# Invocation command line: # /cpu2006/bin/runspec -a validate -c pathscale-amd64.cfg -T all fp # output_root was not used for this run ############################################################################ # AMD64 (64-bit) Linux Pathscale v3.0 config file # for CPU2006 # # If you are building and running on a newer Linux distro that # uses the GCC v4.x compilers by default, then you need to either # use "--define gnu4_fe" on the runspec command line or uncomment # the "%define gnu4_fe" line below: # # %define gnu4_fe # %define gnu3_fe # # gnu3_fe is the default, so really does not need to be defined. ##################################################################### flagsurl000=http://www.spec.org/cpu2006/flags/CPU2006_flags.20090714.13.xml tune = base reportable = yes ext = amd64 output_format = asc,html teeout = yes teerunout = yes mean_anyway = yes # Include machine-specific section #include: SUT.inc # ----- Begin inclusion of 'SUT.inc' ############################################################################ ################################################################ # Machine-specific section ################################################################ hw_cpu_name = AMD Opteron 8212 hw_cpu_mhz = 2000 hw_disk = 1 x 36 GB SAS, 15000 RPM hw_fpu = Integrated hw_memory = 32 GB (16 x 2GB DDR2-5300 ECC) hw_vendor = IBM Corporation hw_model = IBM System x3755 (AMD Opteron 8212) hw_avail = Oct-2006 hw_nchips = 4 hw_ncores = 8 hw_ncoresperchip= 2 hw_nthreadspercore = 1 hw_ncpuorder = 1, 2, 3, 4 chips hw_pcache = 64 KB I + 64 KB D on chip per core hw_scache = 1 MB I+D on chip per core hw_tcache = None hw_ocache = None hw_other = None sw_file = ext3 sw_os = SLES 10 (x86_64), sw_state = Multi-user, run level 3 makeflags = -j2 EXTRA_LDFLAGS = -IPA:max_jobs=2 use_submit_for_speed = 1 # For rate runs, comment out previous 2 lines and uncomment the following line submit= MYMASK=`printf '0x%x' \$((1<<\$SPECCOPYNUM))`; /usr/bin/taskset \$MYMASK $command notes_000= taskset utility used to bind CPU(s) to processes notes_005 =DSPEC_CPU_TABLE_WORKAROUND was used for portability when compiling 447.dealII notes_010 =due to compilation being performed on SLES 9 SP3 # ---- End inclusion of '/cpu2006/config/SUT.inc' ##################################################### license_num = 11 sw_compiler000 = QLogic PathScale sw_compiler001 = Compiler Suite, Release 3.0 sw_other = MicroQuill SmartHeap 8.1 sw_auto_parallel = No sw_avail = Mar-2007 test_date = Aug-2007 prepared_by = IBM Corporation test_sponsor = IBM Corporation tester = IBM Corporation default=default=default: ##################################################################### # Compiler selection # # CC = pathcc CXX = pathCC FC = pathf95 # If compiling on a machine NOT having the target machine's # AMD64 architecture, then uncomment the following # compiler define variables. # CC = pathcc -march=opteron # CXX = pathCC -march=opteron # FC = pathf95 -march=opteron SMARTHEAP_DIR = /tools/SmartHeap_8.1/lib ##################################################################### # Portability for default 64-bit code generation ##################################################################### default=default=default: PORTABILITY = -DSPEC_CPU_LP64 ##################################################################### # INT Portability ##################################################################### 400.perlbench=default=default: CPORTABILITY = -DSPEC_CPU_LINUX_X64 462.libquantum=default=default: CPORTABILITY= -DSPEC_CPU_LINUX 471.omnetpp=default=default: # Needed to avoid -DSPEC_CPU_LP64 on -m32 C++ base codes PORTABILITY = 473.astar=default=default: # Needed to avoid -DSPEC_CPU_LP64 on -m32 C++ base codes PORTABILITY = 483.xalancbmk=default=default: CXXPORTABILITY= -DSPEC_CPU_LINUX # Needed to avoid -DSPEC_CPU_LP64 on -m32 C++ base codes PORTABILITY = ################################################################# # # # SPECint Tuning & Notes # # # ################################################################# int=base: COPTIMIZE = -Ofast -OPT:malloc_alg=1 CXXOPTIMIZE = -Ofast -m32 EXTRA_CXXLIBS= -L$(SMARTHEAP_DIR) -lsmartheap sw_base_ptrsize = 32/64-bit sw_peak_ptrsize = 32/64-bit ##################################################################### # INT Peak Tuning ##################################################################### int=peak=default: