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SPECjAppServer®2004 Result Copyright © 2004 Standard Performance Evaluation Corporation |
WebSphere 6.0 Application Server on eServer xSeries 365 Cluster |
Submitter: IBM Corporation |
SPEC license # 11 | Test date: Nov-2004 |
SUT Configuration | |||||||||||||||
Benchmark Settings | ||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed Results | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
WebSphere 6.0 Application Server Network Deployment | ||||||||||||
Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build 1.4.2) | ||||||
IBM DB2 Universal JDBC Drivers (XA and non-XA) | ||||||
IBM DB2 V8.2 | ||||||
IBM Load balancer, Edge Component of WebSphere V6.0 | ||||||
WebSphere V6.0 Deployment Manager | ||||||
J2EE Application Servers | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Emulator SW Config | ||||||||
Database SW Config | ||||||
Database SW Config | ||||||
Driver SW Config Primary | ||||||
Driver SW Config Satellites #1, #2, and #3 | ||||||
IBM Load Balancer 6.0 | ||||||
J2EE Application Server HW (SUT hardware) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Database Server #1 HW (SUT hardware) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Database Server #2 HW (SUT hardware) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Load Balancer Hardware (SUT hardware) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
WebSphere Deployment Manager (SUT hardware) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Emulator (non-SUT hardware) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Load Drivers (non-SUT hardware) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Benchmark Modifications |
Schema Modifications:
No changes were made to the benchmark schema. |
Load Program Modifications:
No changes were made to the load program. |
Benchmark Configuration Information |
Isolation Requirement Info:
The following beans: PartEnt, ComponentEnt, AssemblyEnt, BomEnt and LargeOrderEnt in the Manufacturing Domain, ItemEnt in the Orders Domain, and SupplierCompEnt and SupplierEnt in the Supplier Domain were accessed using READ_COMMITTED (Access Intent's of wsOptimisticUpdate or wsOptimisticRead) which is Cursor Stability (CS) for DB2. The remaining beans were accessed using REPEATABLE_READ (Access Intent's of wsPessimisticUpdate, wsPessimisticRead or wsPessimisticWeakestLockAtLoad) (which translates to DB2 isolation level of Read Stability (RS). The ItemEnt bean was cached for 20 minute intervals using the WebSphere Lifetime in Cache Mechanism. Only the data inside the bean was cached. |
Durability Requirement Info:
To ensure database durability, RAID 50 (composed of two RAID 5E arrays) was used for the database logs maintained on the EXP400 Storage Expansion Units. Each application server has a pair of mirrored disks (using the x365 integrated mirroring). This provides durability for XA transaction logs. |
Storage Requirement Info:
Over the course of a 90 minute run at an injection rate of 805, the database storage for database system #1 increased 678 MB; database system #2 storage increased by 1028 MB. Given a linear scale, a 24 hour run at the same injection rate would increase storage for database system #1 by 10848 MB and database system #2 by 16448 MB. The EXP 400 Disk enclosures each contain fourteen 36.4GB drives. The ServeRAID 6M adapter utilized these drives as a RAID 50 array consisting of two RAID 5E arrays of 7 drives each. This yields a total disk storage of 419879 MB for each EXP400 storage unit. |
Argument Passing Semantics:
WebSphere Application Server V6.0 uses pass-by-value semantics by default. |
