Supermicro GIGABYTE R152-P31 ssj_ops@100% = 3,564,724
ssj_ops@100% per JVM = 111,398
Test Sponsor: Infobell IT Solutions Pvt. Ltd. SPEC License #: 6723 Test Method: Single Node
Tested By: Infobell IT Solutions Pvt. Ltd. Test Location: San Jose, CA, USA Test Date: May 20, 2023
Hardware Availability: Sep-2022 Software Availability: Jan-2022 Publication: Jun 9, 2023
System Source: Single Supplier System Designation: Server Power Provisioning: Line-powered
Benchmark Results Summary
Target Load Actual Load ssj_ops
Target Actual
Calibration 1     3,563,131
Calibration 2     3,584,400
Calibration 3     3,572,407
100% 99.6% 3,578,403 3,564,724
90% 89.9% 3,220,563 3,215,287
80% 80.1% 2,862,723 2,865,017
70% 69.9% 2,504,882 2,502,701
60% 60.0% 2,147,042 2,148,662
50% 50.1% 1,789,202 1,792,319
40% 40.1% 1,431,361 1,433,258
30% 30.0% 1,073,521 1,074,977
20% 20.0% 715,681 714,846
10% 10.0% 357,840 358,826
Active Idle   0 0
Graph of results
System Under Test
Set: 'sut'
Set Identifier: sut
Set Description: System Under Test
# of Identical Nodes: 1
Comment: sut
Hardware Vendor: Supermicro
Model: GIGABYTE R152-P31
Form Factor: 2U
CPU Name: Ampere Altra Max 64-Bit Multi-Core Processor M128-30
CPU Characteristics: 128 Core, 3.0GHz
CPU Frequency (MHz): 3000
CPU(s) Enabled: 128 cores, 1 chip, 128 cores/chip
Hardware Threads: 128 (1 / core)
CPU(s) Orderable: 1 chip
Primary Cache: 64 KB I + 64 KB D on chip per core
Secondary Cache: 1 MB I+D on chip per core
Tertiary Cache: None
Other Cache: 16 MB I+D on chip per chip (SLC)
Memory Amount (GB): 128
# and size of DIMM: 8 x 16 GB
Memory Details: 8 x 16GB 2Rx8 PC4-3200; slots A0, B0, C0, D0, E0, F0, G0, H0 slots populated
Power Supply Quantity and Rating (W): 1 x 650
Power Supply Details: 3Y Power Technology P/N: YM-2651YA10R
Disk Drive: 1 x 960GB M.2 NVMe SSD (SAMSUNG MZ1LB960HAJQ-00007)
Disk Controller: Non-Volatile Memory Host Controller Interface
# and type of Network Interface Cards (NICs) Installed: 1 x 1Gbps with Intel Corporation I350 Gigabit Network Connection
NICs Enabled in Firmware / OS / Connected: 2/2/1
Network Speed (Mbit): 1000
Keyboard: None
Mouse: None
Monitor: None
Optical Drives: No
Other Hardware: None
Power Management: Enabled (see SUT Notes)
Operating System (OS): Ubuntu 20.04
OS Version: Kernel 5.4.0-148-generic
Filesystem: xfs
JVM Vendor: Oracle Corporation
JVM Version: OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 17.0.2+8-86, mixed mode, sharing)
JVM Command-line Options: -server -Xms1500m -Xmx1500m -Xmn1300m -XX:NewRatio=2 -XX:+UseParallelGC -XX:TargetSurvivorRatio=90 -XX:FreqInlineSize=2000 -XX:InitialTenuringThreshold=12 -XX:MaxInlineSize=35 -XX:SurvivorRatio=30 -XX:MaxTenuringThreshold=15 -XX:ParallelGCThreads=4 -XX:+UseLargePages -XX:LargePageSizeInBytes=2m -XX:+UseTransparentHugePages -XX:+UseBiasedLocking -XX:InlineSmallCode=1000 -XX:AutoBoxCacheMax=20000 -XX:+OptimizeFill -XX:+AggressiveHeap
