I set the value of LOAD_SCALE_FACTORS="0.1" to run with 5-Tile_4-workload, but errors appeared.
Before executing, I have run jAppInitRstr.sh on client1 and client5; jAppInit.sh on client2~client4.
-09-28 02:47:06:955 PrimeControl: waiting for 1 masters to finish
2017-09-28 02:47:21:955 PrimeControl: waiting for 1 masters to finish
2017-09-28 02:47:36:956 PrimeControl: [ERROR] Maximum prime client wait time exceeded!
2017-09-28 02:55:04:590 PrimeControl: client1:1098 (PRIME_HOST[0][0]) run complete; numStarted = 0
2017-09-28 02:55:04:594 Workload validation errors reported!:
2-1-0 = Weighted percentage difference (2.60%) for home in Iteration 1 is too high. Expected: 15657 requests, Actual: 10642
2-1-1 = Weighted percentage difference (4.13%) for search in Iteration 1 is too high. Expected: 24358 requests, Actual: 16389
2-1-2 = Weighted percentage difference (3.85%) for catalog in Iteration 1 is too high. Expected: 22613 requests, Actual: 15187
2-1-3 = Weighted percentage difference (8.21%) for product in Iteration 1 is too high. Expected: 47847 requests, Actual: 32000
2-1-4 = Weighted percentage difference (7.36%) for fileCatalog in Iteration 1 is too high. Expected: 43500 requests, Actual: 29295
2-1-5 = Weighted percentage difference (4.33%) for file in Iteration 1 is too high. Expected: 26099 requests, Actual: 17739
2-1-6 = Weighted percentage difference (2.16%) for download in Iteration 1 is too high. Expected: 13055 requests, Actual: 8879
2-1-7 = Sum of weighted percentage difference (32.62%) exceeds 1.5% for Iteration 1
2-1-8 = Page home errors (10642) >= 0.01 * Requests ( 10642) = 106.42
2-1-9 = Page search errors (16389) >= 0.01 * Requests ( 16389) = 163.89000000000001
2-1-10 = Page catalog errors (15187) >= 0.01 * Requests ( 15187) = 151.87
2-1-11 = Page product errors (32000) >= 0.01 * Requests ( 32000) = 320.0
2-1-12 = Page fileCatalog errors (29295) >= 0.01 * Requests ( 29295) = 292.95
2-1-13 = Page file errors (17739) >= 0.01 * Requests ( 17739) = 177.39000000000001
2-1-14 = Page download errors (8879) >= 0.01 * Requests ( 8879) = 88.79
2-1-15 = Total validation errors (130131) >= 0.005 * TotalRequests ( 130131) =650.655
1-1-0 = Weighted percentage difference (2.59%) for home in Iteration 1 is too high. Expected: 15657 requests, Actual: 10647
1-1-1 = Weighted percentage difference (4.14%) for search in Iteration 1 is too high. Expected: 24358 requests, Actual: 16371
1-1-2 = Weighted percentage difference (3.84%) for catalog in Iteration 1 is too high. Expected: 22613 requests, Actual: 15201
1-1-3 = Weighted percentage difference (8.22%) for product in Iteration 1 is too high. Expected: 47847 requests, Actual: 31976
1-1-4 = Weighted percentage difference (7.39%) for fileCatalog in Iteration 1 is too high. Expected: 43500 requests, Actual: 29228
1-1-5 = Weighted percentage difference (4.35%) for file in Iteration 1 is too high. Expected: 26099 requests, Actual: 17699
1-1-6 = Weighted percentage difference (2.16%) for download in Iteration 1 is too high. Expected: 13055 requests, Actual: 8889
1-1-7 = Sum of weighted percentage difference (32.68%) exceeds 1.5% for Iteration 1
1-1-8 = Page home errors (10647) >= 0.01 * Requests ( 10647) = 106.47
1-1-9 = Page search errors (16371) >= 0.01 * Requests ( 16371) = 163.71
1-1-10 = Page catalog errors (15201) >= 0.01 * Requests ( 15201) = 152.01
1-1-11 = Page product errors (31976) >= 0.01 * Requests ( 31976) = 319.76
1-1-12 = Page fileCatalog errors (29228) >= 0.01 * Requests ( 29228) = 292.28000000000003
1-1-13 = Page file errors (17699) >= 0.01 * Requests ( 17699) = 176.99
1-1-14 = Page download errors (8889) >= 0.01 * Requests ( 8889) = 88.89
1-1-15 = Total validation errors (130011) >= 0.005 * TotalRequests ( 130011) =650.0550000000001
3-1-0 = Weighted percentage difference (2.60%) for home in Iteration 1 is too high. Expected: 15657 requests, Actual: 10641
3-1-1 = Weighted percentage difference (4.19%) for search in Iteration 1 is too high. Expected: 24358 requests, Actual: 16260
3-1-2 = Weighted percentage difference (3.86%) for catalog in Iteration 1 is too high. Expected: 22613 requests, Actual: 15166
3-1-3 = Weighted percentage difference (8.28%) for product in Iteration 1 is too high. Expected: 47847 requests, Actual: 31849
3-1-4 = Weighted percentage difference (7.43%) for fileCatalog in Iteration 1 is too high. Expected: 43500 requests, Actual: 29144
