Last updated: $Date: 2012-10-10 19:57:10 -0400 (Wed, 10 Oct 2012) $ by $Author: BrianWhitney $
(To check for possible updates to this document, please see )
01. The pdf and ps reports for power runs don't work.
This document describes known problems in SPEC OMP2012. The latest version of this document may be found at
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SPEC OMP2012 is extensively tested on a wide variety of systems prior to release, including a variety of Unix and Linux systems; big-endian and little-endian systems; 64-bit systems. Nevertheless, as with any software product, problems may be found too late in the testing process to be fixed in the release, or may be discovered after release.
If you discover problems that are not listed here or in the FAQ, please report them to SPEC.
About the format of this document:
Notice to maintainers: When updating this document, please do not ever re-use problem numbers.
Problem summary: The pdf and ps reports for runs including power are not available at this time.
Details: The benchmarks reports are not available in ps or pdf formats if you do a benchmark run that includes power measurement. If you do not measure power, the ps and pdf formats are available.
Workarounds: None at this time.
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