Author Topic: [ERROR] client:1098 (PRIME_HOST[0][0]) failed to enter run phase before start  (Read 16682 times)


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Hi, I encoutered a problem in running a single workload(specjappserver2004).
In primectrl.out:

2015-01-27 09:59:21:751 Tue Jan 27 09:59:21 CST 2015
2015-01-27 09:59:21:752 specvirt: maxPreRunTime = 1201
2015-01-27 09:59:21:752 specvirt: runTime = 7200
2015-01-27 09:59:21:753 specvirt: runTime = 600
2015-01-27 09:59:21:756 Validator: [WARNING] NUM_WORKLOADS value is: 1; should be 4
2015-01-27 09:59:21:757 Validator: [WARNING] Non-compliant configuration.
2015-01-27 09:59:21:757 [WARNING] This will be a non-compliant benchmark result!
2015-01-27 09:59:21:810 RMI server started: client:9990
2015-01-27 09:59:21:825 modVals: [Ljava.lang.String;@50bae8eb
2015-01-27 09:59:21:825 [INFO] This is a perf-only benchmark run. Skipping active idle polling interval.
2015-01-27 09:59:21:825 PrimeControl: preparing client drivers.
2015-01-27 09:59:21:826 PrimeControl: PRIME_HOST 0 = client:1098
2015-01-27 09:59:21:827 PrimeControl: Master 1: client:1098
2015-01-27 09:59:21:829 PrimeControl: adding host client:1098
2015-01-27 09:59:21:883 First client for 0:
remote client "" added
2015-01-27 09:59:21:888 PrimeControl: done in client for loop
creating ClientThread-0
2015-01-27 09:59:21:890 PrimeControl: setting job: 0
2015-01-27 09:59:21:891 PrimeControl: client: getting job...done=0
2015-01-27 09:59:21:891 PrimeControl: client: waiting for all done...done=0
2015-01-27 09:59:21:891 PrimeControl: got job: 0
2015-01-27 09:59:21:891 PrimeControl: starting clients...
2015-01-27 09:59:21:891 PrimeControl: clients.length = 1
2015-01-27 09:59:21:891 PrimeControl: clients[0].length = 1
2015-01-27 09:59:21:891 PrimeControl: starting clients[0][0]:
2015-01-27 09:59:21:942 PrimeControl: started client:
2015-01-27 09:59:21:942 PrimeControl: client: getting job...done=1
2015-01-27 09:59:21:942 PrimeControl: done starting clients
2015-01-27 09:59:21:942 PrimeControl: PTDs not used for this benchmark run!
2015-01-27 09:59:21:943 PrimeControl: starting 1 masters.
2015-01-27 09:59:21:946 PrimeControl: entered startMasters(); remoteMasters.length = 1
2015-01-27 09:59:21:948 PrimeControl: getting job... id=0
2015-01-27 09:59:21:950 PrimeControl: calling primeJob.setJob(10).
2015-01-27 09:59:21:950 PrimeControl: setting job: 10
2015-01-27 09:59:21:951 PrimeControl: got job: 10; id=0
2015-01-27 09:59:21:951 PrimeControl: switch: jobNumber=10; id=0
2015-01-27 09:59:21:951 PrimeControl: getting job... id=0
2015-01-27 09:59:21:951 PrimeControl: calling primeJob.setJob(0).
2015-01-27 09:59:21:951 PrimeControl: setting job: 0
2015-01-27 09:59:21:951 PrimeControl: got job: 0; id=0
2015-01-27 09:59:21:951 PrimeControl: switch: jobNumber=0; id=0
2015-01-27 09:59:21:951 PrimeControl: master[0][0] sleeping 20 sec.
2015-01-27 09:59:41:952 PrimeControl: calling startMaster: client:1098 for tile  0, benchmark 0
2015-01-27 09:59:41:986 PrimeControl: getting job... id=0
2015-01-27 09:59:41:986 PrimeControl: waiting on 1 prime client(s).
2015-01-27 09:59:42:217 Sending config to client:1098
2015-01-27 09:59:42:280 specvirt: primeRmiStarted = 1; id=0
2015-01-27 09:59:42:987 PrimeControl: calling primeJob.setJob(1)
2015-01-27 09:59:42:987 PrimeControl: setting job: 1
2015-01-27 09:59:42:987 PrimeControl: got job: 1; id=0
