SPECjbb2005 SPECjbb2005 bops = 25821, SPECjbb2005 bops/JVM = 25821
Sun Microsystems, Inc. Sun Fire E6900
Sun Microsystems, Inc. Java HotSpot(TM) 32-Bit Server VM on Solaris, version 1.6.0_02
Warehouses SPECjbb2005 bops Incl. in metric
1 13140
2 25181 *
3 25045 *
4 27237 *
5 25038
6 24904
7 28225
8 26674
SPECjbb2005 (from 2 to 4) 25821 SPECjbb2005 bops
SPEC license # 6 Tested by: Sun Microsystems, Inc. Test date: May 5, 2007

Hardware Vendor Sun Microsystems, Inc.
Vendor URL http://www.sun.com/
Model Sun Fire E6900
Processor UltraSPARC(TM) IV+
MHz 1950
# of Chips 16
# of Cores 32
# of Cores/Chip 2
HW Threading Enabled? N/A
Procs Avail to Java 32
Memory (MB) 65536
Memory Details 64x1GB, all 8-way interleave
Primary cache 64KBI+64KBD
Secondary cache 2MB(I+D)
Other cache 32MB(I+D) off chip
Filesystem UFS
Disks Sun StorageTek 6140
Other hardware  
Software Vendor Sun Microsystems, Inc.
Vendor URL http://www.sun.com/
JVM Version Java HotSpot(TM) 32-Bit Server VM on Solaris, version 1.6.0_02
JVM Command Line psrset -e processor set number priocntl -e -c FX -m 30 -p 15 -t 3600 java -XX:+AggressiveOpts -Xmx3g -Xms3g -Xmn2g -Xss128k -XX:+UseParallelOldGC -XX:LargePageSizeInBytes=4m -XX:ParallelGCThreads=2 -XX:AllocatePrefetchLines=15 -classpath jbb.jar:check.jar spec.jbb.JBBmain -propfile SPECjbb.props -id JVM number
JVM Initial Heap Memory (MB) 3072
JVM Maximum Heap Memory (MB) 3072
JVM Address bits 32
JVM BOOTCLASSPATH /export/bmk/ptk/jdk1.6.0_02/jre/lib/resources.jar:
OS Version Solaris 10 11/06
Other software  
Test Information
Tested by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
SPEC license # 6
Test location Hillsboro, OR
Test date May 5, 2007
H/w available Apr-2007
JVM available Jul-2007
OS available Nov-2006
Other s/w available  
AOT Compilation
/etc/system parameters:
The frequency of file system sync operations.
Disable kernel cage.
default random policy applies only to lgroups with a process' processor set.
Each JVM was run in its own processor set containing two cores (one whole chip).
Each JVM was placed in the FX priority class with priocntl command.

Details of Runs

Warehouses Thrput Total heap (MB) Thread spread % % > 120s transaction type Count Time (in seconds)
SizeUsed totalmax
1 13140 2816 683 <0.01% <0.01 new_order 173230 12.7 .967
payment 119491 4.00 <0.01
order_status 11950 1.09 .678
delivery 11949 5.42 <0.01
stock_level 11948 .792 <0.01
cust_report 65747 5.17 .229
2 25181 3053 952 3.80% 1.15 new_order 2685475 212 .566
payment 1852366 63.6 .554
order_status 185237 8.03 .041
delivery 185238 95.1 .267
stock_level 185238 10.5 .049
cust_report 1019273 85.5 .554
3 25045 3064 1451 6.20% 1.77 new_order 2688281 310 3.71
payment 1853703 100 6.59
order_status 185369 13.3 3.02
delivery 185367 137 3.72
stock_level 185370 19.6 3.65
cust_report 1019121 134 3.73
4 27237 3062 576 17.6% .198 new_order 2877998 435 8.58
payment 1984767 155 7.31
order_status 198477 9.73 .853
delivery 198478 201 12.8
stock_level 198475 25.2 4.23
cust_report 1091533 193 12.4
5 25038 3059 794 45.4% .037 new_order 2640947 594 40.9
payment 1821615 119 10.3
order_status 182159 23.0 10.8
delivery 182164 182 9.79
stock_level 182159 30.8 11.1
cust_report 1002252 215 14.8
6 24904 3057 312 63.4% .216 new_order 2631829 586 57.3
payment 1815109 209 26.5
order_status 181511 45.2 9.68
delivery 181512 262 17.2
stock_level 181512 25.8 8.60
cust_report 998401 271 78.9
7 28225 3057 469 33.6% .885 new_order 3003116 866 58.5
payment 2070890 298 20.0
order_status 207089 49.2 30.2
delivery 207091 293 37.1
stock_level 207092 37.6 19.3
cust_report 1138679 299 27.4
8 26674 3057 613 63.2% 1.47 new_order 2854990 1047 47.2
payment 1968503 297 55.7
order_status 196852 30.9 7.45
delivery 196850 283 20.9
stock_level 196851 82.3 58.8
cust_report 1082022 269 25.9

SPECjbb2005 Version: [SPECjbb2005 1.07, March 15, 2006]
Reporting page, Copyright © 2005 SPEC. All rights reserved

First published at SPEC.org on 23-May-2007