When I run runspecvirt.sh after the primectrl.out print "PrimeControl: all workloads in run time"
The Clientmgr1_1088.out log appears large logs as follows:
Messages from:
-> 2019-08-24 21:10:12:572 Gathered all SPECvirt-IMAP inbox contexts within warm-up limit.
-> 2019-08-24 21:10:12:572 Thread rampup / context gather completed with 146seconds to spare.
Messages from:
-> 2019-08-24 21:10:57:126 Connection: SocketTimeoutException waiting for end-of-header
-> 2019-08-24 21:10:57:127 SPECweb_Support: [ERROR] SocketTimeoutException encountered during run!
-> 2019-08-24 21:10:58:000 Connection: SocketTimeoutException waiting for end-of-header
-> 2019-08-24 21:10:58:001 SPECweb_Support: [ERROR] SocketTimeoutException encountered during run!
-> 2019-08-24 21:10:58:347 Connection: SocketTimeoutException waiting for end-of-header
-> 2019-08-24 21:10:58:347 SPECweb_Support: [ERROR] SocketTimeoutException encountered during run!
-> 2019-08-24 21:10:58:657 Connection: SocketTimeoutException waiting for end-of-header
-> 2019-08-24 21:10:58:657 SPECweb_Support: [ERROR] SocketTimeoutException encountered during run!
-> 2019-08-24 21:10:58:801 Connection: SocketTimeoutException waiting for end-of-header
-> 2019-08-24 21:10:58:801 SPECweb_Support: [ERROR] SocketTimeoutException encountered during run!
-> 2019-08-24 21:10:58:894 Connection: SocketTimeoutException waiting for end-of-header
The Clientmgr1_1096.out log:
-> 2019-08-24 21:35:27:614,70391,65991,0,4400,5691202150,225076344,58130,1698,6163,263,391477,0
-> 2019-08-24 21:35:37:614,71689,67269,0,4420,5805650027,237575182,58452,1874,6943,263,391477,0
-> 2019-08-24 21:35:47:613,72357,67922,0,4435,5943334360,244287175,58635,2011,7276,263,391477,9
-> 2019-08-24 21:35:57:612,73375,68846,0,4529,6073809467,254935736,58768,2131,7947,263,391477,17
-> 2019-08-24 21:36:07:612,74703,70040,0,4663,6263592673,266343065,59120,2373,8547,263,391477,39
-> 2019-08-24 21:36:17:609 RemoteLoadGen: Warning: RMI exception trying to contact Retrying...
-> 2019-08-24 21:36:17:610 RemoteLoadGen: [ERROR] Unable to contact
-> 2019-08-24 21:36:17:610,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,2147483647,0,0
-> 2019-08-24 21:36:17:636 RemoteLoadGen: Warning: RMI exception trying to contact Retrying...
-> 2019-08-24 21:36:17:636 RemoteLoadGen: [ERROR] Unable to contact
-> 2019-08-24 21:36:17:636 RemoteLoadGen: [ERROR] 1 remote clients, but only 0 responded
-> 2019-08-24 21:36:17:636 SpecwebControl: [ERROR] Client(s) not responding. Aborting test.
-> 2019-08-24 21:36:17:637 RemoteLoadGen: [ERROR] Remote exception setting server reset data collection from
-> java.rmi.ConnectException: Connection refused to host:; nested exception is:
-> java.net.ConnectException: Connection refused (Connection refused)
-> 2019-08-24 21:36:17:637 SpecwebControl: Stopping remote clients.
-> 2019-08-24 21:36:17:638 RemoteLoadGen: 180-second ramp-down starting.
The primectrl.out log:
0,0,2019-08-24 21:35:57:617,8025,9.9,8132,6.0,15886,10.0,27960,3.50
0,1,2019-08-24 21:35:57:612,73375,68846,0,4529,6073809467,254935736,58768,2131,7947,263,391477,17
0,2,2019-08-24 21:35:57:611,62820,62820,0,0,2528540,0,3338
0,3,2019-08-24 21:35:57:607,1,50,440,1,440,930,50,0
0,0,2019-08-24 21:36:07:617,8203,10.0,8321,6.1,16085,10.0,28071,3.50
0,1,2019-08-24 21:36:07:612,74703,70040,0,4663,6263592673,266343065,59120,2373,8547,263,391477,39
0,2,2019-08-24 21:36:07:611,64107,64107,0,0,2753741,0,3338
0,3,2019-08-24 21:36:07:607,1,51,1525,1,1525,2455,51,0
0,0,2019-08-24 21:36:17:615,8426,10.0,8522,6.2,16513,10.0,28106,3.50
0,1,2019-08-24 21:36:17:610,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,2147483647,0,0
0,2,2019-08-24 21:36:17:611,65499,65499,0,0,2931431,0,3338
0,3,2019-08-24 21:36:17:607,1,52,1,1,1525,2456,52,0
2019-08-24 21:36:17:638 PrimeControl: clients in runtime decremented: 3
2019-08-24 21:36:27:607 PrimeControl: finished pollMaster().
2019-08-24 21:36:27:607 PrimeControl: finished pollMaster().
2019-08-24 21:36:27:607 PrimeControl: getting job... id=2
2019-08-24 21:36:27:607 PrimeControl: getting job... id=3
2019-08-24 21:36:27:608 PrimeControl: finished pollMaster().
2019-08-24 21:36:27:608 PrimeControl: getting job... id=0
2019-08-24 21:36:27:608 PrimeControl: finished pollMaster().
2019-08-24 21:36:27:608 PrimeControl: getting job... id=1
2019-08-24 23:27:37:593 PrimeControl: client1:1092 (PRIME_HOST[0][3]) run complete; numStarted = 3
2019-08-24 23:27:37:602 PrimeControl: stopping result polling.
