SPECjbb2005 SPECjbb2005 bops = 27908, SPECjbb2005 bops/JVM = 27908
Sun Microsystems, Inc. Sun Fire E6900
Sun Microsystems, Inc. Java HotSpot(TM) 32-Bit Server VM on Solaris, version 1.5.0_06
Warehouses SPECjbb2005 bops Incl. in metric
1 7433
2 17286
3 21931
4 29997 *
5 29063 *
6 27309 *
7 26708 *
8 26465 *
SPECjbb2005 (from 4 to 8) 27908 SPECjbb2005 bops
SPEC license # 6 Tested by: Sun Microsystems, Inc. Test date: Dec 7, 2005

Hardware Vendor Sun Microsystems, Inc.
Vendor URL http://www.sun.com
Model Sun Fire E6900
Processor UltraSPARC(TM) IV+
MHz 1500
# of Chips 24
# of Cores 48
# of Cores/Chip 2
HW Threading Enabled? N/A
Procs Avail to Java 4
Memory (MB) 196608
Memory Details  
Primary cache 64KBI+64KBD (per core)
Secondary cache 2MB(I+D) (per chip, shared)
Other cache 32MB(I+D) off chip (per chip, shared)
Filesystem UFS
Disks Sun StorEdge D240 Media Tray
Other hardware  
Software Vendor Sun Microsystems, Inc.
Vendor URL http://www.sun.com
JVM Version Java HotSpot(TM) 32-Bit Server VM on Solaris, version 1.5.0_06
JVM Command Line psrset -e processor set number ppgsz -o heap=4m java -d32 -Xms3600m -Xmx3600m -Xmn1350m -Xss128k -Xbatch -XX:+UseBiasedLocking -XX:+UseParallelGC -XX:ParallelGCThreads=4 -XX:+AggressiveOpts -verbose:gc -classpath jbb.jar:check.jar spec.jbb.JBBmain -propfile SPECjbb.props -id JVM number
JVM Initial Heap Memory (MB) 3600
JVM Maximum Heap Memory (MB) 3600
JVM Address bits 32
JVM BOOTCLASSPATH /export/bmk/ptk/jdk1.5.0_06/jre/lib/rt.jar:
OS Version Solaris 10 3/05 HW1 Operating System (64-bit)
Other software  
Test Information
Tested by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
SPEC license # 6
Test location Hillsboro, OR
Test date Dec 7, 2005
H/w available Sep-2005
JVM available Nov-2005
OS available Sep-2005
Other s/w available  
AOT Compilation
/etc/system parameters:
The frequency of file system sync operations.
Disable the memscrubber daemon.
Each JVM was run in its own processor set containing four cores (two chips).
"Command line options are described at http://java.sun.com/docs/performance"

Details of Runs

Warehouses Thrput Total heap (MB) Thread spread % % > 120s transaction type Count Time (in seconds)
SizeUsed totalmax
1 7433 3435 61.1 <0.01% <0.01 new_order 98026 10.7 .225
payment 67586 5.60 .391
order_status 6759 .902 .248
delivery 6758 4.99 .304
stock_level 6758 .759 .059
cust_report 37153 5.84 .213
2 17286 3535 493 .796% <0.01 new_order 228140 23.3 .283
payment 157196 10.1 .268
order_status 15719 1.05 <0.01
delivery 15719 10.2 .329
stock_level 15720 1.44 <0.01
cust_report 86250 11.4 <0.01
3 21931 3554 288 3.35% <0.01 new_order 289250 33.8 3.20
payment 199434 13.1 .179
order_status 19944 4.61 3.20
delivery 19943 24.8 3.47
stock_level 19943 1.96 <0.01
cust_report 109625 18.7 3.24
4 29997 3594 486 .985% <0.01 new_order 3163251 376 1.07
payment 2181662 152 .054
order_status 218169 16.7 .057
delivery 218166 177 3.52
stock_level 218165 23.0 .054
cust_report 1200074 184 1.07
5 29063 3592 1303 2.27% .038 new_order 3065614 473 1.67
payment 2114451 186 .364
order_status 211446 24.1 3.37
delivery 211447 232 3.80
stock_level 211445 28.8 .180
cust_report 1163288 222 1.77
6 27309 3590 1152 4.48% .025 new_order 2880532 560 4.76
payment 1986597 207 .322
order_status 198659 42.3 5.02
delivery 198660 277 6.57
stock_level 198661 41.6 8.88
cust_report 1092649 250 .471
7 26708 3588 1114 5.32% <0.01 new_order 2816514 646 4.32
payment 1942449 253 3.80
order_status 194245 38.8 12.1
delivery 194244 344 13.3
stock_level 194244 37.9 .350
cust_report 1068392 326 7.60
8 26465 3586 461 8.26% 1.50 new_order 2832298 760 7.24
payment 1953626 287 3.57
order_status 195364 48.4 3.82
delivery 195363 410 14.8
stock_level 195365 39.9 .370
cust_report 1074976 360 4.81

SPECjbb2005 Version: [SPECjbb2005 1.02, June 3, 2005]
Reporting page, Copyright © 2005 SPEC. All rights reserved

First published at SPEC.org on 01-Feb-2006