SPECjbb2005 bops = 3772246, SPECjbb2005 bops/JVM = 58941
SGI Altix 4700 (64 Blade/128P DC)
BEA Systems BEA JRockit(R) 5.0 P26.4.0-10 (build P26.4.0-10-62459-1.5.0_06-20060529-2101-linux-ia64)
SPEC license # 4, Tested by: SGI, Test date: Jun 17, 2006
Multi JVM Mode
JVM run JVM Scores
1 58802
2 59022
3 59036
4 59402
5 59105
6 58721
7 59138
8 58709
9 58685
10 58838
11 58586
12 59283
13 58257
14 59092
15 58723
16 59170
17 58442
18 58556
19 58769
20 58921
21 58963
22 58521
23 58993
24 59201
25 58959
26 59003
27 59124
28 58993
29 58723
30 59133
31 58291
32 59352
33 58757
34 58908
35 59211
36 58668
37 59154
38 59103
39 58067
40 59231
41 58846
42 59292
43 59242
44 59095
45 58841
46 58960
47 58945
48 58886
49 59191
50 59133
51 58891
52 59177
53 59013
54 59216
55 59071
56 58878
57 59155
58 58662
59 58772
60 58955
61 58991
62 59283
63 59000
64 59139
SPECjbb2005 bops=3772246, SPECjbb2005 bops/JVM=58941
Vendor SGI | Vendor BEA Systems
Vendor URL http://www.sgi.com | Vendor URL http://www.bea.com
Model Altix 4700 (64 | JVM Version BEA JRockit(R) 5.0
Blade/128P DC) | P26.4.0-10 (build
Processor Intel DC Itanium2 | P26.4.0-10-62459-1.5
Processor 9050 1.6 | .0_06-20060529-2101-
Ghz | linux-ia64)
MHz 1600 | Command Line numactl
# of Chips 128 | --cpunodebind=$node
# of Cores 256 | --localalloc java
# of Cores/Chip 2 | -Xms3840m -Xmx3840m
HW Threads No | -XXaggressive
Procs avail to 256 | -XXcompressedRefs
Java | -XXthroughputCompact
Memory (MB) 524288 | ion -XXlazyUnlocking
Memory Details 1GB ECC DDR2 DIMMs | -XXtlasize256k
(PC2-3200R) spread | -XXgcthreads8 -cp
uniformly over 64 | jbb.jar:check.jar
compute blades | spec.jbb.JBBmain
L1 Cache 16KBI + 16KBD on | -propfile
chip per core | SPECjbb.props -id
L2 Cache 1024kB(I) + 256kB(D) | $id
on chip per core | Initial Heap Mem 3840
Other Cache 12MB (I+D) on chip | (MB)
per core | Max Heap Mem 3840
Filesystem xfs | (MB)
Disks 1 x 146 GB SCSI | JVM addressing 64
(classes + OS) | bits
Other H/W | JVM CLASSPATH jbb.jar:check.jar
| JVM /tmp/SPECjbb2005/jro
| BOOTCLASSPATH ckit-jdk1.5.0_06-P-1
| 0/jre/lib/ia64/jrock
| it:/tmp/SPECjbb2005/
| jrockit-jdk1.5.0_06-
| P-10/jre/lib/ia64:/t
| mp/SPECjbb2005/jrock
| it-jdk1.5.0_06-P-10/
| jre/../lib/ia64
| OS Version SuSE Linux
| Enterprise Server 9
| SP3
| (2.6.5-7.252.PTF-sn2
| )
| Other S/W
| AOT Compilation Details
| Operating system tunings
- mount
| -t hugetlbfs nodev
| /mnt/hugepages
- echo 1280 >
| /proc/sys/vm/nr_hugepages
| Command line options are described at
| http://e-docs.bea.com/jrockit/jrdocs/
| refman/index.html
| configured to use one JVM per NUMA
| node (4 cores).