2015-01-27 09:59:42:987 PrimeControl: switch: jobNumber=1; id=0
2015-01-27 09:59:42:988 PrimeControl: Naming lookup for
2015-01-27 09:59:42:999 PrimeControl: done in Naming lookup for
2015-01-27 09:59:42:999 PrimeControl: calling getHostVMs()...
2015-01-27 09:59:43:001 PrimeControl: hostVMs[0] = appserver:8001,dbserver:8001
2015-01-27 09:59:43:002 setting hostsReady = true
2015-01-27 09:59:43:002 PrimeControl: calling getBuildNumber()...
2015-01-27 10:01:57:757 PrimeControl: buildNum[0] = 79
2015-01-27 10:01:57:758 PrimeControl: getting job... id=0
2015-01-27 10:01:57:758 PrimeControl: all workloads started.
2015-01-27 10:01:57:758 PrimeControl: Workload and prime controller builds: 79
2015-01-27 10:01:57:759 PrimeControl: awaiting runtime started signal from prime clients
2015-01-27 10:01:58:323 PrimeControl: setting job: 14
2015-01-27 10:01:58:323 PrimeControl: got job: 14; id=0
2015-01-27 10:01:58:323 PrimeControl: switch: jobNumber=14; id=0
2015-01-27 10:01:58:323 PrimeControl: calling getVmSysTimes() on client:1098
2015-01-27 10:01:58:324 PrimeControl: getting job... id=0
2015-01-27 10:01:58:324 specvirt: clock sync check completed successfully
2015-01-27 10:01:58:324 specvirt: initiating workload ramp-up.
2015-01-27 10:01:58:324 PrimeControl: setting job: 7
2015-01-27 10:01:58:325 PrimeControl: got job: 7; id=0
2015-01-27 10:01:58:325 PrimeControl: switch: jobNumber=7; id=0
2015-01-27 10:01:58:325 PrimeControl: calling setIsRampUp() ...
2015-01-27 10:01:58:325 Polling start time = Tue Jan 27 10:21:59 CST 2015
2015-01-27 10:01:58:325 Polling end time   = Tue Jan 27 12:21:59 CST 2015
2015-01-27 10:01:59:327 PrimeControl: getting job... id=0
2015-01-27 10:22:01:324 [ERROR] client:1098 (PRIME_HOST[0][0]) failed to enter run phase before start of polling interval!
2015-01-27 10:22:01:324 PrimeControl: dumping polling start response times...
2015-01-27 10:22:01:324 [ERROR] client:1098 (PRIME_HOST[0][0]) msec after pollStart: 9223372036854775807
2015-01-27 10:22:01:324 PrimeControl: [ERROR] one or more workloads failed to start runtime before start of polling interval. Aborting.
2015-01-27 10:22:01:325 PrimeControl: sending abortTest() to prime clients.
2015-01-27 10:22:01:325 PrimeControl: setting job: 6
2015-01-27 10:22:01:326 PrimeControl: got job: 6; id=0
2015-01-27 10:22:01:326 PrimeControl: switch: jobNumber=6; id=0
2015-01-27 10:22:01:326 PrimeControl: id=0, abortID=-1
2015-01-27 10:22:01:326 PrimeControl: masters[0]=client:1098
2015-01-27 10:33:01:114 [ERROR] Received abort signal from specvirt. Terminating.
2015-01-27 10:33:01:114 Terminating client processes
2015-01-27 10:33:01:114 PrimeControl: setting job: 1
2015-01-27 10:33:01:114 Sending termination signal to clientmgr processes
2015-01-27 10:33:01:115 PrimeControl: got job: 1
2015-01-27 10:33:01:115 PrimeControl: setting job: 2
2015-01-27 10:33:01:115 PrimeControl: calling client.stopClients() ...
2015-01-27 10:33:01:115 Terminating prime client processes
2015-01-27 10:33:01:115 PrimeControl: setting job: 4
2015-01-27 10:33:01:115 Sending termination signal to prime clientmgr processes
2015-01-27 10:33:01:115 PrimeControl: setting job: 5
2015-01-27 10:33:01:115 Exiting...
2015-01-27 10:33:01:115 calling control.stop()...
2015-01-27 10:33:01:115 PrimeControl: terminating run. Please wait...
2015-01-27 10:33:01:118 specvirt: benchmark run failed!
2015-01-27 10:33:01:118 specvirt: Done!

