2 9102 3232 917 .108% <0.01 new_order 120201 18.2 <0.01
payment 82776 9.46 .179
order_status 8277 1.11 <0.01
delivery 8278 15.7 .182
stock_level 8278 2.10 <0.01
cust_report 45342 11.5 <0.01
3 12670 3232 1492 2.64% <0.01 new_order 166900 27.6 .246
payment 115216 14.4 .245
order_status 11523 1.65 <0.01
delivery 11523 22.6 <0.01
stock_level 11522 2.62 <0.01
cust_report 63534 18.3 <0.01
4 15009 3430 625 .111% <0.01 new_order 197825 36.1 1.62
payment 136492 21.0 1.62
order_status 13650 2.07 <0.01
delivery 13647 28.6 .320
stock_level 13647 4.83 1.62
cust_report 75152 24.2 .318
5 18392 3439 2564 3.11% <0.01 new_order 242527 45.5 .240
payment 167255 24.3 .240
order_status 16725 2.67 <0.01
delivery 16726 36.2 <0.01
stock_level 16725 4.13 <0.01
cust_report 91978 32.9 .241
6 20949 3454 253 .350% <0.01 new_order 276230 55.0 .119
payment 190495 28.4 .120
order_status 19050 3.19 <0.01
delivery 19050 43.4 .122
stock_level 19050 5.22 .119
cust_report 104770 39.5 .119
7 22535 3470 1120 4.32% <0.01 new_order 297091 64.9 .135
payment 204920 33.5 .133
order_status 20491 3.62 <0.01
delivery 20493 50.1 .137
stock_level 20491 5.77 .133
cust_report 112754 46.0 .133
8 24216 3526 1133 .327% .016 new_order 2553821 590 .146
payment 1761427 305 .142
order_status 176144 33.8 .127
delivery 176141 456 .148
stock_level 176143 52.7 .145
cust_report 969028 425 .146
9 24239 3551 2653 20.3% .013 new_order 2556066 665 .263
payment 1763102 342 .297
order_status 176310 38.1 .151
delivery 176312 514 .156
stock_level 176308 59.5 .151
cust_report 970131 478 .290
10 24229 3558 1012 24.5% .058 new_order 2557094 742 .399
payment 1763153 381 .540
order_status 176316 41.8 .151
delivery 176317 572 .272
stock_level 176316 63.0 .200
cust_report 969204 530 .241
11 24095 3555 1929 27.0% .057 new_order 2542318 805 1.67
payment 1753379 423 1.63
order_status 175338 46.2 .160
delivery 175338 636 1.96
stock_level 175337 73.1 .218
cust_report 964452 582 1.65
12 24174 3553 629 16.5% .058 new_order 2549970 888 .631
payment 1759131 461 .590
order_status 175909 54.9 .520
delivery 175913 684 .823
stock_level 175912 79.7 .540
cust_report 968309 626 .710
13 24227 3550 2787 14.8% .033 new_order 2556367 973 .750
payment 1762567 495 .490
order_status 176258 53.0 .600
delivery 176257 743 .793
stock_level 176257 87.6 .740
cust_report 968794 690 .750
14 24137 3548 1290 9.24% .095 new_order 2547857 1031 .903
payment 1757068 547 1.01
order_status 175708 58.9 .429
delivery 175708 799 .862
stock_level 175705 90.0 .403
cust_report 966286 742 1.00
15 24329 3546 1427 9.20% .088 new_order 2568076 1127 2.14
payment 1770939 587 2.51
order_status 177093 67.0 .848
delivery 177090 862 1.67
stock_level 177092 104 1.67
cust_report 973809 792 2.21
16 24104 3543 2756 3.47% .071 new_order 2543698 1177 1.49
payment 1754242 613 1.36
order_status 175424 68.1 .497
delivery 175424 898 1.20
stock_level 175422 107 1.22
cust_report 964806 864 1.39

SPECjbb2005 Version: [SPECjbb2005 1.07, March 15, 2006]
Reporting page, Copyright © 2005-2007 SPEC. All rights reserved

First published at SPEC.org on 06-Nov-2008