SPECjbb2000 30032 ops/s
IBM Corporation RS/6000 Model 7026-M80
IBM Corporation J2RE 1.2.2 IBM build ca122-19991217
SPEC license # 11, Tested by: IBM Corporation, Test date: May 30, 2000
SPEC scores
Warehouses Thrput
1 4679
2 9451
3 13724
4 17738
5 22370
6 25232
7 28197
* 8 31154
* 9 31091
* 10 30766
* 11 30447
* 12 29862
* 13 29939
* 14 29089
* 15 29216
* 16 28727
Throughput 30032
Vendor IBM Corporation | Vendor IBM Corporation
Vendor URL http://www.ibm.com | Vendor URL http://www.ibm.com
Model RS/6000 Model | Precompiler, if
7026-M80 | any
Processor RS64-III | Precompiler
MHz 500 | Command Line
# of Procs 8 cores, 8 chips, 1 | Way Precompiler
core/chip | Excludes Methods
Memory (MB) 4096 | JVM Version J2RE 1.2.2 IBM build
L1 Cache 128KBI+128KBD on | ca122-19991217
chip | Command Line java -ms1024m
L2 Cache 4MB(I+D) off chip | -mx1024m
Other Cache | -spec.jbb.JBBmain
Filesystem JFS | -propfile
Disks 1 x 9.1GB 7200rpm | SPECjbb.props
16-bit SCSI | Initial Heap Mem 1024
Other H/W | (MB)
| Max Heap Mem 1024
| (MB)
| JVM CLASSPATH ./jbb.jar:./jbb_no_p
| recompile.jar:./chec
| k.jar:./reporter.jar
| JVM /java1/ca122-1999121
| BOOTCLASSPATH 7/jre/sh/../bin:/jav
| a1/ca122-19991217/jr
| e/sh/../bin/classic:
| :/usr/lib
| OS Version AIX 4.3.3 plus APAR
| IY09807
| System state normal
| Other S/W
| Operating system
| tunings
| LI>vmtune -p 5 -P 95
Tested by IBM Corporation
SPEC License 11
Test Location Austin, TX
Test Date May 30, 2000
JVM available Jun-2000
H/w available Jun-2000
OS available Jun-2000
Other s/w
* Details of Runs
Wh Score Tot. Used Thread elapsed Trans. Type Count Resp. Time (s)
Heap Heap spread > 120s total max
(MB) (MB) % %
1 4679 1024.0 27.4 <0.01 .010 new_order 244138 72.8 .343
payment 244140 23.0 .012
order_status 24414 2.39 <0.01
delivery 24414 5.25 <0.01
stock_level 24414 9.69 .010
2 9451 1024.0 45.2 1.39 <0.01 new_order 493146 144 .407
payment 493149 49.1 .405
order_status 49316 4.62 <0.01
delivery 49315 10.7 <0.01
stock_level 49313 21.5 .397
3 13724 1024.0 61.4 .624 <0.01 new_order 716059 219 .470
payment 716053 72.8 .460
order_status 71607 6.85 <0.01
delivery 71605 15.4 .014
stock_level 71607 31.2 .469
4 17738 1024.0 78.0 2.90 <0.01 new_order 925549 287 .534
payment 925541 96.5 .534
order_status 92554 9.11 <0.01
delivery 92556 20.7 .011
stock_level 92554 42.1 .525
5 22370 1024.0 96.9 2.34 <0.01 new_order 1167251 369 .614
payment 1167247 117 .612
order_status 116727 11.5 <0.01
delivery 116725 25.5 <0.01
stock_level 116726 50.3 .607
6 25232 1024.0 112.9 2.30 <0.01 new_order 1316494 441 .676
payment 1316491 142 .675
order_status 131650 14.6 .643
delivery 131649 29.5 .016
stock_level 131653 62.8 .678
7 28197 1024.0 129.6 1.81 <0.01 new_order 1471289 513 .739
payment 1471283 166 .732
order_status 147130 15.1 .013
delivery 147128 35.0 .695
stock_level 147128 75.4 .757
8 31154 1024.0 147.5 2.45 <0.01 new_order 1625460 590 .817
payment 1625479 186 .813
order_status 162547 16.7 .010
delivery 162546 39.1 .760
stock_level 162546 85.6 .817
9 31091 1024.0 164.1 3.92 <0.01 new_order 1622295 670 .900
payment 1622303 210 .880
order_status 162231 19.1 .203
delivery 162229 42.8 .868
stock_level 162231 95.9 .893
10 30766 1024.0 179.3 6.49 <0.01 new_order 1605300 745 1.68
payment 1605313 235 .929
order_status 160530 20.5 .110
delivery 160533 47.5 .901
stock_level 160528 104 .937
11 30447 1024.0 194.7 4.56 <0.01 new_order 1588679 829 1.25
payment 1588674 252 1.10
order_status 158868 23.2 .949
delivery 158872 51.1 .956
stock_level 158869 111 .991
12 29862 1024.0 209.3 4.87 <0.01 new_order 1558160 896 1.28
payment 1558176 285 1.28
order_status 155817 24.5 1.01
delivery 155819 52.7 .295
stock_level 155818 127 1.74
13 29939 1024.0 226.5 4.95 <0.01 new_order 1562152 961 1.47
payment 1562146 310 1.18
order_status 156215 27.4 1.08
delivery 156216 60.7 1.07
stock_level 156213 135 1.79
14 29089 1024.0 242.5 3.38 <0.01 new_order 1517785 1056 1.39
payment 1517790 323 1.31
order_status 151778 30.7 1.25
delivery 151781 62.4 1.19
stock_level 151779 141 1.18
15 29216 1024.0 258.1 6.00 <0.01 new_order 1524468 1117 1.51
payment 1524460 353 1.31
order_status 152444 31.6 1.20
delivery 152443 72.8 1.21
stock_level 152445 157 2.00
16 28727 1024.0 273.8 2.92 .017 new_order 1499077 1205 1.49
payment 1499068 364 1.32
order_status 149908 34.4 1.26
delivery 149908 75.5 1.37
stock_level 149910 167 1.68
SPECjbb2000 Version: [SPECjbb2000 1.0, May 16, 2000]
Reporting page (C) Copyright SPEC, 2000-2002. All rights reserved