Tested by SGI
SPEC License 4
Test Location Mountain View, CA
Test Date Jun 17, 2006
JVM available Jun-2006
H/w available July-2006
OS available June-2006
Other s/w
JVM 1 Scores
No errors. Valid run.
SPEC scores
Warehouses Thrput
1 11352
2 30511
3 44910
* 4 59829
* 5 58786
* 6 59096
* 7 58430
* 8 57871
Throughput 58802
JVM 2 Scores
No errors. Valid run.
SPEC scores
Warehouses Thrput
1 10158
2 30313
3 44935
* 4 59853
* 5 59167
* 6 59493
* 7 58474
* 8 58122
Throughput 59022
JVM 3 Scores
No errors. Valid run.
SPEC scores
Warehouses Thrput
1 10328
2 30457
3 44734
* 4 59870
* 5 58833
* 6 59500
* 7 58858
* 8 58118
Throughput 59036
JVM 4 Scores
No errors. Valid run.
SPEC scores
Warehouses Thrput
1 10577
2 30709
3 45064
* 4 60352
* 5 59309
* 6 59834
* 7 59176
* 8 58339
Throughput 59402
JVM 5 Scores
No errors. Valid run.
SPEC scores
Warehouses Thrput
1 10017
2 30500
3 45363
* 4 60208
* 5 59170
* 6 59520
* 7 58341
* 8 58287
Throughput 59105
JVM 6 Scores
No errors. Valid run.
SPEC scores
Warehouses Thrput
1 10376
2 30088
3 45005
* 4 59601
* 5 58807
* 6 59217
* 7 58353
* 8 57631
Throughput 58721
JVM 7 Scores
No errors. Valid run.
SPEC scores
Warehouses Thrput
1 10588
2 30694
3 44981
* 4 60353
* 5 59092
* 6 59569
* 7 58627
* 8 58050
Throughput 59138
JVM 8 Scores
No errors. Valid run.
SPEC scores
Warehouses Thrput
1 10481
2 30687
3 44766
* 4 59936
* 5 58404
* 6 59280
* 7 58409
* 8 57516
Throughput 58709
JVM 9 Scores
No errors. Valid run.
SPEC scores
Warehouses Thrput
1 10357
2 30110
3 44621
* 4 59574
* 5 58594
* 6 59223
* 7 58312
* 8 57721
Throughput 58685
JVM 10 Scores
No errors. Valid run.
SPEC scores
Warehouses Thrput
1 10720
2 30231
3 45141
* 4 59705
* 5 59044
* 6 59284
* 7 58507
* 8 57649
Throughput 58838
JVM 11 Scores
No errors. Valid run.
SPEC scores
Warehouses Thrput
1 9926
2 30256
3 45088
* 4 59621
* 5 58645
* 6 59031
* 7 58304
* 8 57330
Throughput 58586
JVM 12 Scores
No errors. Valid run.
SPEC scores
Warehouses Thrput
1 10556
2 30808
3 45108
* 4 60215
* 5 59308
* 6 59675
* 7 58882
* 8 58336
Throughput 59283
JVM 13 Scores
No errors. Valid run.
SPEC scores
Warehouses Thrput
1 10148
2 30394
3 44251
* 4 59337
* 5 58391
* 6 58839
* 7 57731
* 8 56986
Throughput 58257
JVM 14 Scores
No errors. Valid run.
SPEC scores
Warehouses Thrput
1 10491
2 30293
3 45180
* 4 59980
* 5 58865
* 6 59472
* 7 58940
* 8 58205
Throughput 59092
JVM 15 Scores
No errors. Valid run.
SPEC scores
Warehouses Thrput
1 10307
2 30298
3 44389
* 4 59653
* 5 59006
* 6 59088
* 7 58324
* 8 57545
Throughput 58723
JVM 16 Scores
No errors. Valid run.