3-1-5 = Weighted percentage difference (4.38%) for file in Iteration 1 is too high. Expected: 26099 requests, Actual: 17649
3-1-6 = Weighted percentage difference (2.16%) for download in Iteration 1 is too high. Expected: 13055 requests, Actual: 8878
3-1-7 = Sum of weighted percentage difference (32.90%) exceeds 1.5% for Iteration 1
3-1-8 = Page home errors (10641) >= 0.01 * Requests ( 10641) = 106.41
3-1-9 = Page search errors (16260) >= 0.01 * Requests ( 16260) = 162.6
3-1-10 = Page catalog errors (15166) >= 0.01 * Requests ( 15166) = 151.66
3-1-11 = Page product errors (31849) >= 0.01 * Requests ( 31849) = 318.49
3-1-12 = Page fileCatalog errors (29144) >= 0.01 * Requests ( 29144) = 291.44
3-1-13 = Page file errors (17649) >= 0.01 * Requests ( 17649) = 176.49
3-1-14 = Page download errors (8878) >= 0.01 * Requests ( 8878) = 88.78
3-1-15 = Total validation errors (129587) >= 0.005 * TotalRequests ( 129587) =647.9350000000001
3-0-0 = Error reading file '/opt/SPECjAppServer2004/output/11/Atomicity.html'
3-0-1 = Error reading file '/opt/SPECjAppServer2004/output/11/ValidationErr.txt'
0-1-0 = Weighted percentage difference (2.60%) for home in Iteration 1 is too high. Expected: 15657 requests, Actual: 10633
0-1-1 = Weighted percentage difference (4.13%) for search in Iteration 1 is too high. Expected: 24358 requests, Actual: 16377
0-1-2 = Weighted percentage difference (3.83%) for catalog in Iteration 1 is too high. Expected: 22613 requests, Actual: 15211
0-1-3 = Weighted percentage difference (8.21%) for product in Iteration 1 is too high. Expected: 47847 requests, Actual: 31985
0-1-4 = Weighted percentage difference (7.38%) for fileCatalog in Iteration 1 is too high. Expected: 43500 requests, Actual: 29252
0-1-5 = Weighted percentage difference (4.34%) for file in Iteration 1 is too high. Expected: 26099 requests, Actual: 17711
0-1-6 = Weighted percentage difference (2.17%) for download in Iteration 1 is too high. Expected: 13055 requests, Actual: 8872
0-1-7 = Sum of weighted percentage difference (32.67%) exceeds 1.5% for Iteration 1
0-1-8 = Page home errors (10633) >= 0.01 * Requests ( 10633) = 106.33
0-1-9 = Page search errors (16377) >= 0.01 * Requests ( 16377) = 163.77
0-1-10 = Page catalog errors (15211) >= 0.01 * Requests ( 15211) = 152.11
0-1-11 = Page product errors (31985) >= 0.01 * Requests ( 31985) = 319.85
0-1-12 = Page fileCatalog errors (29252) >= 0.01 * Requests ( 29252) = 292.52
0-1-13 = Page file errors (17711) >= 0.01 * Requests ( 17711) = 177.11
0-1-14 = Page download errors (8872) >= 0.01 * Requests ( 8872) = 88.72
0-1-15 = Total validation errors (130041) >= 0.005 * TotalRequests ( 130041) =650.205
1-0-0 = Error reading file '/opt/SPECjAppServer2004/output/25/Atomicity.html'
1-0-1 = Error reading file '/opt/SPECjAppServer2004/output/25/ValidationErr.txt'
4-0-0 = Error reading file '/opt/SPECjAppServer2004/output/15/Atomicity.html'
4-0-1 = Dealer Purchase Transaction Mix: FAILED
4-0-2 = Dealer Manage Transaction Mix: FAILED
4-0-3 = Dealer Browse Transaction Mix: FAILED
4-0-4 = Dealer 90% Response Time FAILED
4-0-5 = Dealer Avg. Response Time FAILED
4-0-6 = Purchase Cycle Time Avg. FAILED
4-0-7 = Manage Cycle Time Avg. FAILED
4-0-8 = Browse Cycle Time Avg. FAILED
4-0-9 = Vehicle Purchasing Rate FAILED
4-0-10 = Largeorder Vehicle Purchase Rate FAILED
4-0-11 = Regular Vehicle Purchase Rate FAILED
4-0-12 = LargeOrderLine Vehicle Rate FAILED
4-0-13 = PlannedLines Vehicle Rate FAILED
4-0-14 = Manufacturing 90% Response Time FAILED
2-0-0 = Error reading file '/opt/SPECjAppServer2004/output/18/Atomicity.html'
2-0-1 = Error reading file '/opt/SPECjAppServer2004/output/18/ValidationErr.txt'
4-2-0 = UID_STORE_NUM_UNSET_FLAGS_SEEN Mix Pct Failed. Expected: 30.000, Achieved: 31.288
0-0-0 = Dealer Purchase Transaction Mix: FAILED
0-0-1 = Dealer Manage Transaction Mix: FAILED
0-0-2 = Dealer Browse Transaction Mix: FAILED
0-0-3 = Dealer 90% Response Time FAILED
0-0-4 = Dealer Avg. Response Time FAILED
0-0-5 = Purchase Cycle Time Avg. FAILED
0-0-6 = Manage Cycle Time Avg. FAILED
0-0-7 = Average vehicles per order FAILED
0-0-8 = Vehicle Purchasing Rate FAILED
0-0-9 = Percent Purchases that are Large Orders FAILED
0-0-10 = Average # of vehicles per regular order FAILED
0-0-11 = Regular Vehicle Purchase Rate FAILED
0-0-12 = LargeOrderLine Vehicle Rate FAILED
0-0-13 = Manufacturing 90% Response Time FAILED
2017-09-28 02:55:04:647 PrimeControl: aggregate audit...