2019-08-24 23:27:37:602 PrimeControl: setting job: 2
2019-08-24 23:27:37:602 PrimeControl: waiting for all workloads to stop...
2019-08-24 23:27:37:603 PrimeControl: got job: 2; id=1
2019-08-24 23:27:37:603 PrimeControl: switch: jobNumber=2; id=1
2019-08-24 23:27:37:603 PrimeControl: got job: 2; id=3
2019-08-24 23:27:37:603 Sending resetCounters(false) command.
2019-08-24 23:27:37:603 PrimeControl: switch: jobNumber=2; id=3
2019-08-24 23:27:37:603 PrimeControl: got job: 2; id=2
2019-08-24 23:27:37:603 Sending resetCounters(false) command.
2019-08-24 23:27:37:603 PrimeControl: switch: jobNumber=2; id=2
2019-08-24 23:27:37:603 PrimeControl: got job: 2; id=0
2019-08-24 23:27:37:603 Sending resetCounters(false) command.
2019-08-24 23:27:37:603 PrimeControl: switch: jobNumber=2; id=0
2019-08-24 23:27:37:603 Sending resetCounters(false) command.
2019-08-24 23:27:37:603 PrimeControl: [ERROR] remote exception occured while calling resetCounters() on java.rmi.ConnectException: Connection refused to host:; nested exception is:
java.net.ConnectException: Connection refused (Connection refused)
2019-08-24 23:27:37:603 PrimeControl: getting job... id=1
2019-08-24 23:27:37:606 PrimeControl: getting job... id=2
2019-08-24 23:27:37:606 PrimeControl: getting job... id=0
2019-08-24 23:27:37:636 PrimeControl: client1:1094 (PRIME_HOST[0][2]) run complete; numStarted = 2
2019-08-24 23:27:37:750 PrimeControl: getting job... id=3
2019-08-24 23:27:39:731 PrimeControl: client1:1098 (PRIME_HOST[0][0]) run complete; numStarted = 1
2019-08-24 23:27:47:603 PrimeControl: waiting for 1 masters to finish
2019-08-24 23:28:02:603 PrimeControl: waiting for 1 masters to finish
2019-08-24 23:28:17:603 PrimeControl: waiting for 1 masters to finish
2019-08-24 23:28:32:603 PrimeControl: waiting for 1 masters to finish
2019-08-24 23:28:47:604 PrimeControl: waiting for 1 masters to finish
2019-08-24 23:29:02:604 PrimeControl: waiting for 1 masters to finish
2019-08-24 23:29:17:604 PrimeControl: waiting for 1 masters to finish
2019-08-24 23:29:32:604 PrimeControl: waiting for 1 masters to finish
2019-08-24 23:29:47:605 PrimeControl: waiting for 1 masters to finish
2019-08-24 23:30:02:605 PrimeControl: waiting for 1 masters to finish
2019-08-24 23:30:17:605 PrimeControl: waiting for 1 masters to finish
2019-08-24 23:30:32:605 PrimeControl: waiting for 1 masters to finish
2019-08-24 23:30:47:606 PrimeControl: waiting for 1 masters to finish
2019-08-24 23:31:02:606 PrimeControl: waiting for 1 masters to finish
2019-08-24 23:31:17:606 PrimeControl: waiting for 1 masters to finish
2019-08-24 23:31:32:606 PrimeControl: waiting for 1 masters to finish
2019-08-24 23:31:47:606 PrimeControl: waiting for 1 masters to finish
2019-08-24 23:32:02:607 PrimeControl: waiting for 1 masters to finish
2019-08-24 23:32:17:607 PrimeControl: waiting for 1 masters to finish
2019-08-24 23:32:32:607 PrimeControl: waiting for 1 masters to finish
2019-08-24 23:32:47:607 PrimeControl: [ERROR] Maximum prime client wait time exceeded!
2019-08-24 23:32:47:607 PrimeControl: stopping data reporting.
2019-08-24 23:32:47:608 PrimeControl: setting job: 8
2019-08-24 23:32:47:608 PrimeControl: exiting dataReporter thread.
2019-08-24 23:32:47:608 PrimeControl: got job: 8; id=3
2019-08-24 23:32:47:608 PrimeControl: switch: jobNumber=8; id=3
2019-08-24 23:32:47:608 PrimeControl: [ERROR] startMasters() failed!
2019-08-24 23:32:47:608 PrimeControl: got job: 8; id=0
2019-08-24 23:32:47:608 PrimeControl: calling getValidationRept() ...
2019-08-24 23:32:47:608 PrimeControl: got job: 8; id=2
2019-08-24 23:32:47:608 PrimeControl: sending abortTest() to prime clients.
2019-08-24 23:32:47:608 PrimeControl: switch: jobNumber=8; id=2
2019-08-24 23:32:47:608 PrimeControl: setting job: 6
2019-08-24 23:32:47:608 PrimeControl: calling getValidationRept() ...
2019-08-24 23:32:47:608 PrimeControl: got job: 8; id=1
2019-08-24 23:32:47:608 PrimeControl: switch: jobNumber=8; id=1
2019-08-24 23:32:47:608 PrimeControl: calling getValidationRept() ...
2019-08-24 23:32:47:608 PrimeControl: switch: jobNumber=8; id=0
2019-08-24 23:32:47:608 PrimeControl: calling getValidationRept() ...
2019-08-24 23:32:47:609 PrimeControl: [ERROR] Remote exception occured while calling getValidationRept() on client1:1096 for tile 0, benchmark 1: java.rmi.ConnectException: Connection refused to host:; nested exception is:
java.net.ConnectException: Connection refused (Connection refused)
So whats the problem ? please help me to check out,thanks very much!