Based on the GNU C compiler version 2.5.3 from the Free Software Foundation.
The benchmark is now generating optimized code for a SPARC based system
over about 50 input sources.
The 50 input files means that this benchmark has the highest numbers
of fork(2)/exec(2) during the benchmark run, and also the highest numbers
of open(2) and other such system calls.
Gcc, along with 147.vortex, has remained one of the largest tests in
this suite.
Rough estimates of some of the basic hardware level activities: CPI, I-
and D-cache activity, and TLB activity. This data is only useful for comparing
the '95 benchmarks, not for comparing against any particular hardware.
Full gprof(1) outputs. [Procedure level profiling with call graphs.]
The first 50 lines of the profile taken from the full gprof(1) output.