SPEC scores
Warehouses Thrput
1 10730
2 30739
3 45443
* 4 60229
* 5 59087
* 6 59695
* 7 58815
* 8 58022
Throughput 59170
JVM 17 Scores
No errors. Valid run.
SPEC scores
Warehouses Thrput
1 10441
2 30088
3 44832
* 4 59385
* 5 58436
* 6 58739
* 7 58003
* 8 57646
Throughput 58442
JVM 18 Scores
No errors. Valid run.
SPEC scores
Warehouses Thrput
1 10424
2 30174
3 44897
* 4 59397
* 5 58847
* 6 58786
* 7 58334
* 8 57417
Throughput 58556
JVM 19 Scores
No errors. Valid run.
SPEC scores
Warehouses Thrput
1 10146
2 30424
3 44446
* 4 59853
* 5 58804
* 6 59187
* 7 58462
* 8 57540
Throughput 58769
JVM 20 Scores
No errors. Valid run.
SPEC scores
Warehouses Thrput
1 10166
2 30701
3 44763
* 4 59642
* 5 58820
* 6 59320
* 7 58597
* 8 58225
Throughput 58921
JVM 21 Scores
No errors. Valid run.
SPEC scores
Warehouses Thrput
1 10528
2 30613
3 44378
* 4 59375
* 5 59171
* 6 59405
* 7 58836
* 8 58028
Throughput 58963
JVM 22 Scores
No errors. Valid run.
SPEC scores
Warehouses Thrput
1 10519
2 30362
3 44293
* 4 59508
* 5 58615
* 6 58889
* 7 58437
* 8 57158
Throughput 58521
JVM 23 Scores
No errors. Valid run.
SPEC scores
Warehouses Thrput
1 10592
2 30381
3 45120
* 4 59387
* 5 59272
* 6 59461
* 7 58690
* 8 58154
Throughput 58993
JVM 24 Scores
No errors. Valid run.
SPEC scores
Warehouses Thrput
1 10583
2 30331
3 45133
* 4 60034
* 5 59218
* 6 59593
* 7 59021
* 8 58140
Throughput 59201
JVM 25 Scores
No errors. Valid run.
SPEC scores
Warehouses Thrput
1 11280
2 30443
3 44541
* 4 59642
* 5 59016
* 6 59657
* 7 58611
* 8 57872
Throughput 58959
JVM 26 Scores
No errors. Valid run.
SPEC scores
Warehouses Thrput
1 10585
2 30605
3 44940
* 4 59909
* 5 59036
* 6 59317
* 7 58885
* 8 57869
Throughput 59003
JVM 27 Scores
No errors. Valid run.
SPEC scores
Warehouses Thrput
1 10276
2 30382
3 45202
* 4 60106
* 5 59082
* 6 59600
* 7 58874
* 8 57960
Throughput 59124
JVM 28 Scores
No errors. Valid run.
SPEC scores
Warehouses Thrput
1 10464
2 30513
3 44774
* 4 59838
* 5 59108
* 6 59549
* 7 58603
* 8 57868
Throughput 58993
JVM 29 Scores
No errors. Valid run.
SPEC scores
Warehouses Thrput
1 10423
2 30407
3 45044
* 4 59909
* 5 58613
* 6 59077
* 7 58475
* 8 57542
Throughput 58723
JVM 30 Scores
No errors. Valid run.
SPEC scores
Warehouses Thrput
1 10100
2 30613
3 45212
* 4 60127
* 5 59132
* 6 59367
* 7 58995
* 8 58046
Throughput 59133
JVM 31 Scores
No errors. Valid run.
SPEC scores
Warehouses Thrput
1 10232
2 29873
3 44947
* 4 59096
* 5 58325
* 6 58753
* 7 58149
* 8 57129
Throughput 58291
JVM 32 Scores
No errors. Valid run.
SPEC scores
Warehouses Thrput
1 10145
2 30628
3 45141
* 4 60146
* 5 59585
* 6 59664
* 7 59054
* 8 58312
Throughput 59352
JVM 33 Scores
No errors. Valid run.
