Supermicro SYS-6027R-72RF ssj_ops@100% = 167,574
Test Sponsor: Supermicro SPEC License #: 1176 Test Method: Single Node
Tested By: Supermicro Test Location: San Jose, CA, USA Test Date: May 24, 2012
Hardware Availability: Apr-2012 Software Availability: Jan-2012 Publication: Jun 28, 2012
System Source: Single Supplier System Designation: Server Power Provisioning: Line-powered
Benchmark Results Summary
Target Load Actual Load ssj_ops
Target Actual
Calibration 1     166,289
Calibration 2     167,723
Calibration 3     167,256
100% 100.1% 167,489 167,574
90% 90.7% 150,740 151,889
80% 79.9% 133,992 133,873
70% 70.2% 117,243 117,625
60% 59.7% 100,494 100,008
50% 50.2% 83,745 84,139
40% 39.7% 66,996 66,536
30% 29.8% 50,247 49,909
20% 20.1% 33,498 33,587
10% 9.7% 16,749 16,204
Active Idle   0 0
Graph of results
System Under Test
Set: '6027R'
Set Identifier: 6027R
Set Description: System Under Test
# of Identical Nodes: 1
Comment: None
Hardware Vendor: Supermicro
Model: SYS-6027R-72RF
Form Factor: 2U
CPU Name: Intel Xeon E5-2665
CPU Characteristics: 8-Core, 2.40GHz, 20MB L3 Cache
CPU Frequency (MHz): 2400
CPU(s) Enabled: 16 cores, 2 chips, 8 cores/chip
Hardware Threads: 32 (2 / core)
CPU(s) Orderable: 1,2 chips
Primary Cache: 32 KB I + 32 KB D on chip per core
Secondary Cache: 256 KB I+D on chip per core
Tertiary Cache: 20 MB I+D on chip per chip
Other Cache: None
Memory Amount (GB): 128
# and size of DIMM: 8 x 16384 MB
Memory Details: 16GB 2Rx4 PC3-12800R ECC; A1, B1, C1, D1, E1, F1, G1, H1 Populated.
Power Supply Quantity and Rating (W): 2 x 740
Power Supply Details: PWS-741P-1R
Disk Drive: RAID0: 2 x FUJITSU 146 GB SASII 15KRPM (MBE2147RC)
Disk Controller: Onboard LSI 2208 SAS Controller
# and type of Network Interface Cards (NICs) Installed: 1 x Intel I350 Dual-Port 1Gbit Network Controller.
NICs Enabled in Firmware / OS / Connected: 1/2/1
Network Speed (Mbit): 1000
Keyboard: KVM
Mouse: KVM
Monitor: KVM
Optical Drives: Yes
Other Hardware: None
Power Management: Power Saver
Operating System (OS): Microsoft Windows Server Enterprise 2008 R2 SP1
OS Version: 6.1.7601 Build 7601 (64-bit)
Filesystem: NTFS
JVM Vendor: Oracle Corporation
JVM Version: Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_26-b03)
JVM Command-line Options: -server -showversion -Xmx2048m -Xms2048m -Xmn1706m -XX:ParallelGCThreads=4 -XX:BiasedLockingStartupDelay=200 -XX:SurvivorRatio=60 -XX:TargetSurvivorRatio=90 -XX:InlineSmallCode=3900 -XX:MaxInlineSize=270 -XX:FreqInlineSize=2500 -XX:AllocatePrefetchDistance=256 -XX:AllocatePrefetchLines=4 -XX:InitialTenuringThreshold=12 -XX:MaxTenuringThreshold=15 -XX:LoopUnrollLimit=45 -XX:+UseCompressedStrings -XX:+AggressiveOpts -XX:+UseLargePages -XX:+UseParallelOldGC -XX:-UseAdaptiveSizePolicy
JVM Affinity: start /affinity [0xF,0xF0,0xF00,0xF000,0xF0000,0xF00000,0xF000000,0xF0000000]
JVM Instances: 8
JVM Initial Heap (MB): 2048
JVM Maximum Heap (MB): 2048
JVM Address Bits: 64
Boot Firmware Version: 4/20/2012 Ver1.00
Management Firmware Version: 1.48
Workload Version: SSJ 1.2.9
Director Location: Controller
Other Software: None
Boot Firmware Settings
Management Firmware Settings
System Under Test Notes
Performance Details
Target Load Actual Load Transaction Type Count Total Heap (MB)
Calibration 1 New Order 12,094,748 2,020
Payment 12,094,751
Order Status 1,209,476
Delivery 1,209,475
Stock Level 1,209,475
Customer Report 12,094,753
Calibration 2 New Order 12,199,021 2,020
Payment 12,199,034
Order Status 1,219,904
Delivery 1,219,900
Stock Level 1,219,900
Customer Report 12,199,016
Calibration 3 New Order 12,164,306 2,020
Payment 12,164,304
Order Status 1,216,432
Delivery 1,216,429
Stock Level 1,216,432
Customer Report 12,164,305
100% 100.1% New Order 12,187,441 2,020
Payment 12,187,448
Order Status 1,218,745
Delivery 1,218,746
Stock Level 1,218,746
Customer Report 12,187,439
90% 90.7% New Order 11,047,362 2,020
Payment 11,047,354
Order Status 1,104,736
Delivery 1,104,738
Stock Level 1,104,736
Customer Report 11,047,358
80% 79.9% New Order 9,736,391 2,020
Payment 9,736,396
Order Status 973,640
Delivery 973,639
Stock Level 973,640
Customer Report 9,736,394
70% 70.2% New Order 8,554,685 2,020
Payment 8,554,681
Order Status 855,471
Delivery 855,470
Stock Level 855,469
Customer Report 8,554,683
60% 59.7% New Order 7,273,437 2,020
Payment 7,273,435
Order Status 727,346
Delivery 727,343
Stock Level 727,346
Customer Report 7,273,437
50% 50.2% New Order 6,119,317 2,020
Payment 6,119,316
Order Status 611,932
Delivery 611,932
Stock Level 611,932
Customer Report 6,119,311
40% 39.7% New Order 4,839,070 2,020
Payment 4,839,075
Order Status 483,907
Delivery 483,906
Stock Level 483,908
Customer Report 4,839,080
30% 29.8% New Order 3,629,787 2,020
Payment 3,629,789
Order Status 362,978
Delivery 362,981
Stock Level 362,980
Customer Report 3,629,796
20% 20.1% New Order 2,442,745 2,020
Payment 2,442,748
Order Status 244,274
Delivery 244,274
Stock Level 244,274
Customer Report 2,442,749
10% 9.7% New Order 1,178,473 2,020
Payment 1,178,475
Order Status 117,849
Delivery 117,845
Stock Level 117,847
Customer Report 1,178,476
Active Idle New Order 0 2,020
Payment 0
Order Status 0
Delivery 0
Stock Level 0
Customer Report 0