Author Topic: SPECweb_Support error 5,reinstall the webserver,help!!!  (Read 7549 times)


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SPECweb_Support error 5,reinstall the webserver,help!!!
« on: May 06, 2019, 09:33:58 AM »
[root@client1 SPECvirt]# cat Clientmgr1_1088.out
2015-05-25 10:48:56:022 Creating clientmgr using RMI Registry port 1088
2015-05-25 10:48:56:200 client1:1088 ready...
2015-05-25 10:49:14:473 Client path: /opt/SPECjAppServer2004/classes
command line is: [java, -jar, specjappclient.jar, -p, 1091]
2015-05-25 10:49:14:517 Client path: /opt/SPECweb2005
command line is: [java, -jar, specwebclient.jar, -p, 1010]
2015-05-25 10:49:14:523 Client path: /opt/SPECimap

command line is: [java, -jar, specimapclient.jar, -p, 1200]
2015-05-25 10:49:14:529 Client path: /opt/SPECbatch
command line is: [java, -jar, specbatchclient.jar, -p, 1902]

Messages from:
-> 2015-05-25 10:49:14:834 Creating jappclient using RMI Registry port 1091
-> 2015-05-25 10:49:14:867 client1:1091 ready...

Messages from:
-> 2015-05-25 10:49:14:705 Creating specwebclient using RMI Registry port 1010
-> 2015-05-25 10:49:14:767 client1:1010 ready...

Messages from:
-> 2015-05-25 10:49:14:879 SPECvirt-IMAP version SPECvirt-IMAP v1.00
-> 2015-05-25 10:49:14:925 specimapclient: client1:1200 ready...

Messages from:
-> Creating specbatchclient using RMI Registry port 1902
-> client1:1902 ready...

Messages from:
-> Driver Host: client1         Tile Number:0
-> 2015-05-25 10:50:23:836 matchOut() messages set ...
-> 2015-05-25 10:50:23:859 Starting rmiregistry; bindWait = 45000

Messages from:
-> 2015-05-25 10:50:23:932 QoSThreshold[SIMPLE] is: 5000 ms
-> 2015-05-25 10:50:23:932 QoSPercent[SIMPLE] is: 95%
-> LoadGenerator: localHost is: client1; index = 0
-> With hostname (client1)
-> Retrieving workload key (client1:1200)
-> 2015-05-25 10:50:23:932 Inspecting tuple: (client1:1200,CT,test1-test500,mailserver)
-> 2015-05-25 10:50:23:933 There are 1 tuples to run
-> 2015-05-25 10:50:23:933 userIdMin is:1
-> 2015-05-25 10:50:23:933 userIdMax is:500
-> 2015-05-25 10:50:23:933 This client will simulate 500 users.
-> 2015-05-25 10:50:23:987 Loadgenerator tuple "client1:1200,CT,test1-test500,mailserver" users 1..500
-> 2015-05-25 10:50:24:003 EVENT: ClientType_6_EventScheduler:This client will simulate 500 Client Type 6 users.
-> 2015-05-25 10:50:24:003 specimapclient: Threads created.
-> 2015-05-25 10:50:24:004 Looking up polling host: mailserver:8001

Messages from:
-> 2015-05-25 10:50:23:676 Looking up batch host: batchserver:1901
-> 2015-05-25 10:50:23:721 batch name/IP:port is batchserver/
-> 2015-05-25 10:50:23:736 Looking up polling host: batchserver:8001

Messages from:
-> 2015-05-25 10:50:25:251 LoadGenerator: Setting sleep delay.
-> 2015-05-25 10:50:32:828 specwebclient: setting tile ID to 0
-> 2015-05-25 10:50:32:838 Looking up polling host: webserver:8001

