SPECjbb2005 SPECjbb2005 bops = 182002, SPECjbb2005 bops/JVM = 182002
Fujitsu Limited PRIMEPOWER850
Sun Microsystems, Inc. Java HotSpot(TM) Server VM on Solaris, version 1.5.0_05
Warehouses SPECjbb2005 bops Incl. in metric
1 11463
2 25420
3 38569
4 50554
5 64179
6 77168
7 89605
8 101290
9 114348
10 125905
11 138015
12 149807
13 160708
14 172267
15 182695
16 194542 *
17 192742 *
18 192401 *
19 191466 *
20 190950 *
21 187230 *
22 185336 *
23 187109 *
24 186389 *
25 181900 *
26 176691 *
27 181151 *
28 167643 *
29 175457 *
30 169466 *
31 168588 *
32 164977 *
SPECjbb2005 (from 16 to 32) 182002 SPECjbb2005 bops
SPEC license # 19 Tested by: Fujitsu Limited Test date: Dec 1, 2005

Hardware Vendor Fujitsu Limited
Vendor URL http://www.fujitsu.com
Processor SPARC64 V
MHz 2160
# of Chips 16
# of Cores 16
# of Cores/Chip 1
HW Threading Enabled? No
Procs Avail to Java 16
Memory (MB) 32768
Memory Details 64 x 512MB DIMMs
Primary cache 128KBI+128KBD
Secondary cache 4MB(I+D) on chip
Other cache  
Filesystem UFS
Disks 1 x 36GB SCSI (classes & OS)
Other hardware  
Software Vendor Sun Microsystems, Inc.
Vendor URL http://java.sun.com
JVM Version Java HotSpot(TM) Server VM on Solaris, version 1.5.0_05
JVM Command Line java -Xbatch -server -Xss128k -Xms3840m -Xmx3840m -Xmn2G -XX:+UseISM -XX:+AggressiveHeap spec.jbb.JBBmain -propfile SPECjbb.props
JVM Initial Heap Memory (MB) 3840
JVM Maximum Heap Memory (MB) 3840
JVM Address bits 32
JVM CLASSPATH ./jbb.jar:
JVM BOOTCLASSPATH /export/home/specjbb/jre1.5.0_05/lib/rt.jar:
OS Version Solaris10 03/05
Other software  
Test Information
Tested by Fujitsu Limited
SPEC license # 19
Test location Kawasaki-shi,Japan
Test date Dec 1, 2005
H/w available Jan-2006
JVM available Sep-2005
OS available Mar-2005
Other s/w available  
AOT Compilation
/etc/system: set shmsys:shminfo_shmmax=4294967296; set shmsys:shminfo_shmseg=400; set tune_t_fsflushr=86400; set autoup=86400
Command line options are described at http://java.sun.com/docs/h

