Portability Flags:
-qfixed used in: 168.wupwise, 171.swim, 172.mgrid, 173.applu,
178.galgel, 200.sixtrack, 301.apsi
-qsuffix=f=f90 used in: 178.galgel, 187.facerec, 189.lucas, 191.fma3d
Base Optimization Flags:
Fortran: -O5 -lhmu -blpdata -lmass
C: -qpdf1/pdf2
-O5 -blpdata -qalign=natural
Peak Optimization Flags
168.wupwise: -O5 -qsave -blpdata -lhmu -lmass
171.swim: basepeak=1
172.mgrid: -qpdf1/pdf2
-O4 -qipa=partition=large -q64 -blpdata
173.applu: -O5 -qarch=pwr3 -qtune=pwr3 -qalign=struct=natural -qfdpr -q64 -blpdata
fdpr -q -O3
177.mesa: -qpdf1/pdf2
-O5 -qfdpr
fdpr -q -O3
178.galgel: -qpdf1/pdf2
-O5 -qfdpr -qalign=struct=natural -lhmu -blpdata -lmass -qessl -lessl
fdpr -q -O3
179.art: -O5 -lhmu -blpdata
183.equake: -qpdf1/pdf2
-O3 -qarch=auto -qtune=auto -qipa=level=2 -blpdata
187.facerec: -O5 -qsave -blpdata
188.ammp: -O5 -qalign=natural -qfdpr -blpdata -lhmu
fdpr -q -O3
189.lucas: -O3 -qarch=auto -qtune=auto -qfdpr -blpdata -qessl -lessl
fdpr -q -O3
191.fma3d: -qpdf1/pdf2
-O3 -qarch=auto -qtune=auto -qipa=level=2 -q64 -lhmu -blpdata -lmass
200.sixtrack: -O3 -qarch=auto -qtune=auto -qfdpr
fdpr -q -O3
301.apsi: -O5
The installed OS level is AIX 5L for POWER Version 5.3 with the 5300-05 Recommended Technology Level.
The installed C/C++ compiler is XL C/C++ Enterprise Edition Version 8.0 for AIX.
The installed Fortran copiler is XL Fortran Enterprise Edition Version 10.1 with the May 2006 AIX PTF.
SMT: Acronym for "Simultaneous Multi-Threading". A processor technology that allows
the simultaneous execution of multiple thread contexts within a single processor
core. (Enabled by default)
SUT: Acronym for "System Under Test"
ESSL: Engineering and Scientific Subroutine Library
PTF: IBM identifier for "Program Fix Level"
ANSI C89: IBM XL C for AIX invoked as xlc
Fortran 77: IBM XL Fortran for AIX invoked as xlf90
Fortran 90: IBM XL Fortran for AIX invoked as xlf90
ulimits set to unlimited.
Large page mode and memory affinity were set as follows:
vmo -r -o lgpg_regions=128 -o lgpg_size=16777216
bosboot -aD
shutdown -rF
The following config-file entry was used to assign each benchmark process to a core:
submit = bindprocessor \$\$ \$SPECUSERNUM; $command
The "bindprocessor" AIX command binds a process to a CPU core.
One core was deconfigured and SMT disabled using the AIX commands
smtctl -m off -w boot
bosboot -aD
shutdown -rF
drmgr -r -c cpu