Messages from:
-> 2015-05-25 10:51:08:860 Starting Controller; bindWait = 45000
-> 2015-05-25 10:51:08:924 waiting for: Binding controller to /
-> rec'd notifyInterrupt(101) call
-> Binding controller to //client1:2098/Controller
-> Launcher: done in waitMatch(0)
-> 2015-05-25 10:51:57:327 Starting Agents
-> ---------------//client1:2098/Controller
-> Calling switchLog as master
-> url[0] is : http://specemulator:8080/Emulator/EmulatorServlet?cmd=switchlog
-> url[1] is : http://specdelivery:8000/Supplier/DeliveryServlet?cmd=switchlog
-> calling driver.waitMatch(0)...
-> 2015-05-25 10:52:42:906 waiting for: waiting2ramp
-> RunID for this run is : 31
-> Output directory for this run is : /opt/SPECjAppServer2004/output/31
-> loadFactor=5
-> changeRate=30
-> burstyCurve from,72,61,87,132,77,0,49,137,93,187,103,174,138,200,173,153,107,225,44,36,44,48,68,138,125,116,88,38,50
-> scaleFactor=1.0
-> Curve avg txRate = 100.0
-> maxTxRate=225
-> tileNumber=0
-> Will run in bursty mode after rampup/warmup phases. Starting at burstPoint:0
-> WarmUp style = 0 (0=linear only, 1=burstycurve, 2=zigzag)
-> Phase one of warm up (start of transaction activity) will increase IR from 0 to 100 linearly, over 900 seconds.
-> Steady-State IR transition stepRate(ms)=40000
-> Burst Curve StartPoint Tile Multiplier=7
-> smoothFactor=1
-> Using default timeSkewTolerance value: 3
-> May 25, 2015 10:52:44 AM com.sun.enterprise.v3.server.CommonClassLoaderServiceImpl findDerbyClient
-> INFO: Cannot find javadb client jar file, derby jdbc driver will not be available by default.
-> May 25, 2015 10:52:44 AM org.glassfish.enterprise.iiop.impl.GlassFishORBManager getCorbalocURL
-> INFO: list ==> specdelivery:3700
-> May 25, 2015 10:52:44 AM org.glassfish.enterprise.iiop.impl.GlassFishORBManager getCorbalocURL
-> INFO: corbaloc url ==> iiop:1.2@specdelivery:3700
-> Initial Audit
-> For txRate(100), loadFactor(5), and load_scale_factor(1.0), your DBIR must be built for 500IR
-> finished validateInitialValues()
-> Dealer Threads Per Agent=2250
-> Mfg Threads Per Agent=675
-> TTF1 = 2333
-> ttf = 2333
-> rec'd notifyInterrupt(101) call
-> waiting2ramp
-> Waiting for trigger signal from SPECvirt...
-> Launcher: done in waitMatch(0)
-> 2015-05-25 10:53:03:368 jappScript.runDriver() completed successfully.
-> 2015-05-25 10:53:03:369 Looking up polling host: specdelivery:8001
-> Waiting for steady state signal...
-> 2015-05-25 10:53:04:473 waiting for: Starting Steady State
-> Configuring 1 DealerAgent(s)...

Messages from:
-> 2015-05-25 10:53:04:484 LoadGenerator: Ramping up for 300 seconds.
-> 2015-05-25 10:53:04:484 LoadGenerator: Starting 2500 threads.

Messages from:
-> 2015-05-25 10:53:04:473 specimapclient: Starting threads...
-> 2015-05-25 10:53:04:474 LoadGenerator: Threads started, test in progress...

