The following tunables are used in the HP SPECweb99_SSL submittals, beginning in April, 2003. =============================================================================== Zeus global parameter tunables: The entry from HP's global.cfg file is listed, followed by the description and the default value. tuning!listen_queue_size 8192 Size of the TCP listen queue 256 tuning!so_wbuff_size 1048576 Size of the socket write buffer (bytes) tuning!so_rbuff_size 0 Size of the server socket buffer (so_rbuff_size) (bytes) tuning!clientfirst_optimise yes Boolean: nables socket optimisations that arrange that a connection is not accept()ed until there is data ready to be read no tuning!cache_files 8192 Size of the web server file cache (number of files) 8011 tuning!cache_stat_expire 31536000 Time for which the response of a stat() call is cached (seconds) 17 tuning!cache_max_bytes 0 Maximum size to reserve for cached files (bytes) (0=nolimit) 33554432 tuning!cache_flush_interval 31536000 Time after which unaccessed files are flushed from the cache (seconds) 120 tuning!cache_cooling_time 0 Zeus imposed delay before caching recently modified files starts (seconds) 120 tunint!sendfile_minsize 1 minimum file size to be sent with sendfile (bytes) 32768 tuning!softservers no Boolean: enable 'software' virtual servers yes tuning!ssl_diskcache yes Boolean: use 2nd level on-disk cache for storing SSL session information yes tuning!ssl_sessioncache_size 5011 Size of SSL session cache 199 tuning!ssl_sessioncache_expiry 120 Integer: Number of seconds cache data are valid for 24*60*60 tuning!num_children 4 Number of child zeus.web processes to run independent of the number of CPUs (the default, however, is set to 1 per CPU initially) 1 tuning!cache_cooling_time 0 Integer: any file modified in the last 'n' seconds is not cached 120 tuning!cbuff_size 65536 Integer: Cbuff size 8192 tuning!modules!cgi!cleansize 0 Number of file descriptors to close before exec ===============================================================================