In prime-client_1098.log:

2015-01-29 17:13:38:234 Looking up SPECvirt controller: client
2015-01-29 17:13:38:314 masterID: 0, tile: 0, workload: 0
2015-01-29 17:13:38:315 hostname: client
Hostname of prime client: client
2015-01-29 17:13:38:350 Thu Jan 29 17:13:17 CST 2015
2015-01-29 17:13:38:367 RMI server started: client:9900
2015-01-29 17:13:38:368 Total clients: 1
2015-01-29 17:13:38:368 Adding host client:1091
2015-01-29 17:13:38:377 Setting up clients...
2015-01-29 17:13:39:125 calling getHostVM() on jappclient...
2015-01-29 17:15:54:022 Starting drivers and waiting for Steady State...
2015-01-29 17:15:55:034 Waiting for SPECvirt start signal.
2015-01-29 17:15:55:037 Relaying ramp-up start signal ...
2015-01-29 17:15:55:037 sleeping for 10 seconds.
2015-01-29 17:41:07:039 Received abort signal from prime controller. Terminating.
2015-01-29 17:41:07:040 clientsRunning = true
2015-01-29 17:41:07:040 calling client.exit()...

« Last Edit: January 29, 2015, 08:11:24 PM by elnino »


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One issue that I see right away is the time sync. primectrl.out shows 2015-01-27, while prime-client_1098.log shows 2015-01-29.
See section 5.1 of

Also, check the prime-client_1088.log

You may also check the following for any errors:
- poll output on App VM and DB VM
- server log of GlassFish, or whichever AppServer you are using


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I'm sorry that I attached two different run's logs. I think the time sync is OK.
It seems that glassfish didn't log while the running.It logs while startup or error.
The poll output in appserverhost looks like:



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I could't find the prime-client_1088.log.Do you mean client-

It looks like :

2015-01-30 15:15:42:146 Creating jappclient using RMI Registry port 1091
2015-01-30 15:15:42:178 client:1091 ready...
Driver Host: client             Tile Number:0
2015-01-30 15:16:02:295 matchOut() messages set ...
2015-01-30 15:16:02:296 Starting rmiregistry; bindWait = 45000
2015-01-30 15:16:47:296 Starting Controller; bindWait = 45000
2015-01-30 15:16:47:302 waiting for: Binding controller to /
rec'd notifyInterrupt(101) call
Binding controller to //client:2098/Controller
Launcher: done in waitMatch(0)
2015-01-30 15:17:32:442 Starting Agents
Calling switchLog as master
url[0] is : http://appserver:8089/Emulator/EmulatorServlet?cmd=switchlog
url[1] is : http://appserver:8000/Supplier/DeliveryServlet?cmd=switchlog
calling driver.waitMatch(0)...
2015-01-30 15:18:17:767 waiting for: waiting2ramp
RunID for this run is : 13
Output directory for this run is : /opt/SPECjAppServer2004/output/13
burstyCurve from,72,61,87,132,77,0,49,137,93,187,103,174,138,200,173,153,107,225,44,36,44,48,68,138,125,116,88,38,50
2015-01-30 15:15:42:146 Creating jappclient using RMI Registry port 1091
2015-01-30 15:15:42:178 client:1091 ready...
Driver Host: client             Tile Number:0
2015-01-30 15:16:02:295 matchOut() messages set ...
2015-01-30 15:16:02:296 Starting rmiregistry; bindWait = 45000
2015-01-30 15:16:47:296 Starting Controller; bindWait = 45000
2015-01-30 15:16:47:302 waiting for: Binding controller to /
rec'd notifyInterrupt(101) call
Binding controller to //client:2098/Controller
Launcher: done in waitMatch(0)
2015-01-30 15:17:32:442 Starting Agents
Calling switchLog as master
url[0] is : http://appserver:8089/Emulator/EmulatorServlet?cmd=switchlog
url[1] is : http://appserver:8000/Supplier/DeliveryServlet?cmd=switchlog
calling driver.waitMatch(0)...
2015-01-30 15:18:17:767 waiting for: waiting2ramp
RunID for this run is : 13
Output directory for this run is : /opt/SPECjAppServer2004/output/13
burstyCurve from,72,61,87,132,77,0,49,137,93,187,103,174,138,200,173,153,107,225,44,36,44,48,68,138,125,116,88,38,50
2015-01-30 15:15:42:146 Creating jappclient using RMI Registry port 1091
2015-01-30 15:15:42:178 client:1091 ready...
Driver Host: client             Tile Number:0
2015-01-30 15:16:02:295 matchOut() messages set ...
2015-01-30 15:16:02:296 Starting rmiregistry; bindWait = 45000
2015-01-30 15:16:47:296 Starting Controller; bindWait = 45000
2015-01-30 15:16:47:302 waiting for: Binding controller to /
rec'd notifyInterrupt(101) call
Binding controller to //client:2098/Controller
Launcher: done in waitMatch(0)
2015-01-30 15:17:32:442 Starting Agents
Calling switchLog as master
url[0] is : http://appserver:8089/Emulator/EmulatorServlet?cmd=switchlog
url[1] is : http://appserver:8000/Supplier/DeliveryServlet?cmd=switchlog
calling driver.waitMatch(0)...
2015-01-30 15:18:17:767 waiting for: waiting2ramp
RunID for this run is : 13
Output directory for this run is : /opt/SPECjAppServer2004/output/13
burstyCurve from,72,61,87,132,77,0,49,137,93,187,103,174,138,200,173,153,107,225,44,36,44,48,68,138,125,116,88,38,50
Curve avg txRate = 100.0
Will run in bursty mode after rampup/warmup phases. Starting at burstPoint:0
WarmUp style = 0 (0=linear only, 1=burstycurve, 2=zigzag)
Phase one of warm up (start of transaction activity) will increase IR from 0 to 100 linearly, over 1200 seconds.
Steady-State IR transition stepRate(ms)=40000
Burst Curve StartPoint Tile Multiplier=7
Using default timeSkewTolerance value: 3
Dealer Threads Per Agent=2250
Mfg Threads Per Agent=675
TTF1 = 2333
ttf = 2333
rec'd notifyInterrupt(101) call
Launcher: done in waitMatch(0)
Waiting for trigger signal from SPECvirt...
2015-01-30 15:18:18:013 jappScript.runDriver() completed successfully.
2015-01-30 15:18:18:015 Looking up polling host: appserver:8001
Waiting for steady state signal...
2015-01-30 15:18:28:223 waiting for: Starting Steady State
Configuring 1 DealerAgent(s)...