JVM Affinity: for each i=1-32 {numactl --physcpubind=$(i-1)*4,$(i-1)*4+1,$(i-1)*4+2,$(i-1)*4+3 --localalloc }
JVM Instances: 32
JVM Initial Heap (MB): 1500
JVM Maximum Heap (MB): 1500
JVM Address Bits: 64
Boot Firmware Version: F31l
Management Firmware Version: 12.60.10
Workload Version: SSJ 1.2.10
Director Location: Controller
Other Software: None
Boot Firmware Settings
Management Firmware Settings
System Under Test Notes
JVM Instance Summary
JVM Instance ssj_ops@100%
amd.001 125,796
amd.002 105,236
amd.003 114,750
amd.004 123,978
amd.005 124,734
amd.006 105,320
amd.007 102,738
amd.008 98,322
amd.009 101,837
amd.010 122,036
amd.011 102,895
amd.012 100,255
amd.013 120,645
amd.014 92,815
amd.015 98,542
amd.016 117,629
amd.017 124,221
amd.018 98,404
amd.019 119,284
amd.020 117,295
amd.021 125,040
amd.022 116,417
amd.023 121,866
amd.024 124,989
amd.025 99,946
amd.026 113,438
amd.027 116,478
amd.028 110,585
amd.029 111,937
amd.030 109,094
amd.031 100,974
amd.032 97,229
ssj_ops@100% 3,564,724
ssj_ops@100% per JVM 111,398
Graph of per-instance results
JVM 'amd.001' Scores:
Target Load Actual Load ssj_ops
Target Actual
Calibration 1     125,628
Calibration 2     125,939
Calibration 3     125,785
100% 99.9% 125,862 125,796
90% 90.0% 113,276 113,223
80% 79.7% 100,689 100,363
70% 70.1% 88,103 88,232
60% 60.1% 75,517 75,615
50% 49.9% 62,931 62,805
40% 39.4% 50,345 49,638
30% 29.4% 37,759 36,965
20% 20.0% 25,172 25,176
10% 9.8% 12,586 12,367
Active Idle   0 0
Graph of results
JVM 'amd.002' Scores:
Target Load Actual Load ssj_ops
Target Actual
Calibration 1     106,033
Calibration 2     105,660
Calibration 3     105,150
100% 99.8% 105,405 105,236
90% 90.6% 94,864 95,472
80% 80.6% 84,324 84,944
70% 70.6% 73,783 74,372
60% 60.0% 63,243 63,194
50% 50.1% 52,702 52,859
40% 40.2% 42,162 42,405
30% 29.8% 31,621 31,380
20% 20.4% 21,081 21,460
10% 9.9% 10,540 10,417
Active Idle   0 0
Graph of results
JVM 'amd.003' Scores:
Target Load Actual Load ssj_ops
Target Actual
Calibration 1     113,819
Calibration 2     115,364
Calibration 3     115,472
100% 99.4% 115,418 114,750
90% 90.4% 103,877 104,334
80% 80.0% 92,335 92,346
70% 70.1% 80,793 80,871
60% 60.5% 69,251 69,871
50% 50.4% 57,709 58,131
40% 40.2% 46,167 46,383
30% 30.1% 34,626 34,758
20% 20.2% 23,084 23,300
10% 10.0% 11,542 11,506
Active Idle   0 0
Graph of results
JVM 'amd.004' Scores:
Target Load Actual Load ssj_ops
Target Actual
Calibration 1     124,386
Calibration 2     124,488
Calibration 3     124,140
100% 99.7% 124,314 123,978
90% 89.4% 111,883 111,122
80% 79.9% 99,451 99,314
70% 70.1% 87,020 87,168
60% 59.9% 74,588 74,440
50% 49.5% 62,157 61,565
40% 40.0% 49,726 49,675
30% 30.1% 37,294 37,479
20% 19.5% 24,863 24,259
10% 10.2% 12,431 12,686
Active Idle   0 0
Graph of results
JVM 'amd.005' Scores:
Target Load Actual Load ssj_ops
Target Actual
Calibration 1     124,360
Calibration 2     125,849
Calibration 3     125,395
100% 99.3% 125,622 124,734
