Author Topic: fail:Connection: [ERROR] IOException creating socket. Excep  (Read 8612 times)


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The log is as flowing,so How can I solve this problem?

2019-07-27 21:02:12:869 SPECweb_Support: LOAD = 2500
2019-07-27 21:02:12:869 HttpRequestSched: BeSim init() command:
GET /fcgi-bin/besim_fcgi.fcgi?3&0&1564233401&2500 HTTP/1.1
Accept: */*
Host: infraserver

2019-07-27 21:02:12:871 Connection: [ERROR] IOException creating socket. Exception is: Connection refused (Connection refused)
server name: infraserver; port: 81
2019-07-27 21:02:12:872 Connection: [ERROR] IOException creating socket. Exception is: Connection refused (Connection refused)
server name: infraserver; port: 81
2019-07-27 21:02:12:872 RemoteLoadGen: [ERROR] Unable to successfully initialize workload variables. Terminating.
2019-07-27 21:02:12:872 SpecwebControl: [ERROR] Could not create all client threads.
2019-07-27 21:02:12:872 SpecwebControl: [ERROR] setupWorkload() failed!
2019-07-27 21:02:12:872 SpecwebControl: [ERROR] runTests() failed!
2019-07-27 21:02:12:872 SpecwebControl: [ERROR] Benchmark run failed!
2019-07-27 21:02:12:873 SpecwebControl: Terminating run. Please wait...
[root@client1 20190727-210040]#


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Have you performed all the steps in:
 Appendix A and Appendix B should also be reviewed and followed as needed. 

Have you run the "" script located under SPECweb2005/BeSim  ?

Is the http server running on *port 81* on the infra server?  Can you ping the infra server from the webserver?
Can you access port 81 on the infraserver's http server from the webserver?