Details of Runs

Warehouses Thrput Total heap (MB) Thread spread % % > 120s transaction type Count Time (in seconds)
SizeUsed totalmax
1 11463 3584 249 <0.01% <0.01 new_order 151082 11.5 .142
payment 104220 4.76 .322
order_status 10423 .924 .161
delivery 10422 5.93 .099
stock_level 10422 .874 .053
cust_report 57367 5.10 .135
2 25420 3757 1130 .126% <0.01 new_order 335156 24.4 .065
payment 231148 8.73 .068
order_status 23115 1.18 <0.01
delivery 23114 12.2 .060
stock_level 23114 1.50 <0.01
cust_report 127136 10.6 .119
3 38569 3735 595 .142% <0.01 new_order 508328 37.6 .081
payment 350648 13.2 .058
order_status 35065 1.83 .075
delivery 35064 17.4 .059
stock_level 35064 2.12 <0.01
cust_report 192964 15.5 .070
4 50554 3646 1581 .507% <0.01 new_order 666418 48.1 .073
payment 459704 17.1 .073
order_status 45971 2.31 <0.01
delivery 45969 25.4 .073
stock_level 45971 2.98 <0.01
cust_report 252989 21.0 .073
5 64179 3756 645 .777% <0.01 new_order 846365 62.5 .060
payment 583467 21.7 .023
order_status 58346 2.95 <0.01
delivery 58346 29.4 .069
stock_level 58346 3.48 .069
cust_report 320562 26.1 .059
6 77168 3791 833 .843% <0.01 new_order 1017669 74.3 .080
payment 701688 25.9 .022
order_status 70170 3.49 .020
delivery 70170 36.2 .082
stock_level 70170 4.29 <0.01
cust_report 385717 30.8 .024
7 89605 3804 1972 1.62% <0.01 new_order 1181535 87.4 .082
payment 814733 30.5 .019
order_status 81472 4.02 <0.01
delivery 81473 41.5 .084
stock_level 81474 4.86 <0.01
cust_report 447925 35.7 .082
8 101290 3809 2136 1.76% <0.01 new_order 1335587 98.2 .074
payment 920964 34.8 .074
order_status 92097 4.70 <0.01
delivery 92094 48.5 .074
stock_level 92098 5.63 <0.01
cust_report 506356 41.2 .041
9 114348 3809 1849 1.75% <0.01 new_order 1507877 111 .084
payment 1039662 39.1 .032
order_status 103966 5.19 .028
delivery 103964 53.3 .085
stock_level 103968 6.29 <0.01
cust_report 571450 45.8 .033
10 125905 3810 748 1.99% <0.01 new_order 1659824 123 .087
payment 1144894 43.1 .030
order_status 114491 5.71 .028
delivery 114490 59.0 .089
stock_level 114488 7.11 .034
cust_report 629965 51.4 .087
11 138015 3807 1031 2.36% <0.01 new_order 1819641 135 .092
payment 1255099 47.3 .035
order_status 125507 6.58 .037
delivery 125506 64.8 .092
stock_level 125508 7.67 <0.01
cust_report 690555 56.6 .091
12 149807 3804 725 1.54% <0.01 new_order 1974987 147 .081
payment 1361928 51.3 .081
order_status 136191 6.75 <0.01
delivery 136196 72.3 .082
stock_level 136193 8.54 <0.01
cust_report 748879 61.3 .081
13 160708 3801 1562 1.35% <0.01 new_order 2118788 159 .085
payment 1461076 55.4 <0.01
order_status 146106 7.65 .044
delivery 146107 76.2 .086
stock_level 146108 8.96 .043
cust_report 803362 66.2 .085
14 172267 3798 1832 1.82% <0.01 new_order 2271186 171 .085
payment 1566169 59.2 .085
order_status 156617 7.89 .041
delivery 156614 82.3 .087
stock_level 156616 9.62 .085
cust_report 861143 70.6 .051
15 182695 3798 1041 3.68% <0.01 new_order 2408206 183 .089
payment 1660919 63.3 .048
order_status 166092 8.66 .053
delivery 166090 87.7 .090
stock_level 166090 10.4 .047
cust_report 913632 75.5 .089
16 194542 3797 2278 2.69% <0.01 new_order 20516094 1548 .052
payment 14148659 543 .098
order_status 1414867 72.8 .050
delivery 1414863 757 .100
stock_level 1414866 87.9 .051
cust_report 7781219 641 .098
17 192742 3795 804 9.07% <0.01 new_order 20324178 1634 .550
