Author Topic: Mailserver test run?  (Read 7180 times)


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Mailserver test run?
« on: December 01, 2016, 01:02:58 PM »
In the instructions under Mailserver Setup  we have
Mailserver backup

Use the harness to run a test using mailserver and populate the indexes, creating a "warmed up" mailstore.

What are the actual commands that should be used from the harness to "run a test using mailserver"?

-- Tom
« Last Edit: December 05, 2016, 06:57:48 PM by lroderic »


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Re: Mailserver test run?
« Reply #1 on: December 05, 2016, 05:43:24 PM »
>What are the actual commands that should be used from the harness to "run a test using mailserver"?


This is simply referring to a 'warmup test run' (i.e., ""), where the score will not likely be best performing due to the absence of mail server user mailfolder indices immediately after the mail store has been created (via the script).  The necessity of this step will depend on the mailserver software you are using, but many implementers have found that Dovecot will require an initial "mail server warmup run" with duration of ~1 or 2 hours.  (Depending on your storage subsystem latencies, CPU performance, etc).  You may see significant IMAP timeout errors during the first 20 or 30 minutes of initial warmup run --- these can likely be ignored.  Once the warmup is complete (I'd recommend waiting at least 30 mins after any IMAP timeouts appear in the IMAP server log), you can backup the existing mailserver database, and use this for all future runs.

Note, if you only want to warm-up the mail server mail store, you can edit Control.config such that the IMAP workload is the only active workload.  To do this, create a version of Control.config that only contains the SPECimap related prime-client, workload, config, client app, client path -- such that the SPECimap client is the zero ([0]) based index for all of the values in Control.config.(e.g., PRIME_PATH[0] = "/opt/SPECimap")   Also set NUM_WORKLOADS=1 in the fixed parameters section. (Of course, this will not be a compliant run, but is useful for testing (or warming up) one workload at a time).

« Last Edit: December 05, 2016, 06:58:01 PM by lroderic »