SPEC scores
Warehouses Thrput
1 10405
2 30330
3 44782
* 4 59695
* 5 58472
* 6 59270
* 7 58608
* 8 57740
Throughput 58757
JVM 34 Scores
No errors. Valid run.
SPEC scores
Warehouses Thrput
1 10165
2 30483
3 44871
* 4 59722
* 5 59132
* 6 59657
* 7 58348
* 8 57683
Throughput 58908
JVM 35 Scores
No errors. Valid run.
SPEC scores
Warehouses Thrput
1 10088
2 30768
3 44753
* 4 60050
* 5 59206
* 6 59592
* 7 59012
* 8 58193
Throughput 59211
JVM 36 Scores
No errors. Valid run.
SPEC scores
Warehouses Thrput
1 10384
2 30661
3 44443
* 4 59624
* 5 58591
* 6 59181
* 7 58416
* 8 57525
Throughput 58668
JVM 37 Scores
No errors. Valid run.
SPEC scores
Warehouses Thrput
1 10517
2 30540
3 44657
* 4 60000
* 5 59153
* 6 59401
* 7 58752
* 8 58465
Throughput 59154
JVM 38 Scores
No errors. Valid run.
SPEC scores
Warehouses Thrput
1 10153
2 30355
3 44701
* 4 60283
* 5 59106
* 6 59656
* 7 58685
* 8 57786
Throughput 59103
JVM 39 Scores
No errors. Valid run.
SPEC scores
Warehouses Thrput
1 10066
2 30083
3 43945
* 4 58512
* 5 58115
* 6 58530
* 7 57798
* 8 57382
Throughput 58067
JVM 40 Scores
No errors. Valid run.
SPEC scores
Warehouses Thrput
1 9951
2 30254
3 45208
* 4 60270
* 5 59315
* 6 59530
* 7 58828
* 8 58213
Throughput 59231
JVM 41 Scores
No errors. Valid run.
SPEC scores
Warehouses Thrput
1 9729
2 30673
3 44830
* 4 59536
* 5 58963
* 6 59297
* 7 58542
* 8 57895
Throughput 58846
JVM 42 Scores
No errors. Valid run.
SPEC scores
Warehouses Thrput
1 10468
2 30455
3 45049
* 4 59968
* 5 59521
* 6 59761
* 7 59000
* 8 58211
Throughput 59292
JVM 43 Scores
No errors. Valid run.
SPEC scores
Warehouses Thrput
1 10486
2 30535
3 45461
* 4 60071
* 5 59373
* 6 59759
* 7 58961
* 8 58048
Throughput 59242
JVM 44 Scores
No errors. Valid run.
SPEC scores
Warehouses Thrput
1 10425
2 30481
3 44867
* 4 60158
* 5 59327
* 6 59449
* 7 58700
* 8 57839
Throughput 59095
JVM 45 Scores
No errors. Valid run.
SPEC scores
Warehouses Thrput
1 10740
2 30542
3 44507
* 4 59776
* 5 58679
* 6 59431
* 7 58509
* 8 57812
Throughput 58841
JVM 46 Scores
No errors. Valid run.
SPEC scores
Warehouses Thrput
1 10455
2 30503
3 44767
* 4 59647
* 5 59108
* 6 59591
* 7 58594
* 8 57862
Throughput 58960
JVM 47 Scores
No errors. Valid run.
SPEC scores
Warehouses Thrput
1 10074
2 30522
3 45039
* 4 59883
* 5 58944
* 6 59442
* 7 58577
* 8 57878
Throughput 58945
JVM 48 Scores
No errors. Valid run.
SPEC scores
Warehouses Thrput
1 10486
2 30730
3 45255
* 4 59779
* 5 58843
* 6 59450
* 7 58717
* 8 57643
Throughput 58886
JVM 49 Scores
No errors. Valid run.