payment 14017900 562 .590
order_status 1401791 77.0 .380
delivery 1401788 837 1.73
stock_level 1401790 93.5 .403
cust_report 7711630 673 .712
18 192401 3793 2485 8.58% <0.01 new_order 20290269 1723 .851
payment 13993296 585 .708
order_status 1399331 77.4 .488
delivery 1399329 906 .852
stock_level 1399329 95.8 .790
cust_report 7696335 710 .710
19 191466 3789 1763 7.19% <0.01 new_order 20192750 1792 1.27
payment 13925311 623 1.03
order_status 1392535 81.0 .970
delivery 1392528 981 1.25
stock_level 1392534 107 1.13
cust_report 7657857 745 1.10
20 190950 3785 2079 10.6% <0.01 new_order 20138125 1879 1.52
payment 13887740 634 1.35
order_status 1388772 85.6 1.08
delivery 1388769 1086 1.39
stock_level 1388773 104 .830
cust_report 7637354 764 1.70
21 187230 3780 2659 6.81% <0.01 new_order 19743534 1947 6.61
payment 13617246 637 1.54
order_status 1361726 85.3 1.40
delivery 1361725 1143 6.61
stock_level 1361726 104 1.43
cust_report 7490966 812 5.51
22 185336 3780 1191 13.1% <0.01 new_order 19544119 1994 7.67
payment 13479560 665 6.46
order_status 1347956 96.1 1.51
delivery 1347954 1270 7.37
stock_level 1347955 103 1.28
cust_report 7414988 813 1.48
23 187109 3781 1080 17.9% <0.01 new_order 19731445 2012 6.95
payment 13608351 700 6.93
order_status 1360838 87.6 1.48
delivery 1360837 1371 6.65
stock_level 1360836 106 1.50
cust_report 7485255 873 5.93
24 186389 3783 2325 17.1% <0.01 new_order 19656792 2108 6.97
payment 13555817 724 6.03
order_status 1355580 96.2 1.41
delivery 1355581 1409 6.80
stock_level 1355580 111 1.92
cust_report 7454813 905 5.69
25 181900 3778 1720 16.7% <0.01 new_order 19183673 2180 7.22
payment 13229566 704 6.88
order_status 1322956 88.2 6.06
delivery 1322954 1524 7.25
stock_level 1322959 120 6.31
cust_report 7275453 891 7.01
26 176691 3777 1170 15.4% <0.01 new_order 18633193 2165 7.23
payment 12850684 718 7.23
order_status 1285066 113 6.98
delivery 1285066 1509 7.13
stock_level 1285069 118 6.98
cust_report 7068164 934 7.22
27 181151 3772 3617 19.0% <0.01 new_order 19105552 2315 7.27
payment 13175117 739 7.27
order_status 1317511 97.3 6.59
delivery 1317511 1599 7.39
stock_level 1317508 126 6.19
cust_report 7244691 923 6.46
28 167643 3783 1474 13.2% 1.27 new_order 17901870 2209 8.55
payment 12346982 702 2.36
order_status 1234700 103 8.44
delivery 1234696 1579 8.40
stock_level 1234696 114 1.84
cust_report 6792075 904 7.21
29 175457 3761 1324 11.8% <0.01 new_order 18502652 2281 7.48
payment 12760726 740 8.36
order_status 1276073 108 2.27
delivery 1276071 1640 7.79
stock_level 1276074 126 6.29
cust_report 7018764 998 7.71
30 169466 3765 1026 14.1% <0.01 new_order 17870391 2413 8.11
payment 12325253 757 6.95
order_status 1232528 97.2 1.98
delivery 1232520 1618 8.56
stock_level 1232522 130 7.51
cust_report 6780131 980 7.83
31 168588 3772 2609 19.3% .020 new_order 17782413 2386 8.35
payment 12263478 762 8.96
order_status 1226347 122 7.63
delivery 1226341 1572 8.67
stock_level 1226345 116 7.56
cust_report 6744525 978 7.82
32 164977 3768 2456 19.0% <0.01 new_order 17398807 2366 8.58
payment 11998508 785 8.43
order_status 1199850 121 7.96
delivery 1199852 1687 8.34
stock_level 1199852 114 2.52
cust_report 6598195 996 7.93

SPECjbb2005 Version: [SPECjbb2005 1.05, July 6, 2005]
Reporting page, Copyright © 2005 SPEC. All rights reserved

First published at SPEC.org on 24-Jan-2006