90% 89.4% 113,060 112,244
80% 79.4% 100,498 99,745
70% 70.2% 87,936 88,239
60% 59.3% 75,373 74,507
50% 50.2% 62,811 63,014
40% 40.5% 50,249 50,844
30% 30.1% 37,687 37,760
20% 20.1% 25,124 25,237
10% 10.2% 12,562 12,809
Active Idle   0 0
Graph of results
JVM 'amd.006' Scores:
Target Load Actual Load ssj_ops
Target Actual
Calibration 1     106,232
Calibration 2     105,209
Calibration 3     105,018
100% 100.2% 105,114 105,320
90% 91.0% 94,602 95,660
80% 79.4% 84,091 83,486
70% 70.0% 73,580 73,561
60% 60.4% 63,068 63,500
50% 50.1% 52,557 52,641
40% 40.1% 42,045 42,186
30% 30.1% 31,534 31,679
20% 20.5% 21,023 21,587
10% 10.1% 10,511 10,643
Active Idle   0 0
Graph of results
JVM 'amd.007' Scores:
Target Load Actual Load ssj_ops
Target Actual
Calibration 1     103,325
Calibration 2     103,794
Calibration 3     103,670
100% 99.0% 103,732 102,738
90% 89.6% 93,359 92,946
80% 79.9% 82,986 82,875
70% 69.5% 72,612 72,043
60% 60.3% 62,239 62,551
50% 49.6% 51,866 51,426
40% 39.5% 41,493 41,026
30% 30.6% 31,120 31,788
20% 19.7% 20,746 20,461
10% 10.2% 10,373 10,561
Active Idle   0 0
Graph of results
JVM 'amd.008' Scores:
Target Load Actual Load ssj_ops
Target Actual
Calibration 1     96,669
Calibration 2     98,020
Calibration 3     97,523
100% 100.6% 97,771 98,322
90% 90.3% 87,994 88,288
80% 79.7% 78,217 77,902
70% 69.4% 68,440 67,825
60% 60.2% 58,663 58,817
50% 50.5% 48,886 49,400
40% 40.3% 39,109 39,429
30% 29.6% 29,331 28,901
20% 19.2% 19,554 18,812
10% 9.8% 9,777 9,621
Active Idle   0 0
Graph of results
JVM 'amd.009' Scores:
Target Load Actual Load ssj_ops
Target Actual
Calibration 1     100,852
Calibration 2     102,754
Calibration 3     102,284
100% 99.3% 102,519 101,837
90% 89.4% 92,267 91,679
80% 79.5% 82,015 81,524
70% 70.1% 71,763 71,886
60% 60.3% 61,511 61,815
50% 49.6% 51,259 50,881
40% 39.9% 41,008 40,881
30% 30.4% 30,756 31,119
20% 19.8% 20,504 20,330
10% 9.8% 10,252 10,000
Active Idle   0 0
Graph of results
JVM 'amd.010' Scores:
Target Load Actual Load ssj_ops
Target Actual
Calibration 1     123,473
Calibration 2     123,091
Calibration 3     122,768
100% 99.3% 122,929 122,036
90% 89.3% 110,636 109,739
80% 79.9% 98,343 98,207
70% 69.6% 86,051 85,558
60% 60.3% 73,758 74,104
50% 50.3% 61,465 61,795
40% 39.5% 49,172 48,610
30% 30.4% 36,879 37,328
20% 20.2% 24,586 24,782
10% 10.0% 12,293 12,274
Active Idle   0 0
Graph of results
JVM 'amd.011' Scores:
Target Load Actual Load ssj_ops
Target Actual
Calibration 1     102,470
Calibration 2     103,536
Calibration 3     103,092
100% 99.6% 103,314 102,895
90% 89.3% 92,983 92,293
80% 80.1% 82,651 82,789
70% 69.8% 72,320 72,096
60% 59.9% 61,988 61,901
50% 50.3% 51,657 52,010
40% 41.1% 41,326 42,432
30% 29.5% 30,994 30,437
20% 20.1% 20,663 20,733
10% 10.4% 10,331 10,717
Active Idle   0 0
Graph of results
JVM 'amd.012' Scores:
Target Load Actual Load ssj_ops
Target Actual
Calibration 1     99,006
Calibration 2     100,190