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Also this is the log in Driver.err

Exception in thread "main" java.rmi.ServerError: Error occurred in server thread; nested exception is:
   java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: javax/ejb/EJBObject
   at sun.rmi.server.UnicastServerRef.dispatch(
   at sun.rmi.transport.Transport$
   at sun.rmi.transport.Transport$
   at Method)
   at sun.rmi.transport.Transport.serviceCall(
   at sun.rmi.transport.tcp.TCPTransport.handleMessages(
   at sun.rmi.transport.tcp.TCPTransport$ConnectionHandler.run0(
   at sun.rmi.transport.tcp.TCPTransport$
   at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
   at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$
   at sun.rmi.transport.StreamRemoteCall.exceptionReceivedFromServer(
   at sun.rmi.transport.StreamRemoteCall.executeCall(
   at sun.rmi.server.UnicastRef.invoke(
   at org.spec.jappserver.driver.MfgAgent_Stub.configure(Unknown Source)
   at org.spec.jappserver.driver.Driver.configureAgents(
   at org.spec.jappserver.driver.Driver.<init>(
   at org.spec.jappserver.driver.Driver.main(
Caused by: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: javax/ejb/EJBObject
   at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass1(Native Method)
   at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass(
   at Method)
   at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
   at sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader.loadClass(
   at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
   at java.lang.Class.getDeclaredMethods0(Native Method)
   at java.lang.Class.privateGetDeclaredMethods(
   at java.lang.Class.getDeclaredMethod(
   at java.lang.Thread$
   at java.lang.Thread$
   at Method)
   at java.lang.Thread.auditSubclass(
   at java.lang.Thread.isCCLOverridden(
   at java.lang.Thread.init(
   at java.lang.Thread.init(
   at java.lang.Thread.<init>(
   at org.spec.jappserver.driver.PlannedLine.<init>(
   at org.spec.jappserver.driver.MfgAgent.configure(
   at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
   at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
   at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
   at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
   at sun.rmi.server.UnicastServerRef.dispatch(
   at sun.rmi.transport.Transport$
   at sun.rmi.transport.Transport$
   at Method)
   at sun.rmi.transport.Transport.serviceCall(
   at sun.rmi.transport.tcp.TCPTransport.handleMessages(
   at sun.rmi.transport.tcp.TCPTransport$ConnectionHandler.run0(
   at sun.rmi.transport.tcp.TCPTransport$
   at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
   at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$
Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: javax.ejb.EJBObject
   at Method)
   at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
   at sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader.loadClass(
   at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
   ... 40 more


