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Standard Performance Evaluation Corporation

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SPECjAppServer2004 (RETIRED: November 30, 2010)

SPECjAppServer2004 (Java Application Server) is a multi-tier benchmark for measuring the performance of Java 2 Enterprise Edition (J2EE) technology-based application servers. SPECjAppServer2004 is an end-to-end application which exercises all major J2EE technologies implemented by compliant application servers as follows:

  • The web container, including servlets and JSPs
  • The EJB container
  • EJB2.0 Container Managed Persistence
  • JMS and Message Driven Beans
  • Transaction management
  • Database connectivity

Moreover, SPECjAppServer2004 also heavily exercises all parts of the underlying infrastructure that make up the application environment, including hardware, JVM software, database software, JDBC drivers, and the system network.

11/23/2010 - SPECjAppServer2004 is being retired in favor of its successor, SPECjEnterprise2010. New result submissions will be accepted through November 30, 2010. After that time, no further submissions will be accepted and the benchmark will be retired.

02/02/2007 - SPECjAppServer2004 has been updated to version 1.08. This version introduces a new workload (EAStress) enabled by a special research run mode, for use in research and development environments where it is not possible or practical to abide by all of the run rules of the official benchmark. For example, in an open source development environment, the research mode may be used on a partially completed, and therefore uncertified, application server and the results may be publicly discussed in a developer's mailing list without being first reviewed by SPEC. The research workload is intended exclusively for exploratory research and development purposes and SPEC discourages its use for any marketing collateral. Comparisons with SPECjAppServer2004 results are not permitted. The original SPECjAppServer2004 workload remains unchanged. For more information see the updated benchmark documentation and the release notes.

Existing licensees of previous versions of the suite may request a version 1.08 CD by contacting the SPEC office.

11/15/2006 - The Run Rules have been updated to version 1.04.

03/13/2006 - The Run Rules, User Guide and FAQ have been updated.

10/14/2005 - The Run Rules and User Guide have been updated.

07/05/2005 - An update to the Run and Reporting Rules has been published.

05/25/2005 - SPECjAppServer2004 has been updated to version 1.05. See the release notes for the changes. Existing licensees who would like to obtain version 1.05 should contact the SPEC office.

07/08/2004 - SPECjAppServer2004 has been updated to version 1.03. See the release notes for the changes.


Submitted Results
Text and HTML results for the SPECjAppServer2004 metrics; includes all results submitted to SPEC from licensees of the benchmark.
Flag Descriptions
Explanations from the testers defining the tuning flags used in generating the results.


SPECjAppServer2004 Benchmark Press Release
Benchmark announcement day press release materials.
SPECjAppServer2004 Benchmark Documentation
Vendor Specific Configuration Information
A page containing links to vendor sites with specific installation, configuration, and tuning information for the SPECjAppServer2004 benchmark.

Order Your Own Copy of SPECjAppServer2004
Go to the online order form to purchase this and any other SPEC/OSG benchmark.