2017-09-28 02:55:04:648 PrimeControl: aggregate audit...
2017-09-28 02:55:04:648 PrimeControl: aggregate audit...
2017-09-28 02:55:04:649 PrimeControl: aggregate audit...
2017-09-28 02:55:04:649 PrimeControl: aggregate audit...
2017-09-28 02:55:04:650 PrimeControl: aggregate audit...
2017-09-28 02:55:04:651 PrimeControl: aggregate audit...
2017-09-28 02:55:04:651 PrimeControl: aggregate audit...
2017-09-28 02:55:04:652 PrimeControl: aggregate audit...
2017-09-28 02:55:04:655 PrimeControl: aggregate audit...
2017-09-28 02:55:04:655 PrimeControl: aggregate audit...
2017-09-28 02:55:04:656 PrimeControl: aggregate audit...
2017-09-28 02:55:04:656 PrimeControl: aggregate audit...
2017-09-28 02:55:04:657 PrimeControl: aggregate audit...
2017-09-28 02:55:04:657 PrimeControl: aggregate audit...
2017-09-28 02:55:04:664 PrimeControl: aggregate audit...
2017-09-28 02:55:04:670 PrimeControl: aggregate audit...
2017-09-28 02:55:04:672 PrimeControl: aggregate audit...
2017-09-28 02:55:04:675 PrimeControl: aggregate audit...
2017-09-28 02:55:04:675 PrimeControl: aggregate audit...
2017-09-28 02:55:04:675 PrimeControl: validating aggregate audit...
Exception in thread "Thread-18" java.lang.NullPointerException
at java.util.Hashtable.put(Hashtable.java:514)
at org.spec.virt.Configuration.setValue(Configuration.java:201)
at org.spec.virt.Configuration.setValue(Configuration.java:192)
at org.spec.virt.PrimeControl.printPrimeMetrics(PrimeControl.java:1154)
at org.spec.virt.PrimeControl.access$2200(PrimeControl.java:32)
at org.spec.virt.PrimeControl$PrimeClientThread.run(PrimeControl.java:1904)
Exception in thread "Thread-26" java.lang.NullPointerException
at java.util.Hashtable.put(Hashtable.java:514)
at org.spec.virt.Configuration.setValue(Configuration.java:201)
at org.spec.virt.Configuration.setValue(Configuration.java:192)
at org.spec.virt.PrimeControl.printPrimeMetrics(PrimeControl.java:1154)
at org.spec.virt.PrimeControl.access$2200(PrimeControl.java:32)
at org.spec.virt.PrimeControl$PrimeClientThread.run(PrimeControl.java:1904)
Exception in thread "Thread-22" java.lang.NullPointerException
at java.util.Hashtable.put(Hashtable.java:514)
at org.spec.virt.Configuration.setValue(Configuration.java:201)
at org.spec.virt.Configuration.setValue(Configuration.java:192)
at org.spec.virt.PrimeControl.printPrimeMetrics(PrimeControl.java:1154)
at org.spec.virt.PrimeControl.access$2200(PrimeControl.java:32)
at org.spec.virt.PrimeControl$PrimeClientThread.run(PrimeControl.java:1904)
This symptom did not occur in tile1 and tile2, but existed in tile3~tile5.
(I found the disk usage of both tile1 and tile2 didn't decrease after a run.)
The usage of storage in tile3 tile4 and tile5 is as follows:
before executing runspecvirt.sh
[root@appserver Desktop]# df -h
Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/vda3 33G 7.6G 24G 25% /
tmpfs 4.0G 224K 4.0G 1% /dev/shm
/dev/vda1 1008M 62M 896M 7% /boot
after executing runspecvirt.sh
[root@appserver Desktop]# df -h
Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/vda3 33G 33G 0 100% /
tmpfs 4.0G 224K 4.0G 1% /dev/shm
/dev/vda1 1008M 62M 896M 7% /boot
Should I re-install appservers with larger volume?
How do I determine how much it needs to run 5 or more tiles?