I am currently trying to run with 3 tiles, each tile being driven from its own unique client VM. I have yet to get a successful 3-tile run. My problem is probably with the sequence of steps preparing things before the run. Can someone post what the recommended procedure is?
For example, I noticed that if I used the Control.config that came with the Example VM scripts, then I see jAppInitRstr.sh being run simultaneously from each of the appservers so we have 3 appservers all trying to do a db restore at the same time, which seemed clearly wrong. I have commented out the PRIME_HOST_INIT_SCRIPT
section from Control.config and am trying to do the Inits from my own script before the run.
When I have completed my initialization I tend to check the following for x=1,2,3
http://webserverx/Support *
http://appserverx:8000/SPECjAppServer/app?action=atomicityTestsand these always look fine
However, during the run something usually fails, for example
Code: [Select]
2017-01-02 19:46:04:095 Warning: .doMyLongCommand received an SocketTimeoutException exception
java.net.SocketTimeoutException: Read timed out
For a three-tile run would the following init sequence be correct?
jAppInitRstr.sh for appserver1 (restores dbserver1)
jAppInit.sh for appserver2, 3 (without restore) (Can these all be run concurrently?)
mailInitRstr.sh for each of mailserver 1,2,3 (assume all can be concurrent)
webInit.sh for each of webserver 1,2,3 (assume all can be concurrent)
batchInit.sh for each of batchserver 1,2,3 (assume all can be concurrent)
Do all VMs need to be rebooted before each run?