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I would have expected to see more information in the client output log (what is apparently your _1091 log).  Note, typically, the client output for all running workloads is reported in the ClientMgr<tilenum>_1088.out log

Also, how many tiles are you attempting to run?  There appears to be multiple driver agents reporting information in that one log - which looks unusual to me.  (Perhaps the log level has been increased?)   Personally, I find it easier to view the log with the debug/log level set to default... Would it be possible for you to post a default log level for the 1098.out and 1088.out logs? 


-Chris Floyd


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I just attempt to run 1 tiles, 1 workload. I didn't alter the loglevel in the config file. Its value is 5. But I couldn't find the ClientMgr<tilenum>_1088.out log. All logs the Benchmark generated are client-<appserver>_1091.log, primectrl.out, prime-client_1098.log.

It seemed that I set the CLASSPATH variable incorrectly, I modified it and I got the benchmark report. But I encounter following errors in  /opt/SPECjAppServer2004/output/<seq>/dealer.err(I have set the client's memory as 10GB):

        2015-01-30 20:56:35:962: O1:11: Error occured in purchaseVehicles for cid 1375685
        Number of orderlines = 1
        itemId = 00001MITEM0000004686itemQuantity = 11
        org.spec.jappserver.driver.http.SJASHttpException: got an error when adding cars to cart - Part 2 java.lang.NullPointerException

Should I deal with it?
Also in loline.err:

Entered LargeOrderLine run()
2015-01-30 19:27:07:603: L2:1: Exception in creating LargeOrderBeanjavax.naming.NoInitialContextException: Need to specify class name in environment or system property, or as an applet parameter, or in an application resource file:  java.naming.factory.initial
Error occured during LargeOrderLine setup. Exiting!



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It's not uncommon to get a few "error when adding cars to cart" errors during a run.  If you are seeing hundreds/thousands of those errors - that is a problem. 

Does the SPECjApp run complete and give a valid score with acceptable response times and achieved mix, etc?   If so, the LOAgent error may be a mismatch between what is deployed on the app server and what is configured in

Also, are you using the standard .jar/.war files from the original SPECvirt_sc2103 kit, or have you recompiled the source and recreated the .jar/.war/.ear files? 

« Last Edit: February 05, 2015, 01:49:24 AM by ChrisFloyd »


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There is still other error in the running. I post the appserver benchmark result,
I didn't fixed the Testbed.config, the Configuration in html file is incorrect.
These are my Configuration,
SUT(Physical ): Intel Xeon E5-2650 v2 32cores 2600Mhz, 125 GB MEM,
appserver(VM): 2 cores 2600Mhz, 8G MEM ,
client(VM): 8 cores 2600Mhz, 10G MEM ,

I have rebuilt the .jar/.war/.ear files.



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You should definitely avoid recompiling the SPECjApp  .jar/.ear/.war files.  (In fact, the run will be non-compliant per SPEC rules if the code is recompiled).  From the logs attached it appears that missing _stub files due to re-compilation may be the source of the problem.  You should be able to simply deploy the .EAR files from the SPECvirt/SPECjApp kit without need to recompile.  (Nor should you recreate the SPECjApp driver .jar files)

-Chris Floyd


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Hi, do you notice the error in plannedlines.err? It looks like:

2015-01-30 19:26:57:081: M1:0: Failure looking up home javax.naming.NoInitialContextException: Need to specify class name in environment or system property, or as an applet parameter, or in an application resource file:  java.naming.factory.initial

Does it generated by rebuilding the jars?



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The naming error sounds like potentially a misconfiguration in your SPECjAppServer2004/config/[default or glassfish].env file.  Can you please attach the .env file you are using?


-Chris Floyd


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I attach the files below.
The appserver I choose is glassfish.



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Do you have GlassFish installed at /opt/glassfish4/glassfish on the client(s) as well?

You don't need to configure a domain or deploy anything in GF on the clients, but you do need GF installed for clients to access required libraries including  javax/ejb/EJBObject.