SPEC scores
Warehouses Thrput
1 9972
2 30722
3 44878
* 4 59999
* 5 59685
* 6 59458
* 7 58763
* 8 58051
Throughput 59191
JVM 50 Scores
No errors. Valid run.
SPEC scores
Warehouses Thrput
1 10635
2 30297
3 44549
* 4 59990
* 5 59142
* 6 59604
* 7 58785
* 8 58144
Throughput 59133
JVM 51 Scores
No errors. Valid run.
SPEC scores
Warehouses Thrput
1 9664
2 30471
3 44579
* 4 59584
* 5 58941
* 6 59269
* 7 58730
* 8 57930
Throughput 58891
JVM 52 Scores
No errors. Valid run.
SPEC scores
Warehouses Thrput
1 10553
2 30711
3 45026
* 4 59866
* 5 59258
* 6 59659
* 7 59002
* 8 58099
Throughput 59177
JVM 53 Scores
No errors. Valid run.
SPEC scores
Warehouses Thrput
1 10408
2 30430
3 44958
* 4 59960
* 5 59087
* 6 59425
* 7 58457
* 8 58135
Throughput 59013
JVM 54 Scores
No errors. Valid run.
SPEC scores
Warehouses Thrput
1 9729
2 30298
3 45293
* 4 60096
* 5 59348
* 6 59674
* 7 58687
* 8 58273
Throughput 59216
JVM 55 Scores
No errors. Valid run.
SPEC scores
Warehouses Thrput
1 10109
2 30717
3 44968
* 4 60150
* 5 59164
* 6 59478
* 7 58642
* 8 57918
Throughput 59071
JVM 56 Scores
No errors. Valid run.
SPEC scores
Warehouses Thrput
1 9807
2 30417
3 44411
* 4 59640
* 5 58624
* 6 59306
* 7 58627
* 8 58195
Throughput 58878
JVM 57 Scores
No errors. Valid run.
SPEC scores
Warehouses Thrput
1 10219
2 30751
3 44615
* 4 60079
* 5 59108
* 6 59669
* 7 58880
* 8 58041
Throughput 59155
JVM 58 Scores
No errors. Valid run.
SPEC scores
Warehouses Thrput
1 10204
2 30048
3 44893
* 4 59170
* 5 58669
* 6 59109
* 7 58576
* 8 57785
Throughput 58662
JVM 59 Scores
No errors. Valid run.
SPEC scores
Warehouses Thrput
1 10541
2 30715
3 44836
* 4 59819
* 5 58518
* 6 59165
* 7 58591
* 8 57767
Throughput 58772
JVM 60 Scores
No errors. Valid run.
SPEC scores
Warehouses Thrput
1 9901
2 30628
3 45016
* 4 59851
* 5 59028
* 6 59519
* 7 58639
* 8 57741
Throughput 58955
JVM 61 Scores
No errors. Valid run.
SPEC scores
Warehouses Thrput
1 9918
2 30390
3 44823
* 4 59559
* 5 59352
* 6 59401
* 7 58664
* 8 57981
Throughput 58991
JVM 62 Scores
No errors. Valid run.
SPEC scores
Warehouses Thrput
1 10122
2 30606
3 44731
* 4 60348
* 5 58998
* 6 59787
* 7 59172
* 8 58111
Throughput 59283
JVM 63 Scores
No errors. Valid run.
SPEC scores
Warehouses Thrput
1 10513
2 30624
3 45069
* 4 59897
* 5 59118
* 6 59434
* 7 58515
* 8 58035
Throughput 59000
JVM 64 Scores
No errors. Valid run.
SPEC scores
Warehouses Thrput
1 10363
2 30407
3 45227
* 4 60092
* 5 59417
* 6 59446
* 7 58727
* 8 58014
Throughput 59139
SPECjbb2005 Version: [SPECjbb2005 1.07, March 15, 2006]
Reporting page (C) Copyright SPEC, 2005-2007. All rights reserved