Bill of Materials |
IBM x365 WebSphere 6.0 Cluster with DB2 v8.2 Database Server Supplier IBM x365 WebSphere V6 Hardware (for five systems) Unit Qty Description Part Number IBM 5 IBM xSeries 365 8862-6RX IBM 10 3.0GHz 4MB L3 Intel Xeon Processor MP included in 8862-6RX IBM 20 512MB PC2100 DDR SDRAM;24X CD-ROM includen in 8862-6RX IBM 5 REMOVE STANDARD MEMORY 09N8043 IBM 20 2GB PC2100 CL2.5 ECC DDR SDRAM RDIMM 33L5040 IBM 10 3.0GHz 4MB L3 Cache Upgrade With Xeon Processor MP 13N0710 IBM 5 Integrated Mirroring 01R1356 IBM 10 IBM 36.4 GB 15K RPM ULTRA320 SCSI HOT-SWAP HDD 32P0734 IBM 5 Warranty service upgrade; 3 yr onsite repair 24x7x4 96P2253 IBM x365 Database Hardware (for database #1 system) Unit Qty Description Part Number IBM 1 IBM xSeries 365 8862-6RX IBM 2 3.0GHz 4MB L3 Intel Xeon Processor MP included in 8862-6RX IBM 4 512MB PC2100 DDR SDRAM;24X CD-ROM includen in 8862-6RX IBM 1 REMOVE STANDARD MEMORY 09N8043 IBM 4 2GB PC2100 CL2.5 ECC DDR SDRAM RDIMM 33L5040 IBM 2 3.0GHz 4MB L3 Cache Upgrade With Xeon Processor MP 13N0710 IBM 1 Integrated Mirroring 01R1356 IBM 2 IBM 36.4 GB 15K RPM ULTRA320 SCSI HOT-SWAP HDD 32P0734 IBM 4 ServeRAID-6M Ultra320 SCSI Controller (256MB Cache) 02R0988 IBM 1 Warranty service upgrade; 3 yr onsite repair 24x7x4 96P2253 IBM x365 Database Hardware (for database #2 system) Unit Qty Description Part Number IBM 1 IBM xSeries 365 8862-6RX IBM 2 3.0GHz 4MB L3 Intel Xeon Processor MP included in 8862-6RX IBM 4 512MB PC2100 DDR SDRAM;24X CD-ROM includen in 8862-6RX IBM 1 REMOVE STANDARD MEMORY 09N8043 IBM 4 2GB PC2100 CL2.5 ECC DDR SDRAM RDIMM 33L5040 IBM 2 3.0GHz 4MB L3 Cache Upgrade With Xeon Processor MP 13N0710 IBM 1 Integrated Mirroring 01R1356 IBM 2 IBM 36.4 GB 15K RPM ULTRA320 SCSI HOT-SWAP HDD 32P0734 IBM 2 ServeRAID-6M Ultra320 SCSI Controller (256MB Cache) 02R0988 IBM 1 Warranty service upgrade; 3 yr onsite repair 24x7x4 96P2253 Storage Hardware (for database #1 system) Unit Qty Description Part Number IBM 4 EXP400 External SCSI Storage Enclosure 17331RU IBM 4 VHDCI SCSI 2m cable - one cable included in 17331RU IBM 4 IBM EXP400 - 3yr Warranty Service Uprade (24x7x4) 41L2768 IBM 56 IBM 36.4 GB 15K RPM ULTRA320 SCSI HOT-SWAP HDD 32P0734 Storage Hardware (for database #2 system) Unit Qty Description Part Number IBM 2 EXP400 External SCSI Storage Enclosure 17331RU IBM 2 VHDCI SCSI 2m cable - one cable included in 17331RU IBM 2 IBM EXP400 - 3yr Warranty Service Uprade (24x7x4) 41L2768 IBM 28 IBM 36.4 GB 15K RPM ULTRA320 SCSI HOT-SWAP HDD 32P0734 Two x335 systems for Deployment Manager and Load Balancer Unit Qty Description Part Number IBM 2 IBM xSeries 335 8676-J1X IBM 3200 MHZ 533 MHZ 2MB L3 CACHE INTEL XEON PROCESSOR included in 8676-J1X IBM 2 X 512MB PC2100 DDR SDRAM (CHIPKILL);24X CD-ROM included in 8676-J1X IBM 2 IBM XSERIES 335 - 3YR WARRANTY SERVICE UPGRADE (24X7X4) 21P2073 IBM 2 REMOVE STANDARD MEMORY 09N8043 IBM 2 xSERIES 3.2 GHz/533MHz-2MB L3 CACHE UPGRADE WITH XEON PROCESSOR 13N0662 IBM 8 IBM 1 GB PC2100 CL2.5 ECC DDR SDRAM DIMM 33L5039 IBM 2 Integrated Mirroring 01R1356 IBM 4 IBM 36.4 GB 15K RPM ULTRA320 SCSI HOT-SWAP HDD 32P0734 Miscellaneous Hardware Unit Qty Description Part Number IBM 1 NetBAY42 ER Enterprise Rack 930842S IBM 1 NetBay - 3yr Warranty Service Upgrade (24x7x4) 41L2762 3COM 1 3COM SUPERSTACK 3 SWITCH 4924 3C17701-US 3COM 3 3COM 1YR 24X7X4 EXPRESS SUPPORT - CAT10 3CS-EX74-10E IBM 1 E54 15 INCH BLACK CRT MONITOR (13.8INCH VIEWABLE) 633147N IBM 1 E54 - 3YR WARRANTY SERVICE UPGRADE (24X7X4) 30L9183 IBM 1 Preferred Pro Full Size PS/2 Keyboard - US English 31P7415 ibm 1 IBM USB