COPTIMIZE = -Ofast -OPT:malloc_alg=1 CXXOPTIMIZE = -Ofast -m32 EXTRA_CXXLIBS= -L$(SMARTHEAP_DIR) -lsmartheap PASS1_CFLAGS = -fb_create fbdata PASS1_CXXFLAGS = -fb_create fbdata PASS1_LDFLAGS = -fb_create fbdata PASS2_CFLAGS = -fb_opt fbdata PASS2_CXXFLAGS = -fb_opt fbdata PASS2_LDFLAGS = -fb_opt fbdata 400.perlbench=peak=default: COPTIMIZE=-Ofast -LNO:opt=0 401.bzip2=peak=default: COPTIMIZE=-O3 -LNO:ou_prod_max=10 -OPT:Ofast:alias=disjoint feedback=0 403.gcc=peak=default: PORTABILITY = COPTIMIZE=-m32 -O3 -OPT:Ofast 429.mcf=peak=default: PORTABILITY = COPTIMIZE=-m32 -O3 -ipa feedback=0 EXTRA_CLIBS = -L$(SMARTHEAP_DIR) -lsmartheap 445.gobmk=peak=default: COPTIMIZE=-O3 -OPT:alias=disjoint -LNO:simd=0:minvariant=off -WOPT:retype_expr=on 456.hmmer=peak=default: COPTIMIZE=-O2 -OPT:alias=disjoint:malloc_alg=1 -CG:cflow=0 feedback=0 458.sjeng=peak=default: COPTIMIZE=-O3 -IPA:plimit=50000 -IPA:pu_reorder=2 462.libquantum=peak=default: COPTIMIZE=-O3 -ipa -CG:local_fwd_sched=on -IPA:space=1000 feedback=0 464.h264ref=peak=default: COPTIMIZE=-O3 -IPA:plimit=20000 -OPT:alias=disjoint -LNO:prefetch=0 471.omnetpp=peak=default: CXXOPTIMIZE= -Ofast -CG:gcm=off -m32 feedback=0 473.astar=peak=default: basepeak=true 483.xalancbmk=peak=default: CXXOPTIMIZE=-Ofast -m32 -OPT:unroll_times_max=8 feedback=0 ##################################################################### # FP Portability ##################################################################### 436.cactusADM=default=default: FPORTABILITY= -fno-second-underscore %ifdef %{gnu4_fe} 447.dealII=default=default: CXXPORTABILITY = %else 447.dealII=default=default: CXXPORTABILITY = -DSPEC_CPU_TABLE_WORKAROUND %endif 481.wrf=default=default: FPORTABILITY= -fno-second-underscore CPORTABILITY= -DSPEC_CPU_LINUX ################################################################# # # # SPECfp Tuning # # # ################################################################# fp=base: COPTIMIZE = -Ofast CXXOPTIMIZE = -Ofast FOPTIMIZE = -Ofast -OPT:malloc_alg=1 sw_base_ptrsize = 64-bit sw_peak_ptrsize = 32/64-bit ##################################################################### # FP Peak Tuning ##################################################################### fp=peak=default: COPTIMIZE = -Ofast CXXOPTIMIZE = -Ofast FOPTIMIZE = -Ofast -OPT:malloc_alg=1 PASS1_CFLAGS = -fb_create fbdata PASS2_CFLAGS = -fb_opt fbdata PASS1_CXXFLAGS = -fb_create fbdata PASS2_CXXFLAGS = -fb_opt fbdata PASS1_FFLAGS = -fb_create fbdata PASS2_FFLAGS = -fb_opt fbdata PASS1_LDFLAGS = -fb_create fbdata PASS2_LDFLAGS = -fb_opt fbdata 410.bwaves=peak=default: FOPTIMIZE=-O3 -OPT:Ofast:IEEE_arith=3 -LNO:blocking=off:ignore_feedback=off 416.gamess=peak=default: FOPTIMIZE=-O2 -OPT:Ofast:ro=3:unroll_size=256 433.milc=peak=default: COPTIMIZE=-Ofast -CG:cflow=off -LNO:prefetch=1 -OPT:malloc_alg=1 feedback=0 434.zeusmp=peak=default: FOPTIMIZE=-Ofast -CG:local_fwd_sched=on -LNO:blocking=off:interchange=off:fu=10:full_unroll_outer=on feedback=0 435.gromacs=peak=default: FOPTIMIZE=-O3 -OPT:rsqrt=2:ro=3 COPTIMIZE=-O3 -OPT:rsqrt=2:ro=3 feedback=0 436.cactusADM=peak=default: COPTIMIZE=-O3 -LNO:prefetch=3:prefetch_ahead=5:ou_prod_max=10:full_unroll=5 -ipa FOPTIMIZE=-O3 -LNO:prefetch=3:prefetch_ahead=5:ou_prod_max=10:full_unroll=5 -ipa 437.leslie3d=peak=default: basepeak=true 444.namd=peak=default: CXXOPTIMIZE=-Ofast -fno-exceptions 447.dealII=peak=default: # Needed to avoid -DSPEC_CPU_LP64 PORTABILITY = %ifdef %{gnu4_fe} CXXOPTIMIZE=-Ofast -static -INLINE:aggressive=on -OPT:malloc_alg=1 -m32 -fno-exceptions feedback=0 %else CXXOPTIMIZE=-Ofast -INLINE:aggressive=on -LNO:opt=0 -OPT:alias=disjoint -m32 -fno-exceptions feedback=0 %endif 450.soplex=peak=default: CXXOPTIMIZE=-m32 -O3 -OPT:IEEE_arith=3 -CG:load_exe=0:movnti=1 -LNO:minvariant=off:prefetch=1 -fno-exceptions # Needed to avoid -DSPEC_CPU_LP64 PORTABILITY = 453.povray=peak=default: CXXOPTIMIZE=-Ofast -fno-fast-math 454.calculix=peak=default: FOPTIMIZE=-Ofast -LNO:simd=0 -WOPT:mem_opnds=on COPTIMIZE=$(FOPTIMIZE) feedback=0 459.GemsFDTD=peak=default: FOPTIMIZE=-Ofast -LNO:fission=2:prefetch=0 feedback=0 465.tonto=peak=default: basepeak=true 470.lbm=peak=default: basepeak=true 481.wrf=peak=default: basepeak=true 482.sphinx3=peak=default: %ifdef %{gnu4_fe} COPTIMIZE=-O3 -OPT:Ofast -WOPT:aggstr=0 -m32 %else basepeak=true %endif