Messages from:
-> 2015-05-25 10:53:23:649 SPECweb_Support: [ERROR] STATE 5; RESPONSE DYNAMIC CONTENT NOT VALIDATED! EXPECTED 18634785, GOT 16613260
-> 2015-05-25 10:53:23:649 SPECweb_Support: [ERROR] STATE 5; RESPONSE INVALID on GET /support/file.php?id=36755 HTTP/1.1
-> 2015-05-25 10:53:25:431 SPECweb_Support: [ERROR] STATE 5; RESPONSE DYNAMIC CONTENT NOT VALIDATED! EXPECTED 20318025, GOT 18113900
-> 2015-05-25 10:53:25:431 SPECweb_Support: [ERROR] STATE 5; RESPONSE INVALID on GET /support/file.php?id=40075 HTTP/1.1
-> 2015-05-25 10:53:29:683 SPECweb_Support: [ERROR] STATE 5; RESPONSE DYNAMIC CONTENT NOT VALIDATED! EXPECTED 5751408, GOT 5127488
-> 2015-05-25 10:53:29:683 SPECweb_Support: [ERROR] STATE 5; RESPONSE INVALID on GET /support/file.php?id=11344 HTTP/1.1
-> 2015-05-25 10:53:31:303 SPECweb_Support: [ERROR] STATE 5; RESPONSE DYNAMIC CONTENT NOT VALIDATED! EXPECTED 15480231, GOT 13800916
-> 2015-05-25 10:53:31:303 SPECweb_Support: [ERROR] STATE 5; RESPONSE INVALID on GET /support/file.php?id=30533 HTTP/1.1
-> 2015-05-25 10:53:32:757 SPECweb_Support: [ERROR] STATE 5; RESPONSE DYNAMIC CONTENT NOT VALIDATED! EXPECTED 550095, GOT 490420
-> 2015-05-25 10:53:32:758 SPECweb_Support: [ERROR] STATE 5; RESPONSE INVALID on GET /support/file.php?id=1085 HTTP/1.1
-> 2015-05-25 10:53:33:908 SPECweb_Support: [ERROR] STATE 5; RESPONSE DYNAMIC CONTENT NOT VALIDATED! EXPECTED 18633264, GOT 16611904
-> 2015-05-25 10:53:33:908 SPECweb_Support: [ERROR] STATE 5; RESPONSE INVALID on GET /support/file.php?id=36752 HTTP/1.1
-> 2015-05-25 10:53:38:484 SPECweb_Support: [ERROR] STATE 5; RESPONSE DYNAMIC CONTENT NOT VALIDATED! EXPECTED 16794375, GOT 14972500
-> 2015-05-25 10:53:38:485 SPECweb_Support: [ERROR] STATE 5; RESPONSE INVALID on GET /support/file.php?id=33125 HTTP/1.1
-> 2015-05-25 10:53:39:546 SPECweb_Support: [ERROR] STATE 5; RESPONSE DYNAMIC CONTENT NOT VALIDATED! EXPECTED 19633575, GOT 17503700
-> 2015-05-25 10:53:39:546 SPECweb_Support: [ERROR] STATE 5; RESPONSE INVALID on GET /support/file.php?id=38725 HTTP/1.1
-> 2015-05-25 10:53:39:877 SPECweb_Support: [ERROR] STATE 5; RESPONSE DYNAMIC CONTENT NOT VALIDATED! EXPECTED 14324271, GOT 12770356
-> 2015-05-25 10:53:39:877 SPECweb_Support: [ERROR] STATE 5; RESPONSE INVALID on GET /support/file.php?id=28253 HTTP/1.1

Messages from:
-> Configuring 1 MfgAgent(s)...
-> May 25, 2015 10:53:41 AM com.sun.enterprise.v3.server.CommonClassLoaderServiceImpl findDerbyClient
-> INFO: Cannot find javadb client jar file, derby jdbc driver will not be available by default.
-> May 25, 2015 10:53:41 AM org.glassfish.enterprise.iiop.impl.GlassFishORBManager getCorbalocURL
-> INFO: list ==> specdelivery:3700
-> May 25, 2015 10:53:41 AM org.glassfish.enterprise.iiop.impl.GlassFishORBManager getCorbalocURL
-> INFO: corbaloc url ==> iiop:1.2@specdelivery:3700
« Last Edit: May 07, 2019, 03:17:46 PM by DavidSchmidt »


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Re: SPECweb_Support error 5,reinstall the webserver,help!!!
« Reply #1 on: May 07, 2019, 12:58:44 PM »
Did you use the example VM scripts in ? If you did, this should already be taken care of for you. Otherwise please attach all Clientmgr1*.out files. Also, check for any other issues you're encountering.