SPECjbb2005 bops = 2054864, SPECjbb2005 bops/JVM = 64215 Hewlett-Packard Company HP Integrity SD64B Server Hewlett-Packard Company HP Hotspot Server VM for Itanium2 on HP-UX SPEC license # 3, Tested by: Hewlett-Packard Company, Test date: Aug 15, 2006 Multi JVM Mode JVM run JVM Scores 1 64247 2 63858 3 64588 4 64428 5 63704 6 64449 7 64285 8 64195 9 64018 10 63535 11 64378 12 64036 13 64654 14 64289 15 64211 16 64529 17 64344 18 64185 19 64678 20 64120 21 64209 22 64382 23 64417 24 64184 25 64443 26 64413 27 63823 28 64193 29 64131 30 63879 31 64215 32 63844 SPECjbb2005 bops=2054864, SPECjbb2005 bops/JVM=64215 HARDWARE | SOFTWARE Vendor Hewlett-Packard | Vendor Hewlett-Packard Company | Company Vendor URL http://www.hp.com | Vendor URL http://www.hp.com Model HP Integrity SD64B | JVM Version HP Hotspot Server | Server VM for Processor Itanium2 9000 Series | Itanium2 on HP-UX | Command Line psrset -e MHz 1600 | processor_set_number # of Chips 64 | java -XX:+ServerApp # of Cores 128 | -XX:+AggressiveHeap # of Cores/Chip 2 | -Xmn3200m -ms3700m HW Threads No | -mx3700m Procs avail to 128 | -XX:CICompilerCount= Java | 1 Memory (MB) 261103 | -XX:CompileThreshold Memory Details | =500 L1 Cache 16KBI+16KBD per core | -spec.jbb.JBBmain L2 Cache 1024KBI+256KBD per | -propfile core | SPECjbb.props -id Other Cache 12MB per core | JVM_number Filesystem VxFS | Initial Heap Mem 3700 Disks 1 x 70GB SCSI | (MB) (classes) 1 x 70GB | Max Heap Mem 3700 SCSI (OS) | (MB) Other H/W | JVM addressing 32 | bits | JVM CLASSPATH ./jbb.jar:./check.ja | r | JVM /opt/java1.5/jre/lib | BOOTCLASSPATH /IA64N:/opt/java1.5/ | jre/lib/IA64N/server | :/opt/java1.5/jre/.. | /lib/IA64N:/usr/lib | OS Version HP-UX 11i v2 | Other S/W | | AOT Compilation Details | | | TUNING AND NOTES | Each JVM instance was run in its own | processor set containing four cores | (two chips). | | TEST INFORMATION Tested by Hewlett-Packard Company SPEC License 3 Test Location Cupertino, CA Test Date Aug 15, 2006 JVM available Nov-2006 H/w available Sep-2006 OS available June-2006 Other s/w available JVM 1 Scores Validity No errors. Valid run. SPEC scores Warehouses Thrput 1 15084 2 31223 3 47433 * 4 65220 * 5 64175 * 6 64359 * 7 63377 * 8 64101 Throughput 64247 JVM 2 Scores Validity No errors. Valid run. SPEC scores Warehouses Thrput 1 14898 2 31219 3 47252 * 4 65130 * 5 64598 * 6 63706 * 7 63116 * 8 62741 Throughput 63858 JVM 3 Scores Validity No errors. Valid run. SPEC scores Warehouses Thrput 1 15119 2 31482 3 47686 * 4 65511 * 5 65202 * 6 64265 * 7 63737 * 8 64221 Throughput 64588 JVM 4 Scores Validity No errors. Valid run. SPEC scores Warehouses Thrput 1 15130 2 31446 3 47602 * 4 65468 * 5 65062 * 6 64523 * 7 63538 * 8 63549 Throughput 64428 JVM 5 Scores Validity No errors. Valid run. SPEC scores Warehouses Thrput 1 14988 2 31174 3 47241 * 4 64777 * 5 64275 * 6 63473 * 7 63110 * 8 62886 Throughput 63704 JVM 6 Scores Validity No errors. Valid run. SPEC scores Warehouses Thrput 1 15113 2 31388 3 47663 * 4 65485 * 5 64983 * 6 64632 * 7 63727 * 8 63416 Throughput 64449 JVM 7 Scores Validity No errors. Valid run. SPEC scores Warehouses Thrput 1 15052 2 31362 3 47546 * 4 65400 * 5 64871 * 6 64070 * 7 63538 * 8 63545 Throughput 64285 JVM 8 Scores Validity No errors. Valid run. SPEC scores Warehouses Thrput 1 15020 2 31265 3 47446 * 4 65118 * 5 64977 * 6 64435 * 7 63340 * 8 63105 Throughput 64195 JVM 9 Scores Validity No errors. Valid run. SPEC scores Warehouses Thrput 1 15056 2 31243 3 47389 * 4 65093 * 5 64248 * 6 63827 * 7 63301 * 8 63621 Throughput 64018 JVM 10 Scores Validity No errors. Valid run. SPEC scores Warehouses Thrput 1 14823 2 31094 3 46915 * 4 64446 * 5 63987 * 6 63264 * 7 62929 * 8 63046 Throughput 63535 JVM 11 Scores Validity