Calibration 3     98,987
100% 100.7% 99,588 100,255
90% 90.3% 89,630 89,912
80% 80.3% 79,671 80,000
70% 69.9% 69,712 69,609
60% 60.6% 59,753 60,333
50% 50.0% 49,794 49,815
40% 40.6% 39,835 40,420
30% 30.2% 29,877 30,050
20% 20.5% 19,918 20,412
10% 10.1% 9,959 10,054
Active Idle   0 0
Graph of results
JVM 'amd.013' Scores:
Target Load Actual Load ssj_ops
Target Actual
Calibration 1     119,571
Calibration 2     120,945
Calibration 3     120,583
100% 99.9% 120,764 120,645
90% 89.7% 108,687 108,340
80% 80.2% 96,611 96,897
70% 69.8% 84,535 84,273
60% 59.2% 72,458 71,452
50% 50.2% 60,382 60,651
40% 40.2% 48,305 48,584
30% 29.9% 36,229 36,134
20% 19.8% 24,153 23,875
10% 10.3% 12,076 12,400
Active Idle   0 0
Graph of results
JVM 'amd.014' Scores:
Target Load Actual Load ssj_ops
Target Actual
Calibration 1     91,770
Calibration 2     92,613
Calibration 3     92,774
100% 100.1% 92,693 92,815
90% 89.5% 83,424 82,969
80% 80.3% 74,155 74,407
70% 69.8% 64,885 64,677
60% 60.8% 55,616 56,381
50% 50.3% 46,347 46,636
40% 40.4% 37,077 37,442
30% 30.4% 27,808 28,133
20% 19.7% 18,539 18,229
10% 9.7% 9,269 8,979
Active Idle   0 0
Graph of results
JVM 'amd.015' Scores:
Target Load Actual Load ssj_ops
Target Actual
Calibration 1     96,981
Calibration 2     98,691
Calibration 3     98,937
100% 99.7% 98,814 98,542
90% 89.4% 88,933 88,325
80% 79.9% 79,051 78,929
70% 70.5% 69,170 69,643
60% 60.0% 59,289 59,273
50% 49.3% 49,407 48,728
40% 39.8% 39,526 39,280
30% 30.5% 29,644 30,160
20% 20.2% 19,763 19,953
10% 9.9% 9,881 9,788
Active Idle   0 0
Graph of results
JVM 'amd.016' Scores:
Target Load Actual Load ssj_ops
Target Actual
Calibration 1     116,386
Calibration 2     118,291
Calibration 3     118,367
100% 99.4% 118,329 117,629
90% 90.0% 106,496 106,449
80% 80.6% 94,663 95,345
70% 70.0% 82,830 82,886
60% 59.9% 70,998 70,848
50% 50.3% 59,165 59,490
40% 40.4% 47,332 47,828
30% 30.2% 35,499 35,753
20% 19.5% 23,666 23,042
10% 10.0% 11,833 11,820
Active Idle   0 0
Graph of results
JVM 'amd.017' Scores:
Target Load Actual Load ssj_ops
Target Actual
Calibration 1     125,065
Calibration 2     126,779
Calibration 3     125,634
100% 98.4% 126,206 124,221
90% 89.1% 113,586 112,510
80% 80.0% 100,965 100,976
70% 69.4% 88,344 87,574
60% 59.6% 75,724 75,266
50% 50.8% 63,103 64,056
40% 40.3% 50,483 50,895
30% 30.3% 37,862 38,191
20% 19.5% 25,241 24,632
10% 10.0% 12,621 12,577
Active Idle   0 0
Graph of results
JVM 'amd.018' Scores:
Target Load Actual Load ssj_ops
Target Actual
Calibration 1     98,862
Calibration 2     98,876
Calibration 3     98,785
100% 99.6% 98,830 98,404
90% 88.7% 88,947 87,690
80% 79.6% 79,064 78,690
70% 70.3% 69,181 69,456
60% 59.9% 59,298 59,183
50% 49.9% 49,415 49,276
40% 40.1% 39,532 39,652
30% 29.4% 29,649 29,025
20% 20.1% 19,766 19,898
10% 9.7% 9,883 9,633
Active Idle   0 0
Graph of results
JVM 'amd.019' Scores:
Target Load Actual Load ssj_ops
Target Actual
Calibration 1     118,155
