----------------------------------------------- Descriptions of options used by HP for CPU2000: ----------------------------------------------- -Ae Enable ANSI compatibility mode with UNIX extensions. -D Set definition for preprocessor. +DA Generate code for the architecture specified. +DS Schedule code for the architecture specified. +ESfic Replace millicode calls with in-line code for for indirect calls. +ESlit Put literals in read-only text space. fastmem.o Replacement for malloc/free that assumes ANSI compliant code. +I/+P Optimize/Instrument for profile based optimization. -K Use static storage for locals instead of stack storage. Same functionality as the +save option. The default is +nosave. +O1 Perform optimizations within basic blocks only. +O2 Perform +O1 optimizations. In addition perform global optimizations at the procedure level. (Same as -O.) +O3 Perform +O2 optimizations as well as interprocedural global optimizations within a file (including inlining). +O4 Perform +O3 optimizations. Also apply interprocedural optimizations across all files of the program. +Oaggressive Apply aggressive optimizations which include scheduling on procedure entry and exit code, replacing standard library calls with inlined code sequences, no auto-initialization of uninitialized local scalar non-static variables, and scheduling beyond basic block boundaries. +Oall Apply all optimizations that would be enabled by specifying +O4, +Oaggressive, and +Onolimit on the same command line. Detailed options countermanding components of +Oall override that component. +Ocachepadcommon Pad common blocks to avoid cache collisions. +Odataprefetch Generate data prefetch instructions for data structures referenced within innermost loops. +Oentrysched Perform instruction scheduling on a subprogram's entry and exit sequences. +O[no]fastaccess Enable [disable] fast access to global data items. +O[no]fltacc Disable [enable] optimizations that cause imprecise floating-point results. +O[no]libcalls Invoke [do not invoke] low call-overhead versions of select library routines. +O[no]limit Suppress [do not suppress] optimizations that significantly increase compile-time or consume enormous amounts of memory. These optimizations can occur at levels 2, 3, and 4. The default is +Olimit. +O[no]loop_block Enable [disable] loopblocking for data cache optimizations. Available at optimization level 3 and above. +O[no]loop_unroll Enable [disable] loop unrolling. +Omultiprocessor Prevent instruction cache prefetching following subroutine returns. This can benefit some multithreaded applications. +Optrs_strongly_typed Assume that all pointers are type safe. +Oregionsched Perform scheduling across branches. +Ostaticprediction Enable static branch prediction. +O[no]vectorize Replace eligible loops with calls to the vector library. -Wl,+FPD Enable sudden underflow (flush to zero) of denormalized values. -Wl,-a,archive Link with archive format libraries rather than shared.