No errors. Valid run. SPEC scores Warehouses Thrput 1 15096 2 31478 3 47720 * 4 65349 * 5 65113 * 6 64697 * 7 63545 * 8 63188 Throughput 64378 JVM 12 Scores Validity No errors. Valid run. SPEC scores Warehouses Thrput 1 15092 2 31328 3 47350 * 4 64934 * 5 64733 * 6 63668 * 7 63260 * 8 63583 Throughput 64036 JVM 13 Scores Validity No errors. Valid run. SPEC scores Warehouses Thrput 1 15016 2 31311 3 47691 * 4 65525 * 5 65186 * 6 64654 * 7 63665 * 8 64240 Throughput 64654 JVM 14 Scores Validity No errors. Valid run. SPEC scores Warehouses Thrput 1 15075 2 31335 3 47372 * 4 64953 * 5 64819 * 6 64306 * 7 63360 * 8 64009 Throughput 64289 JVM 15 Scores Validity No errors. Valid run. SPEC scores Warehouses Thrput 1 15049 2 31034 3 47325 * 4 65038 * 5 64577 * 6 64246 * 7 63379 * 8 63815 Throughput 64211 JVM 16 Scores Validity No errors. Valid run. SPEC scores Warehouses Thrput 1 15127 2 31505 3 47825 * 4 65640 * 5 65008 * 6 64469 * 7 63695 * 8 63832 Throughput 64529 JVM 17 Scores Validity No errors. Valid run. SPEC scores Warehouses Thrput 1 15168 2 31517 3 47627 * 4 65294 * 5 64588 * 6 64183 * 7 63629 * 8 64028 Throughput 64344 JVM 18 Scores Validity No errors. Valid run. SPEC scores Warehouses Thrput 1 15067 2 31201 3 47421 * 4 65229 * 5 64864 * 6 63879 * 7 63396 * 8 63559 Throughput 64185 JVM 19 Scores Validity No errors. Valid run. SPEC scores Warehouses Thrput 1 15153 2 31477 3 47838 * 4 65729 * 5 65374 * 6 64928 * 7 63817 * 8 63544 Throughput 64678 JVM 20 Scores Validity No errors. Valid run. SPEC scores Warehouses Thrput 1 15089 2 31318 3 47419 * 4 65133 * 5 64393 * 6 63864 * 7 63366 * 8 63842 Throughput 64120 JVM 21 Scores Validity No errors. Valid run. SPEC scores Warehouses Thrput 1 15113 2 31385 3 47457 * 4 65084 * 5 64615 * 6 64294 * 7 63355 * 8 63698 Throughput 64209 JVM 22 Scores Validity No errors. Valid run. SPEC scores Warehouses Thrput 1 15137 2 31237 3 47634 * 4 65480 * 5 64808 * 6 64752 * 7 63577 * 8 63291 Throughput 64382 JVM 23 Scores Validity No errors. Valid run. SPEC scores Warehouses Thrput 1 15123 2 31415 3 47604 * 4 65231 * 5 65177 * 6 64074 * 7 63455 * 8 64149 Throughput 64417 JVM 24 Scores Validity No errors. Valid run. SPEC scores Warehouses Thrput 1 15084 2 31374 3 47398 * 4 65011 * 5 64915 * 6 64141 * 7 63310 * 8 63542 Throughput 64184 JVM 25 Scores Validity No errors. Valid run. SPEC scores Warehouses Thrput 1 15154 2 31469 3 47608 * 4 65386 * 5 65234 * 6 64469 * 7 63488 * 8 63637 Throughput 64443 JVM 26 Scores Validity No errors. Valid run. SPEC scores Warehouses Thrput 1 15110 2 31441 3 47721 * 4 65514 * 5 64771 * 6 64713 * 7 63685 * 8 63380 Throughput 64413 JVM 27 Scores Validity No errors. Valid run. SPEC scores Warehouses Thrput 1 14980 2 30948 3 47046 * 4 64692 * 5 63976 * 6 63922 * 7 62948 * 8 63576 Throughput 63823 JVM 28 Scores Validity No errors. Valid run. SPEC scores Warehouses Thrput 1 15049 2 31365 3 47545 * 4 65333 * 5 64671 * 6 64494 * 7 63541 * 8 62924 Throughput 64193 JVM 29 Scores Validity No errors. Valid run. SPEC scores Warehouses Thrput 1 15065 2 31223 3 47426 * 4 65088 * 5 64838 * 6 64406 * 7 63362 * 8 62962 Throughput 64131 JVM 30 Scores Validity No errors. Valid run. SPEC scores Warehouses Thrput 1 15063 2 31243 3 47246 * 4 64802 * 5 64376 * 6 63798 * 7 63354 * 8 63063 Throughput 63879 JVM 31 Scores Validity No errors. Valid run. SPEC scores Warehouses Thrput 1 15070 2 31293 3 47478 * 4 65322 * 5 64700 * 6 64377 * 7 63498 * 8 63176 Throughput 64215 JVM 32 Scores Validity No errors. Valid run. SPEC scores Warehouses Thrput 1 15435 2 31238 3 47352 * 4 64977 * 5 64252 * 6 64264 * 7 63343 * 8 62384 Throughput 63844 SPECjbb2005 Version: [SPECjbb2005 1.05, July 6, 2005] Reporting page (C) Copyright SPEC, 2005. All rights reserved