SPECjbb2005 bops = 343512, SPECjbb2005 bops/JVM = 21470 Sun Microsystems, Inc. Sun Fire E6900 Sun Microsystems, Inc. Java HotSpot(TM) 32-Bit Server VM on Solaris, version 1.6.0 SPEC license # 6, Tested by: Sun Microsystems, Inc., Test date: Oct 17, 2006 Multi JVM Mode JVM run JVM Scores 1 21158 2 21321 3 21574 4 21586 5 21399 6 21359 7 21593 8 21526 9 21444 10 21375 11 21706 12 21565 13 21304 14 21490 15 21504 16 21608 SPECjbb2005 bops=343512, SPECjbb2005 bops/JVM=21470 HARDWARE | SOFTWARE Vendor Sun Microsystems, | Vendor Sun Microsystems, Inc. | Inc. Vendor URL http://www.sun.com/ | Vendor URL http://www.sun.com/ Model Sun Fire E6900 | JVM Version Java HotSpot(TM) Processor UltraSPARC(TM) IV+ | 32-Bit Server VM on MHz 1800 | Solaris, version # of Chips 16 | 1.6.0 # of Cores 32 | Command Line psrset -e # of Cores/Chip 2 | processor set HW Threads N/A | number ppgsz -o Procs avail to 32 | heap=4m java -d32 Java | -Xms3328m -Xmx3328m Memory (MB) 65536 | -Xmn1792m -Xss128k Memory Details | -Xbatch L1 Cache 64KBI+64KBD | -XX:+AggressiveOpts L2 Cache 2MB(I+D) | -verbose:gc Other Cache 32MB(I+D) off chip | -classpath Filesystem UFS | jbb.jar:check.jar Disks Sun StorageTek D240 | spec.jbb.JBBmain Media Tray | -propfile Other H/W | SPECjbb.props -id | JVM | number | Initial Heap Mem 3328 | (MB) | Max Heap Mem 3328 | (MB) | JVM addressing 32 | bits | JVM CLASSPATH jbb.jar:check.jar | JVM /export/bmk/ptk/jdk1 | BOOTCLASSPATH .6.0/jre/lib/sparc/s | erver:/export/bmk/pt | k/jdk1.6.0/jre/lib/s | parc:/export/bmk/ptk | /jdk1.6.0/jre/../lib | /sparc:/usr/jdk/pack | ages/lib/sparc:/lib: | /usr/lib | OS Version Solaris 10 1/06 | (64-bit) | Other S/W | | AOT Compilation Details | | | TUNING AND NOTES |
/etc/system | parameters:
autoup=34 | 5600
The frequency of file system | sync | operations.
kernel_cage_enabl | e=0
Disable kernel | cage.
default random policy applies | only to lgroups with a process' | processor set.
Each | JVM was run in its own processor set | containing two cores (one whole | chip).
Each JVM was given | 32 Mbyte pages with the ppgsz | command.
Each JVM was placed | in the FX priority class with the | priocntl command.
| | TEST INFORMATION Tested by Sun Microsystems, Inc. SPEC License 6 Test Location Hillsboro, OR Test Date Oct 17, 2006 JVM available Dec-2006 H/w available Aug-2006 OS available Jan-2006 Other s/w available JVM 1 Scores Validity No errors. Valid run. SPEC scores Warehouses Thrput 1 9717 * 2 21142 * 3 21228 * 4 21103 5 20950 6 20968 7 20893 8 20825 Throughput 21158 JVM 2 Scores Validity No errors. Valid run. SPEC scores Warehouses Thrput 1 9825 * 2 21370 * 3 21342 * 4 21252 5 21217 6 21120 7 20974 8 21043 Throughput 21321 JVM 3 Scores Validity No errors. Valid run. SPEC scores Warehouses Thrput 1 10091 * 2 21575 * 3 21634 * 4 21513 5 21443 6 21368 7 21153 8 21799 Throughput 21574 JVM 4 Scores Validity No errors. Valid run. SPEC scores Warehouses Thrput 1 10049 * 2 21555 * 3 21635 * 4 21567 5 21538 6 21365 7 21368 8 21272 Throughput 21586 JVM 5 Scores Validity No errors. Valid run. SPEC scores Warehouses Thrput 1 10116 * 2 21423 * 3 21396 * 4 21377 5 21256 6 21218 7 21323 8 21121 Throughput 21399 JVM 6 Scores Validity No errors. Valid run. SPEC scores Warehouses Thrput 1 9781 * 2 21365 * 3 21411 * 4 21299 5 21229 6 21413 7 21175 8 21045 Throughput 21359 JVM 7 Scores Validity No errors. Valid run. SPEC scores Warehouses Thrput 1 10223 * 2 21534 * 3 21735 * 4 21509 5 21761 6 21404 7 22721 8 21331 Throughput 21593 JVM 8 Scores Validity No errors. Valid run. SPEC scores Warehouses Thrput 1 10076 * 2 21521 * 3 21592 * 4 21464 5 21372 6 21292 7 21173 8 20998 Throughput 21526 JVM 9 Scores Validity No errors. Valid run. SPEC scores Warehouses Thrput 1 10029 * 2 21327 * 3 21365 * 4 21641 5 21241 6 21242 7 22106 8 21134 Throughput 21444 JVM 10 Scores Validity No errors. Valid run. SPEC scores Warehouses Thrput 1 9963 * 2 21378 * 3 21389 * 4 21359 5 21238 6 21179 7 21082 8 25712 Throughput 21375 JVM 11 Scores Validity No errors. Valid run. SPEC scores Warehouses Thrput 1 10185 * 2 21551 * 3 21641 * 4 21926 5 21435 6 21396 7 21397 8 21192 Throughput 21706 JVM 12 Scores Validity No errors. Valid run. SPEC scores Warehouses Thrput 1 10000 * 2 21562 * 3 21663 * 4 21468 5 21502 6 22138 7 21365 8 21359 Throughput 21565 JVM 13 Scores Validity No errors. Valid run. SPEC scores Warehouses Thrput 1 9978 * 2 21342 * 3 21301 * 4 21268 5 21154 6 21141 7 21423 8 21414 Throughput 21304 JVM 14 Scores Validity No errors. Valid run. SPEC scores Warehouses Thrput 1 10001 * 2 21364 * 3 21421 * 4 21685 5 21562 6 21265 7 21078 8 21069 Throughput 21490 JVM 15 Scores Validity No errors. Valid run. SPEC scores Warehouses Thrput 1 9942 * 2 21509 * 3 21531 * 4 21473 5 21358 6 21644 7 21289 8 21183 Throughput 21504 JVM 16 Scores Validity No errors. Valid run. SPEC scores Warehouses Thrput 1 10158 * 2 21525 * 3 21714 * 4 21586 5 21433 6 21400 7 21209 8 21148 Throughput 21608 SPECjbb2005 Version: [SPECjbb2005 1.07, March 15, 2006] Reporting page (C) Copyright SPEC, 2005. All rights reserved