Calibration 2     119,297
Calibration 3     118,638
100% 100.3% 118,967 119,284
90% 89.8% 107,070 106,799
80% 80.3% 95,174 95,497
70% 69.7% 83,277 82,947
60% 60.4% 71,380 71,854
50% 51.0% 59,484 60,683
40% 39.9% 47,587 47,434
30% 29.9% 35,690 35,537
20% 20.5% 23,793 24,435
10% 10.1% 11,897 11,982
Active Idle   0 0
Graph of results
JVM 'amd.020' Scores:
Target Load Actual Load ssj_ops
Target Actual
Calibration 1     117,293
Calibration 2     118,309
Calibration 3     117,558
100% 99.5% 117,933 117,295
90% 90.8% 106,140 107,110
80% 80.1% 94,347 94,419
70% 69.7% 82,553 82,150
60% 59.6% 70,760 70,258
50% 49.8% 58,967 58,712
40% 39.8% 47,173 46,917
30% 30.1% 35,380 35,463
20% 19.8% 23,587 23,321
10% 10.0% 11,793 11,792
Active Idle   0 0
Graph of results
JVM 'amd.021' Scores:
Target Load Actual Load ssj_ops
Target Actual
Calibration 1     125,180
Calibration 2     125,541
Calibration 3     125,362
100% 99.7% 125,452 125,040
90% 89.8% 112,906 112,689
80% 79.7% 100,361 100,009
70% 69.7% 87,816 87,379
60% 60.1% 75,271 75,434
50% 50.6% 62,726 63,474
40% 39.9% 50,181 50,014
30% 30.4% 37,635 38,151
20% 20.0% 25,090 25,114
10% 10.0% 12,545 12,552
Active Idle   0 0
Graph of results
JVM 'amd.022' Scores:
Target Load Actual Load ssj_ops
Target Actual
Calibration 1     116,368
Calibration 2     116,913
Calibration 3     116,451
100% 99.8% 116,682 116,417
90% 89.7% 105,014 104,620
80% 80.6% 93,346 94,030
70% 69.3% 81,677 80,864
60% 59.9% 70,009 69,923
50% 49.7% 58,341 57,963
40% 39.8% 46,673 46,462
30% 29.9% 35,005 34,921
20% 20.0% 23,336 23,383
10% 10.1% 11,668 11,825
Active Idle   0 0
Graph of results
JVM 'amd.023' Scores:
Target Load Actual Load ssj_ops
Target Actual
Calibration 1     122,197
Calibration 2     122,074
Calibration 3     121,635
100% 100.0% 121,854 121,866
90% 89.8% 109,669 109,408
80% 79.3% 97,483 96,642
70% 70.6% 85,298 85,990
60% 60.1% 73,113 73,198
50% 49.6% 60,927 60,387
40% 40.2% 48,742 48,971
30% 30.8% 36,556 37,552
20% 20.1% 24,371 24,446
10% 10.1% 12,185 12,317
Active Idle   0 0
Graph of results
JVM 'amd.024' Scores:
Target Load Actual Load ssj_ops
Target Actual
Calibration 1     126,380
Calibration 2     126,023
Calibration 3     125,421
100% 99.4% 125,722 124,989
90% 90.8% 113,150 114,168
80% 79.9% 100,578 100,425
70% 70.6% 88,005 88,745
60% 60.0% 75,433 75,414
50% 50.1% 62,861 62,957
40% 39.9% 50,289 50,121
30% 30.1% 37,717 37,903
20% 20.3% 25,144 25,554
10% 10.1% 12,572 12,654
Active Idle   0 0
Graph of results
JVM 'amd.025' Scores:
Target Load Actual Load ssj_ops
Target Actual
Calibration 1     101,448
Calibration 2     101,562
Calibration 3     100,612
100% 98.9% 101,087 99,946
90% 90.0% 90,978 90,935
80% 80.2% 80,870 81,120
70% 69.7% 70,761 70,424
60% 59.6% 60,652 60,215
50% 50.8% 50,543 51,315
40% 40.1% 40,435 40,572
30% 30.2% 30,326 30,509
20% 20.3% 20,217 20,479
10% 10.0% 10,109 10,108
Active Idle   0 0
Graph of results
JVM 'amd.026' Scores:
Target Load Actual Load ssj_ops
