IBM Corporation IBM System x3200 M2 ssj_ops@100% = 91,591
Test Sponsor: IBM Corporation SPEC License #: 11 Test Method: Single Node
Tested By: IBM Corporation Test Location: RTP, NC, USA Test Date: May 2, 2008
Hardware Availability: Apr-2008 Software Availability: Jun-2008 Publication: May 21, 2008
System Source: Single Supplier System Designation: Server Power Provisioning: Line-powered
Benchmark Results Summary
Target Load Actual Load ssj_ops
Target Actual
Calibration 1     91,444
Calibration 2     93,269
Calibration 3     91,938
100% 98.9% 92,603 91,591
90% 90.5% 83,343 83,821
80% 80.6% 74,083 74,677
70% 70.7% 64,822 65,442
60% 60.5% 55,562 55,985
50% 50.2% 46,302 46,514
40% 40.9% 37,041 37,920
30% 29.9% 27,781 27,723
20% 20.1% 18,521 18,586
10% 9.7% 9,260 8,953
Active Idle   0 0
Graph of results
System Under Test
Set: 'sut'
Set Identifier: sut
Set Description: IBM System x3200 M2
# of Identical Nodes: 1
Comment: None
Hardware Vendor: IBM Corporation
Model: IBM System x3200 M2
Form Factor: --
CPU Name: Intel Xeon X3360
CPU Characteristics: Quad-Core, 2.83GHz, 12MB L2 Cache
CPU Frequency (MHz): 2833
CPU(s) Enabled: 4 cores, 1 chip, 4 cores/chip
Hardware Threads: 4 (1 / core)
CPU(s) Orderable: 1 chip
Primary Cache: 32 KB I + 32 KB D on chip per core
Secondary Cache: 12 MB I+D on chip per chip, 6 MB shared / 2 cores
Tertiary Cache: None
Other Cache: None
Memory Amount (GB): 4
# and size of DIMM: 2 x 2048 MB
Memory Details: PC2-5300P ECC; slots 1 and 3 populated
Power Supply Quantity and Rating (W): 1 x 400
Power Supply Details: IBM P/N 39Y7329
Disk Drive: 1 x 160GB (SATA, 7.2k RPM, 3.5")
Disk Controller: Integrated SATA controller
# and type of Network Interface Cards (NICs) Installed: 1 x Broadcom onboard NIC
NICs Enabled in Firmware / OS / Connected: 1/1/1
Network Speed (Mbit): 1000
Keyboard: KVM
Mouse: KVM
Monitor: KVM
Optical Drives: Yes
Other Hardware: None
Power Management: Server Balanced Processor Power and Performance
Operating System (OS): Windows Server 2003 R2 Enterprise x64 Edition SP1
OS Version: R2
Filesystem: NTFS
JVM Vendor: IBM Corporation
JVM Version: IBM J9 2.4, JRE 1.6.0 Windows 64bitpwa6460sr1-20080305_01
JVM Command-line Options: -Xcompressedrefs -Xlp -Xgcpolicy:gencon -Xmn1000m -Xms1475m -Xmx1475m -XlockReservation -Xnoloa
JVM Affinity: start /affinity [03,0C]
JVM Instances: 4
JVM Initial Heap (MB): 1475
JVM Maximum Heap (MB): 1475
JVM Address Bits: 64
Boot Firmware Version: --
Management Firmware Version: --
Workload Version: SSJ 1.1
Director Location: Controller
Other Software: None
Boot Firmware Settings
Management Firmware Settings
System Under Test Notes
Performance Details
Target Load Actual Load Transaction Type Count Total Heap (MB)
Calibration 1 New Order 6,650,960 1,475
Payment 6,650,958
Order Status 665,096
Delivery 665,098
Stock Level 665,096
Customer Report 6,650,956
Calibration 2 New Order 6,783,725 1,475
Payment 6,783,717
Order Status 678,373
Delivery 678,372
Stock Level 678,372
Customer Report 6,783,723
Calibration 3 New Order 6,686,914 1,475
Payment 6,686,911
Order Status 668,691
Delivery 668,690
Stock Level 668,692
Customer Report 6,686,913
100% 98.9% New Order 6,665,149 1,475
Payment 6,665,152
Order Status 666,514
Delivery 666,515
Stock Level 666,515
Customer Report 6,665,157
90% 90.5% New Order 6,097,773 1,475
Payment 6,097,769
Order Status 609,776
Delivery 609,777
Stock Level 609,778
Customer Report 6,097,769
80% 80.6% New Order 5,431,465 1,475
Payment 5,431,467
Order Status 543,146
Delivery 543,147
Stock Level 543,146
Customer Report 5,431,461
70% 70.7% New Order 4,759,780 1,475
Payment 4,759,774
Order Status 475,978
Delivery 475,978
Stock Level 475,979
Customer Report 4,759,777
60% 60.5% New Order 4,071,976 1,475
Payment 4,071,974
Order Status 407,196
Delivery 407,198
Stock Level 407,197
Customer Report 4,071,976
50% 50.2% New Order 3,384,187 1,475
Payment 3,384,189
Order Status 338,419
Delivery 338,419
Stock Level 338,417
Customer Report 3,384,194
40% 40.9% New Order 2,758,047 1,475
Payment 2,758,049
Order Status 275,805
Delivery 275,804
Stock Level 275,806
Customer Report 2,758,053
30% 29.9% New Order 2,016,402 1,475
Payment 2,016,400
Order Status 201,640
Delivery 201,639
Stock Level 201,640
Customer Report 2,016,403
20% 20.1% New Order 1,351,816 1,475
Payment 1,351,820
Order Status 135,182
Delivery 135,183
Stock Level 135,182
Customer Report 1,351,817
10% 9.7% New Order 651,210 1,475
Payment 651,214
Order Status 65,121
Delivery 65,120
Stock Level 65,122
Customer Report 651,213
Active Idle New Order 0 1,475
Payment 0
Order Status 0
Delivery 0
Stock Level 0
Customer Report 0