The GPC News Reporting Rules

The following rules apply to all GPC organizations reporting results in this newsletter.

  1. Each component of the submitted software configuration (including the graphics driver) must: be uniquely identified; available to other project group members, upon demand, by the submission deadline and for the duration of the review process; and be available to the public by the publication date, with continued availability at least through the next submission deadline.
  2. Subsequent to publication, replacing elements of a submitted configuration must not result in more than a five percent performance degradation in any of the submitted benchmark results. If this requirement is not met, the submitted results for this configuration will be removed from the GPC News Web site.
  3. On or before the date of results publication in the GPC News, the submitted system configuration must be available for purchase by the public, for the specified price or less, with a firm delivery date.
  4. All reports require hardware and software levels such that the reported results are repeatable and can be reproduced through public interfaces. All submitted systems must be available for peer review.
  5. Organizations submitting data will be responsible for ensuring that results published in this newsletter can be reproduced.

Note: License agreements (inter-company) shall govern publication of data using components that are not yet generally available.

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