Target Actual
Calibration 1     113,960
Calibration 2     113,367
Calibration 3     113,248
100% 100.1% 113,307 113,438
90% 89.6% 101,977 101,470
80% 80.8% 90,646 91,575
70% 70.7% 79,315 80,162
60% 58.9% 67,984 66,697
50% 50.0% 56,654 56,698
40% 39.8% 45,323 45,091
30% 29.3% 33,992 33,225
20% 19.4% 22,661 22,033
10% 10.4% 11,331 11,729
Active Idle   0 0
Graph of results
JVM 'amd.027' Scores:
Target Load Actual Load ssj_ops
Target Actual
Calibration 1     118,454
Calibration 2     117,631
Calibration 3     117,604
100% 99.0% 117,617 116,478
90% 90.2% 105,856 106,043
80% 80.1% 94,094 94,265
70% 69.7% 82,332 81,976
60% 61.0% 70,570 71,765
50% 50.6% 58,809 59,487
40% 40.3% 47,047 47,446
30% 30.1% 35,285 35,378
20% 20.0% 23,523 23,553
10% 10.4% 11,762 12,180
Active Idle   0 0
Graph of results
JVM 'amd.028' Scores:
Target Load Actual Load ssj_ops
Target Actual
Calibration 1     109,224
Calibration 2     111,162
Calibration 3     111,254
100% 99.4% 111,208 110,585
90% 90.6% 100,087 100,724
80% 80.7% 88,967 89,761
70% 68.9% 77,846 76,668
60% 60.6% 66,725 67,392
50% 50.4% 55,604 56,099
40% 39.5% 44,483 43,923
30% 29.9% 33,362 33,233
20% 20.4% 22,242 22,676
10% 10.2% 11,121 11,322
Active Idle   0 0
Graph of results
JVM 'amd.029' Scores:
Target Load Actual Load ssj_ops
Target Actual
Calibration 1     112,751
Calibration 2     112,813
Calibration 3     112,236
100% 99.5% 112,524 111,937
90% 89.3% 101,272 100,475
80% 79.7% 90,019 89,698
70% 70.6% 78,767 79,409
60% 60.9% 67,515 68,552
50% 49.5% 56,262 55,681
40% 39.8% 45,010 44,731
30% 29.5% 33,757 33,233
20% 20.2% 22,505 22,741
10% 9.8% 11,252 11,021
Active Idle   0 0
Graph of results
JVM 'amd.030' Scores:
Target Load Actual Load ssj_ops
Target Actual
Calibration 1     108,277
Calibration 2     109,693
Calibration 3     108,715
100% 99.9% 109,204 109,094
90% 90.1% 98,284 98,341
80% 80.9% 87,364 88,358
70% 69.9% 76,443 76,289
60% 60.4% 65,523 65,976
50% 50.7% 54,602 55,369
40% 39.8% 43,682 43,503
30% 29.8% 32,761 32,495
20% 19.8% 21,841 21,608
10% 9.9% 10,920 10,792
Active Idle   0 0
Graph of results
JVM 'amd.031' Scores:
Target Load Actual Load ssj_ops
Target Actual
Calibration 1     101,369
Calibration 2     101,369
Calibration 3     101,187
100% 99.7% 101,278 100,974
90% 89.6% 91,150 90,726
80% 80.9% 81,022 81,979
70% 69.8% 70,895 70,728
60% 59.2% 60,767 59,948
50% 48.9% 50,639 49,491
40% 39.5% 40,511 40,020
30% 30.6% 30,383 31,004
20% 19.6% 20,256 19,899
10% 10.1% 10,128 10,235
Active Idle   0 0
Graph of results
JVM 'amd.032' Scores:
Target Load Actual Load ssj_ops
Target Actual
Calibration 1     97,187
Calibration 2     98,561
Calibration 3     98,120
100% 98.9% 98,340 97,229
90% 90.1% 88,506 88,581
80% 79.8% 78,672 78,501
70% 70.2% 68,838 69,000
60% 60.0% 59,004 58,984
50% 49.6% 49,170 48,825
40% 41.1% 39,336 40,444
30% 29.8% 29,502 29,327
20% 19.7% 19,668 19,421
10% 9.6% 9,834 9,467
Active Idle   0 0
Graph of results