Optical Wheel Mouse 06P4069 Passport Advantage Software Unit Qty Description Part Number IBM 8 DB2 UDB WORKGROUP SERVER UNLIMITED EDITION PROCESSOR LIC+SW MAINT 12 MO D51NDLL IBM 16 DB2 UDB WORKGROUP SERVER UNLIMITED EDITION PROCESSOR SW MAINT RNWL 1 ANNIV E00IHLL IBM 1 WAS NETWORK DEPLOYMENT V6.0.0 Multilingual MEDIA PK BA0DMML IBM 22 WAS Network Deployment Per Processor License & SW Maintenance 12 Months D5ALTLL IBM 44 WAS Network Deployment Per Processor SW Maintenance Annual Renewal E1ALVLL IBM 1 EDGE SERVER - LOAD BALANCING, CACHING,CENTRALIZED SECURITY included in D5ALTLL IBM 1 EDGE SERVER - SUPPORT included in E1ALVLL Operating System Software Unit Qty Description Part Number SuSE 1 SUSE LINUX ENTERPRISE SERVER 9 FOR X86 ... Software Media Kit 892-000328-001 SuSE 9 PREMIUM SUPPORT FOR SLES9 X86 FOR 3 YEARS SUSE QUOTE SuSE 9 MAINTENANCE PROGRAM FOR SLES9 X86 FOR 3 YEARS SUSE QUOTE |
Other Benchmark Information |
The switch ports and all network adapters are 1Gb/sec. Two types of load balancing were utilized: WebSphere's workload management performed load balancing for RMI/IIOP requests. IBM Load Balancer balanced HTTP connections across the WebSphere nodes. This submission used the xerces implementation (version - XML4J 4.3) provided with WebSphere Application Server V6.0 in the IBM 1.4.2 JDK. |
General Notes |
The only errors in the driver log files were those that are normally generated by this benchmark. The IBM DB2 Universal JDBC Drivers (XA and non-XA) is a type 4 driver. DB2 uses "Soft" checkpoint to ensure that no updates remain unflushed for longer than the allowed time. When DB2 UDB Server changes a database table with an update, insert, or delete operation, the change is initially made in memory, not on disk. When there is not enough space in the memory buffer to read in or write additional data pages, DB2 UDB Server will make space by flushing some modified pages to disk. Modified pages are also written to disk as part of the "Soft" checkpoint to ensure that no updates remain unflushed for longer than the allowed time. Before a change is made to the database, it is first recorded in the transaction log. This ensures that the database can be recovered completely in the event of a failure. Using the transaction log, transactions that started but did not complete prior to a failure can be undone, and transactions recorded as complete in the transaction log but not yet written to disk can be redone. DB2 UDB uses a write-ahead-logging protocol to guarantee recovery. This protocol uses "Soft" checkpoint to write least-recently-used database pages to disk independent of transaction commit. However, enough log information to redo/undo the change to a database pages is committed to disk before the database page itself is written. This protocol therefore renders checkpoint unnecessary for DB2 UDB. For a more detailed description of the general principles of the write-ahead-logging protocol, see the IBM research paper, ARIES: A Transaction Recovery Method Supporting Fine Granularity Locking and Partial Rollbacks Using Write-Ahead Logging," by C. Mohan, Database Technology Institute, IBM Almaden Research Center. (http:// portal.acm.org/citation.cfm ?id=128770&coll=portal&dl=ACM&CFID=10343790&CFTOKEN=42047146) XA 2-phase transactions were used to coordinate the interaction between the database instances, and between database server and JMS servers. |
For questions about this result, please contact the submitter: IBM Corporation
For other inquiries, please contact
Copyright © 2004 Standard Performance Evaluation Corporation
First published at SPEC.org on 08-Dec-2004