SPEChpc™ 2021 Small Result

Copyright 2021-2024 Standard Performance Evaluation Corporation

Cisco Systems

Cisco UCS C245 M8 (AMD EPYC 9754)

SPEChpc 2021_sml_base = 1.32

SPEChpc 2021_sml_peak = Not Run

hpc2021 License: 9019 Test Date: May-2024
Test Sponsor: Cisco Systems Hardware Availability: Jun-2024
Tested by: Cisco Systems Software Availability: Feb-2024

Benchmark result graphs are available in the PDF report.

Results Table

Benchmark Base Peak
Model Ranks Thrds/Rnk Seconds Ratio Seconds Ratio Seconds Ratio Model Ranks Thrds/Rnk Seconds Ratio Seconds Ratio Seconds Ratio
SPEChpc 2021_sml_base 1.32
SPEChpc 2021_sml_peak Not Run
Results appear in the order in which they were run. Bold underlined text indicates a median measurement.
605.lbm_s MPI 256 1 782 1.980 783 1.980 781 1.980
613.soma_s MPI 256 1 925 1.730 926 1.730 926 1.730
618.tealeaf_s MPI 256 1 3097 0.662 3096 0.662 3096 0.662
619.clvleaf_s MPI 256 1 2337 0.706 2338 0.706 2338 0.706
621.miniswp_s MPI 256 1 456 2.410 455 2.420 461 2.390
628.pot3d_s MPI 256 1 2537 0.660 2535 0.661 2537 0.660
632.sph_exa_s MPI 256 1 597 3.850 598 3.850 597 3.850
634.hpgmgfv_s MPI 256 1 1212 0.804 1212 0.805 1212 0.805
635.weather_s MPI 256 1 1675 1.550 1677 1.550 1677 1.550
Hardware Summary
Type of System: Homogenous
Compute Node: Cisco UCS C245 M8
Compute Nodes Used: 1
Total Chips: 2
Total Cores: 256
Total Threads: 512
Total Memory: 1536 GB
Software Summary
Compiler: Intel oneAPI DPC++/C++ Compiler 2024.0.2
MPI Library: Intel MPI Library for Linux OS, Build 20231005
Other MPI Info: None
Other Software: None
Base Parallel Model: MPI
Base Ranks Run: 256
Base Threads Run: 1
Peak Parallel Models: Not Run

Node Description: Cisco UCS C245 M8

Number of nodes: 1
Uses of the node: compute
Vendor: Cisco Systems
Model: Cisco UCS C245 M8
CPU Name: AMD EPYC 9754
CPU(s) orderable: 1,2 chips
Chips enabled: 2
Cores enabled: 256
Cores per chip: 128
Threads per core: 2
CPU Characteristics: Max. Boost Clock upto 3.1GHz
CPU MHz: 2250
Primary Cache: 32 KB I + 32 KB D on chip per core
Secondary Cache: 1 MB I+D on chip per core
L3 Cache: 256 MB I+D on chip per chip
16 MB shared / 8 cores
Other Cache: None
Memory: 1536 GB (24 x 64 GB 2Rx4 PC5-5600B-R,
running at 4800 MHz)
Disk Subsystem: 1 x 960 GB NVMe SSD
Other Hardware: None
Accel Count: 0
Accel Model: None
Accel Vendor: None
Accel Type: None
Accel Connection: None
Accel ECC enabled: None
Accel Description: None
Adapter: None
Number of Adapters: 0
Slot Type: None
Data Rate: None
Ports Used: 0
Interconnect Type: None
Adapter: None
Adapter Driver: None
Adapter Firmware: None
Operating System: SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15 SP5
Kernel 5.14.21-150500.53-default
Local File System: xfs
Shared File System: None
System State: Multi-user, run level 3
Other Software: None

Submit Notes

The config file option 'submit' was used.
mpirun --bind-to core:overload-allowed --oversubscribe --mca topo basic -np $ranks $command

General Notes

 MPI startup command:
   mpirun command was used to start MPI jobs.

Compiler Version Notes

 CXXC 632.sph_exa_s(base)
Intel(R) oneAPI DPC++/C++ Compiler 2024.0.2 (2024.0.2.20231213)
Target: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
Thread model: posix
InstalledDir: /home/intel_tools/compiler/compiler/2024.0/bin/compiler
Configuration file:

 CC  605.lbm_s(base) 613.soma_s(base) 618.tealeaf_s(base) 621.miniswp_s(base)
Intel(R) oneAPI DPC++/C++ Compiler 2024.0.2 (2024.0.2.20231213)
Target: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
Thread model: posix
InstalledDir: /home/intel_tools/compiler/compiler/2024.0/bin/compiler
Configuration file:

 FC  619.clvleaf_s(base) 635.weather_s(base)
ifx (IFX) 2024.0.2 20231213
Copyright (C) 1985-2023 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.

 FC  628.pot3d_s(base)
ifx: command line warning #10157: ignoring option '-W'; argument is of wrong
ifx (IFX) 2024.0.2 20231213
Copyright (C) 1985-2023 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.

Base Compiler Invocation

C benchmarks:

 mpiicc -cc=icx 

C++ benchmarks:

 mpiicpc -cxx=icpx 

Fortran benchmarks:

 mpiifort -fc=ifx 

Base Portability Flags

605.lbm_s:  -lstdc++ 
613.soma_s:  -lstdc++ 
618.tealeaf_s:  -lstdc++ 
619.clvleaf_s:  -lstdc++ 
621.miniswp_s:  -lstdc++ 
628.pot3d_s:  -lstdc++ 
632.sph_exa_s:  -lstdc++ 
634.hpgmgfv_s:  -lstdc++ 
635.weather_s:  -lstdc++ 

Base Optimization Flags

C benchmarks:

 -Ofast   -ipo   -mprefer-vector-width=512   -march=common-avx512   -ansi-alias 

C++ benchmarks:

 -Ofast   -ipo   -mprefer-vector-width=512   -march=common-avx512   -ansi-alias 

Fortran benchmarks:

 -Ofast   -ipo   -mprefer-vector-width=512   -march=common-avx512   -nostandard-realloc-lhs   -align array64byte 

Base Other Flags

Fortran benchmarks:

628.pot3d_s:  -Wno-incompatible-function-pointer-types 

The flags file that was used to format this result can be browsed at

You can also download the XML flags source by saving the following link: